

21 Feb

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here’s one thing I like to do–

As soon as I realize “This is a person I’d like to group up with again”, I ask them if they’re in any Communities they really like, and would be open to having me join. I’ve ended up in a few interesting Communities as a result.

And Communities show up in the Social tab of your Blizzard Battlenet App (the launcher). Really convenient.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct


PTR General Discussion forum here.

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve been following this subject quite closely ...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the next PTR build*, we’re looking to test this change:

  • Now, If your primary target of Fists of Fury is dead or despawns, a new primary target will be picked for the purposes of dealing bonus damage to the primary target. It will pick the closest thing to you, unless you already have something else targeted that’s going to be hit by the damage spell.

So this is similar to how Eye Beam picks a target. It should also address Open Palm Strikes (Azerite Trait) sometimes stopping proccing because your main Fists of Fury target has died.

*This should be soon, but it may be in the public build following the very next one.

20 Feb

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

And which PvP activity you’re participating in. 3v3 fills the bar faster than 2v2, and Rated Battleground wins fill the bar faster than Arenas.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

130+ replies and not a single mention of Highmountain Tauren?

I’m not saying I’d want all of my characters to forever carry Moozy on their backs, but … yes, actually, yes I am saying that.

17 Feb

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct


I like cooking.

16 Feb


To protect home, and family

To preserve balance, and bring harmony

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

OMG yes. I’ve been in two losing Warfronts.

A confluence of people who do non-objective things (exploring the zone to see what it looks like and where the boundaries are, spending a lot of time reading the detailed offerings at the various buildings, going deep into the mine and then getting carried away fighting mobs in there, etc.) can easily get overrun by the defending faction.

But that’s hopefully a learning experience for those participants.

15 Feb

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’d personally like a Fire Mage at level 110, to level to 120 and go DPS my face off.

Super fun IMO.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

It also depends a lot, in my opinion, on what you like to do. I find that leveling my Shaman is best in dungeons, and I flip over to my leveling Hunter when I want to do solo stuff.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re coming together to test the new Wintergrasp epic battleground experience in the 8.1.5 PTR, and would love for you to join us!

On Tuesday, February 19, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Pacific time (5:00 p.m. Eastern), we’ll be queueing up for Wintergrasp. Get your PTR character(s) ready at level 120 on the Broxigar server, and then at 2:00 p.m.:

  • Open Group Finder (default hotkey: i)
  • Select the Player vs. Player tab
  • Select Quick Match
  • In the dropdown, choose “Specific Battlegrounds”
  • Select “Wintergrasp” and then hit the Join Battle button

Thank you very much, and we look forward to bombarding some frozen walls with you!

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, friend.

… I didn’t know.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello. Just wanted to put this here for reference:

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Cantaloupe forever.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Following up on some items that stemmed from this:

  • We’re fixing the 8.1.5 PTR so that Fury of Xuen stacks are now cleared when you start a boss encounter.

  • In 8.1.5, the Glory of the Dawn artifact trait will now deal 35% increased damage while Storm, Earth, and Fire is active.

Your two clones will still not deal damage or generate any Chi for you, but the trait’s damage will increase in value as it would with any other % damage increasing ability, such as Serenity.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve got two words for you:

Mimiron’s. Head.

Seriously. I’m kind of amazed at how many people I’ve known (including me) who got that amazing mount in the first few … dozen tries.

On the other hand, I’ve still never gotten Poundfist. Which seems like a cinch. I just never find him spawned when I go looking.

14 Feb

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is my favorite bonus event week.

While my favorite pet is still Lil Rag, I use a couple of addons that bust out a pet regularly in various situations. For example, I really like automatically summoning Muckbreath/Snarly/Toothy/Chuck when I start fishing.

My favorite renamed pet is my Dragon Kite, which has gone through many names, and is currently known as Shockolate. You know … because it occasionally shocks you.

My question for this week is always: what’s the PBPvP team du jour? And what will you be using to counter it? And then what will you switch to to counter that counter?

Okay that was three questions...

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Hello! There are four things to report so far–

  • The Storm, Earth, and Fire + Mark of the Crane interactions should be fixed in 8.1.5
  • Pressure Point should work with Storm, Earth, and Fire in 8.1.5
  • Dance of Chi-Ji should work with Storm, Earth, and Fire in 8.1.5
  • We’re still investigating the Glory of the Dawn trait.

Thank you for the bug reports.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct


After investigating this, we think there is some discrepancy between the cooldown shown on the action bar and the cooldown shown on the tooltip.

We believe that we’ve got this fixed in 8.1.5, and so far we haven’t been able to reproduce it in the 8.1.5 PTR.

We’ll keep an eye on it, and thank you for the heads-up.