

02 Jan

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, i fixed the loot tables for this quest with another player, if you have hard time finding an item can you tell me which item is it? Thanks.

01 Jan

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by OTNekrage:
Originally posted by Kaldorei:
But having an achievement that is obtainable only if you complete the game in a specific difficulty without changing isn't the kind of challenge for that?

Ohh no it is for sure. Sorry if I seemed like I didn't agree. Just would like to see more than 1 achievement. Beef it up :) one for each boss.

Ever consider beefing that up a bit an giving some "true ending" or additional boss if you play on the hardest dif...
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    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah we're sorry it's just that there is so much to handle and balance for our small team that it's very hard to manage everything at once.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by OTNekrage:
Originally posted by Survival Gamer:
What is the purpose? No one makes anyone change their difficulty level.

No integrity.

Originally posted by Kaldorei:
We may add an achievement for n...
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    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The game will end on Chapter 7-8 that is condensed into one large chapter and will be released alongside the v1 that will released "spring-ish" indeed ^^.

31 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draven: Thank you for getting back. Looks like a good time to see how high the light house goes.

Actually i didn't receive your save in my mails, can you send it to me through another way please?
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Weapon crafting is actually extremely unbalanced, we are working on a big rebalance of the loot table for weapon crafting materials but it's gonna take a while sorry.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Survival Gamer:
Originally posted by Draven: I find myself swapping difficulty on occasion and I feel like I'm cheating but your right. Once you start your game and select which difficulty you desire that should be that, only way to change is a new game.

We may add an achievement for not changing the difficulty through the game but we don't want people to feel trapped into their difficulty settings.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draven: Is there only a small amount of people with this problem? It kinda sux, I've done all side quests and can't level up anymore where I'm at. I hate to stop playing only to come back a few months later, totally ruins the game for me.

I actually posted your issue on our bugtracker and assigned it to someone that work on the game flow to see if he can reproduce it but many of the team are on holidays for 2 weeks
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Orlander: Hi !
My characters are around level 40 (slighty lower : 37-49), I have 4 characters, and I just finished the Vanguard mission. At this point, I only have "basic" weapons versions (white, green and purple, with +1 to +2 modifiers. I have recipes for Selene et Ysoris but none for Daryon (even if I looted a coruscantis blade recipe in the junkyard but it does not appear). As already mentionned, I can't crafted these since I lack titanium scraps (found the crafting table, checked the recipes).
I saw screenchots of named weapons (weapons with prefixes on top of the +X modifier). I spent several hours farming mobs in several areas (level 40 mobs) and the lighthouse (floor 21-30, mobs lvl 40) but can't get better weapons. I am still running a white coruscantis (or whatever) and white and green weapons for other characters.

I feel (but may be wrong) that there is something weird about ...
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    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, recycling system use the crafting recipe of an item (even if the recipe is not lootable) items that are not recyclable are items that does not have yet a crafting recipe

30 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by downanime000: They do that because if you got killed by random enemies or boss, you still keep all of your progress. The problem I have with the lighthouse is that it doesn't give me exp anymore on later floor. I did floor 40-50 where enemies are around lv.60 while I'm at level 49 but I gain no exp.

Hello, the XP cap in the lighthouse is calculated on your main quest progress to prevent being too strong for the rest of the story, the XP cap is fully removed when you finish the game

29 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Midiurin: please solve the bug that happens after killing the first boss on the loading screen for the next one, it gets stuck and doesn't load on the next screen. please resolve.


Hello, there is no known such bugs, the only case known is if your RAM is below the minimum requirements

28 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, indeed we add achievements as the development goes, for the prologue it have been added last year so more ppl completed chapter 1 than the prologue

27 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draven: I'm not on discord or I would.

Send it to [email protected] then please.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draven: I'm on the main quest Lost Feather and supposed to go to Elysian Fields. But when I get to the area on my map nothing happens, if I pass it, it's the same. I tried reloading the game, can't go any further. Am I doing something wrong?

Hello, please send me your save on Discord (Kaldorei), the map is supposed to load when you have the quest or completed it.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Draven: The last boss fight in the junk yard........................ffs. rage quit, i'll come back in a few weeks. Some of these fights are ridiclous.

Hello, did you try in lower difficulty?

26 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Abradolf Linkler: Not being able to rebind keys is probably my #1 reason for refunding a game if I don't like the default.

I can live with bad graphics, I can sometimes live with bad writing, I never tolerate bad keybindings though that cannot be changed.

I do see the store page says full controller support though, if those can be rebound it's probably a non-issue for me. But...you may want to rethink your stance on that regardless, I can't tell you if the amount of work to lost sales / refunds is worthwhile or not, but I can tell you I've seen a plethora of posts in other games about the same issue... I actually refunded Final Fantasy 7 just because you cant use the d-pad on a controller in the steam ve...
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25 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your RAM amount is enough for the game but if you have something like a webbrowser running in front you can have this kind of issues, you can enable the texture streaming mode in the graphics settings it helps with low memory also please make sure that you close softwares like web browsers that eat a lot of RAM, i'm nearly sure that it's an out of memory issue (You crash because you reach the openworld that require more memory to run, it use ~4GB of memory but OS can take up to 2GB and webbrowser too so it can quickly overrun your memory)
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Anima: Oh and Merry Chtristmas :steamhappy:

Thank you, all of those are easily fixable issues and will be before the final release, thanks for your feedbacks and have a merry christmas.