

25 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, can you give me your PC specs please?
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, actually we released the last chapter before the release meaning that we already released 85% of the full content actually, i dunno how we can be closer to a release.

24 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, if you can list your biggest issues (with details if possible) we can fix them (not just balance is bad or something like that but precise about the balancing like if you want to have more weapons at a specific point of the game or if you feel like a monster or a boss is too powerful, etc...), the game is so large that if we don't have feedbacks on the balance we will not pull a good balance on the game that's why your feedback is invaluable.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually it's extremely hard to add (due to key prompt) tha actual keybinding system is easy to do but displaying tutorial and dynamic key prompt with the right key icon is very complicated and the feature is not very demanded so it have very low priority and may not happen

21 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually while we are working and playtesting the game we don't experience a lot of those issues that's why they are not fixed, if you experience issues and have a clear and efficient reproduction method for the bugs that you encounter you can post it in the game bugtracker using the report tool, if the repro method is clear and working we can fix the bug in no time and it's super helpful thanks

20 Dec

Bugfixes and adjustments:

  • Fixed a bug that was making the battle UI flicker during battles using a controller
  • Nerfed Oboros Selene boss
  • Fixed a possible softlock during the crystal and equipment tutorials when opening and closing the menu very fast
  • Moved some chests that was unreachable in Chapter VI
  • Improved the display of a few UI in 21:9 and 32:9 ratios
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the back button could close the whole UI instead of just getting back
  • Fixed an issue where the water in the Oboros tower scene could be black and make the postprocessings leak
  • Added retroactive unlock for special attacks
  • Added variscitium in loot pool of Ores from Chapter IV and Chapter VI
  • Fixed a bug where DLSS could make damage UI and aura texts jitter
  • Added a minimap and a reveal system in the lighthouse
Read more
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, main difference will be bug fixes, polish and balancing in terms of content there will be also the chapter vii and the chapter 0.5 (0.5 will be released in january)
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, before there was a scrolling text explaining the backstory of Daryon now it's playable as the real intro of the game

18 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by xMilie: https://www.zupimages.net/up/20/51/xngo.png

Le souci ce ne serait pas la save auto qui baise la save vanguard ? vu que le bug apparait en premier sur le "continuer" donc la "save auto"
Peut on supprimer la save auto, dans ce cas la save vanguard marcherait-elle?

Et au pire, la save la plus vieille, marcherait-elle ? ou c'est tout le jeu qui est baisé ? j'ose pas relancer la plus vieille save, au risque de la tuer elle aussi

Pourrais tu m'envoyer ta save sur Discord en MP, je suis sur le Discord EOE (Kaldorei).

En te remerciant
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually this rework is only the first of a serie of multiple reworks, i plan to add a discoverable map that will be revealed when you go through the rooms, as for the rewards there is modifiers in the work that would provide huge rewards at the cost of a risk etc, we just dropped the base for the full rework on this patch.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Waffle Washer: Ah, gotcha. From what I've played SSR seems to be doing an aggressive enough job to simulate well enough. Thanks!

Yes SSR is good enough but tbh EOE is not much a glossy game so it does not take much advantage of SSR or RT reflections, RTGI would improve lighting tho.
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, je transmet a la team, en te remerciant

17 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, the blinking is fixed in the latest hotfix
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, we are working on a system for retroactive unlock that will hit the game in a few hotfix patches

16 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, there will be no raytracing implementations in the game as we are using the legacy render pipeline on Unity and raytracing is only supported with HDRP, We implemented DLSS for a future update tho.

15 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Iratus: OP likely doesn't meet minimum system requirements so once he entered the fields at the very start of game it froze because too much to render.

This isn't a potato friendly game sorry to say.

The Chapter 6 patch will be a lot more optimized for low memory and low end computers :), we'll update the requirements to match the new criterias

14 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ¤º†™k0b0ld™†º¤: Is not work .. When you example lvl 40
And go back to defeat the plant.

Comes level synchronously! and you will go back to level 31 immediately

Play this with cheats .. Midgar have dont really a plan for RPG-Games or Jrpg!
This game is to closed, for a good rpg game!
Or having better damage with armor.

Actually you can disable level sync in the interface and difficulty menu, it's up to how you want to experience the game :)

13 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, reinstalling the game could fix your issue
    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, can you make me a video so can see what happen?

10 Dec

    Kaldorei on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Tbh it's something we are discussing internally and with potential partners to add an additional japanese VA (but english VA will remain main VA anyway), nothing sure yet it's just basic discussions