Hello, can you give me your PC specs please?
Originally posted by xMilie: https://www.zupimages.net/up/20/51/xngo.png
Le souci ce ne serait pas la save auto qui baise la save vanguard ? vu que le bug apparait en premier sur le "continuer" donc la "save auto"
Peut on supprimer la save auto, dans ce cas la save vanguard marcherait-elle?
Et au pire, la save la plus vieille, marcherait-elle ? ou c'est tout le jeu qui est baisé ? j'ose pas relancer la plus vieille save, au risque de la tuer elle aussi
Originally posted by Waffle Washer: Ah, gotcha. From what I've played SSR seems to be doing an aggressive enough job to simulate well enough. Thanks!
Originally posted by Iratus: OP likely doesn't meet minimum system requirements so once he entered the fields at the very start of game it froze because too much to render.
This isn't a potato friendly game sorry to say.
Originally posted by ¤º†™k0b0ld™†º¤: Is not work .. When you example lvl 40
And go back to defeat the plant.
Comes level synchronously! and you will go back to level 31 immediately
Play this with cheats .. Midgar have dont really a plan for RPG-Games or Jrpg!
This game is to closed, for a good rpg game!
Or having better damage with armor.