Hey HyenaHiena,
Yes, there are a lot of premium ships at Tier VIII but which ones in particular do you want to discuss?
Let us take a trip down memory lane real quick. Clan Battles has never used Tier VIII, ranked Season 10 was the last season that had Tier VIII ships and that was only for ranks 23-16, tier X was used the rest of the way. If you had played Ranked before and had some success you received bonus stars and typically skipped straight to where you use Tier Xs. You can take it back even further if you want to "Supremacy League" and talk about using Tier VIII, but the teams were larger and CVs were there.
Granted Ranked is different than "organized" CBs but I am just showing you the last time Tier VIII was used. Back to my original question, what premiums at Tier VIII do you think might be "meta-warping"?
There are plenty of tech tree ships that will see play as well: Amagi, North Carolina, Chapayev, Benson, ...
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