

18 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Sooo it seems like there is a little bit of excitement in here? =). Did anyone watch the stream and if you did, what are your first impressions of the Italian cruisers? There will be Developer's Blogs in the near future that will share more information for you all.

Thoughts on what was said about no HE, some consumables not being available for the line and the high alpha/low dpm guns?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey uglykid,

Good effort on trying to win the game! From your screenshots it looks like a tier V and VI game so you had a decent shot at carrying the match. You did more than your fair share for your team to have a chance at winning, but it looks like 3 of the bottom 4 ships on your team XP wise were DDs. With the amount of XP they earned it looks like they might have charged the cap early and got destroyed? This will have a substantial effect on the game from the get go if you lose your DDs that early.

This has happened to a lot of us in the past and it will happen in the future, just keep your head up and know you did what you could!

Again good match and thanks for sharing.

17 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Edgecase,

Permanent camouflage cost for those DDs, stats are located at the bottom of the article.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


That is quite understandable because there is a lot of information thrown at you. With this event there are two different things going on: The Symbols of France and the Republic tokens. The way they work together is certain tiers, you can earn Republic tokens for "knocking off" the Symbol of France tokens (Tier VII and up).

Simplified: Earn Republic tokens and buy items in the Armory with them.

Symbols of France: "Knock" these off and get either coal or Republic tokens.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Soleluv,

Whenever a new ship is announced you will find this information on the Developer's Blog. The ships are generally announced with the stats of the ships when they get put on the Developer's Blog.


This is a great place to look for information on ships that are being tested. You can also find out when changes are made to ships that are currently in testing.

For example:

This Developer's Blog post is talking about the Hayate and Thunderer with stats included.

Is this the type of information you are looking for?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey EyE_dYe_QuIck,

Republic Tokens is the new name for the "rotating" currency that has been used in previous events. The names on the tokens will change to correspond with the event/arc that is active at the time.

When it comes to the "Symbols of France" these will act like snowflakes that were knocked off during the winter event of 0.7.12. Remember, you can only knock off the "Symbol of France" one time off of each ship during update 0.8.6.

What walls are you referring to?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We will have an update to this guide soon! Anything in particular you want to see as the topic?

I am thinking target prioritization will be the next topic! Look for it later this week.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey VeatherVitch,

Awesome choice, personally I don't have the best of luck in the USN CLs but hopefully you can make her work! The Boise is a great ship and I see a lot of captains like her. Congrats also on getting one of the ships that you were hoping for out of the crates!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

The Perth is a ship that I do not have a lot of experience in or have played enough to call myself an expert on it. There is someone on this forum that loves the Perth *looks at fem*. The Perth does have some interesting things going for it: rolling smoke, HE and AP and torpedoes. These are all great tools if utilized correctly to make you a dangerous ship.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With the ongoing Summer Sale, what ships have you picked up and why?

The Krasny Krym is a funny ship to play and I say that for a couple of reasons. First off, you got a bunch of guns that you can use AFT on to get their range out to like 16km. Nothing like a Krasny Krym spinning in the back shooting those guns off at max range. The second thing that I find interesting about the Krasny Krym is the ability to swing from side to side and fire your guns.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey HyenaHiena,

Yes, there are a lot of premium ships at Tier VIII but which ones in particular do you want to discuss?

Let us take a trip down memory lane real quick. Clan Battles has never used Tier VIII, ranked Season 10 was the last season that had Tier VIII ships and that was only for ranks 23-16, tier X was used the rest of the way. If you had played Ranked before and had some success you received bonus stars and typically skipped straight to where you use Tier Xs. You can take it back even further if you want to "Supremacy League" and talk about using Tier VIII, but the teams were larger and CVs were there.

Granted Ranked is different than "organized" CBs but I am just showing you the last time Tier VIII was used. Back to my original question, what premiums at Tier VIII do you think might be "meta-warping"?

There are plenty of tech tree ships that will see play as well: Amagi, North Carolina, Chapayev, Benson, ...

Read more

15 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey WoWShoea,

What list of winners are you talking about? Was this a stream giveaway?

Thanks for the information!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for your feedback on the latest rendition of Naval Battles. Please know that we are trying to keep Naval Battles fresh and enjoyable. Yes, earning ribbons is different from what it has been in the past but this is just a different way to do Naval Battles.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry for the double post!

Hey MarkaRagnos,

Glad you had a great time at the Yorktown and the Anchors Away Tour. What about the Yorktown was the most exciting part to see? You mention going to another event in the future, any thoughts on which one?

Hey drakoolia,

I saw you in the registration line I believe with your two pups! Thanks for making the journey and sharing the day with us!

Hey Skraeling,

That is awesome that he did that for you. Are you going to give the patch to your dad? Thanks for making the long drive to the Yorktown!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey uggferron,

Thanks for coming out and enjoying the Yorktown with us! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you that attended and please don't hesitate to ask us questions on the forums if you have them =).

I also love the history of ships and being able to see a ship with such a storied history as the Yorktown is a treat for me!

Hey, listening is part of our job and we enjoy talking to you captains!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! I remember this map!

Captains, what are your thoughts on the new map and the new mode?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

In regards to the Type 10 Benham camouflage, the stats on the permanent camouflage are incorrect. They should be the same bonuses as the "Master of Water World" permanent camouflage.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and this will be fixed with the release of 0.8.6.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

In regards to the Philippe Auboyneau's talents, you asked earlier about can you stack these.

The answer is: YES! All of the talents for Philippe Auboyneau can be stacked more than once, so take that into consideration when these talents start to activate.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is correct, Developer's Blog posts will be in the Developer's Corner. Please comment there and let us know what you think!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is always a great topic to bring up in regards to captain's skills. I almost always recommend CE as your first tier 4 captain skill because you want to be able to have the opportunity to break contact and this helps. The Soviet BBs are a little different in that they do have the limited DCP uses, so I would tend to agree and take FP first as you grind up. I think this also depends on how far along with the captain you are, if it is your first tier 4 captain skill you honestly can't go wrong either way, but FP might be the better choice based on the Soviet BB playstyle.

Feel free to check out this guide I wrote up and see if it has some information that can help you =). Good luck with the Sinop, the ship is a blast to play!