

09 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey The_Massacrerer,

Kuznetsov would be my choice, he has good abilities and you can use him on multiple ships. The Murmansk is a decent premium but if you have an Omaha/Marblehead it plays the same (granted not Russian so there is that).

Let us know what ship(s) you try Kuznetsov on and how it goes. I personally put him on the Kremlin and he is happy =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Flint_The_Pirate,

When it comes to this in-game mission in particular you will/would receive credits if you already own the Texas. The details for this are in the article: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/july-missions-2019/

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey psychobinary,

One thing you have to remember is Savage Battles is a special in-game event. Ships go faster, torpedoes go faster and everything is sped up. One thing is the torpedo aiming reticle will show you are ready to fire but you have to make sure the torpedo launchers are also facing the right direction. You can see the torpedo launchers on the model of the ship swinging around to the right angle. In Savage Battles things happen so quickly so this might be something you are experiencing.

Hopefully this helps!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SeddrikFrost,

Ranked Sprint is designed to be more casual than other in-game competitive events like Ranked or Clan Battles. The reason why the limit to a division of 2 is because the teams are smaller (6 team members) than normal games. Think of it this way, if you have a normal division of 3 ships in a match of 6 versus 6 that is 50% of the team. If you and your division is 50% of the team that is a lot of control over the game that the other team will have to match. With Ranked Sprint you do have to match up equally on both teams with divisions.

Team work is definitely important in the game but we want to make sure the balance is also fair in the match. the reason why you can division with 3 players in a random battle is because you have larger teams.

Glad you enjoyed Ranked Sprint and good luck in the next one!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The Yamato is a ship that I have played a lot of battles in and still feels great! Yes, the Yamato has been in the game for years now, there are plenty of shiny new "cars" on the lot but the ol' girl keeps on kicking. The Yamato has a lot of advantages going for her but these are set off by some pretty steep advantages which can be magnified against a good opponent. Let us go over these real quick!


Largest guns in the game (460mm) and can overmatch 32mm armor.

Very resilient to taking damage with thick deck armor and turret armor.

Torpedo bulges that keep the Yamato from taking massive damage from individual torpedoes.

Very accurate at range with good dispersion (mostly).

Large health pool that is only surpassed by 2 other ships.

Arguably the one of the best unique upgrades in the game.


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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Crimson_19,

I don't think the Mahan is underrated just maybe underused, there are just some ships that might do things better than her. The Mahan is a ship that if you play USN DDs well you can make work and be effective during a match. The Mahan does have some positives going for it like: the 3 sets of torpedo tubes, decent health pool and USN DD guns. What the Mahan doesn't have going for it is the large silhouette on a slow DD for its tier, which means you will take a lot of damage if you are not paying attention.

Congrats on ranking out in the Mahan!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey KSN,

Ships that will be "rewards" for NTC will go through the same balancing process as other ships. The main difference is to earn these ships you will have to use the NTC instead of some other resource in the game like coal. You can keep an eye on the changes/progress of test ships by following the Developer's Blog.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Spooky39,

You are not required at all to re-grind a line if you don't want to but you would if you want to use the NTC. This will be optional and only if you want to take advantage of some of the unique content that you can get, but by no means is it mandatory. There will not be any direct performance buffs in the NTC, so it will be up to you if you want to do the grind again for the resource that the NTC will provide.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


Congrats on getting the Krasny Krym from a supercontainer. The Krasny is not that bad of a ship when you pair it with the correct captain skills. Krasny has a lot of guns and can take advantage of using AFT to get its range out to around 16km, but the shells do get quite floaty that far out. The Krasny holds it own in tier 6 matches but it becomes rough in tier 7 matches, making you have to take advantage of AFT if you can.

Good luck and give the Kransy a shot!

Hey BarneyStyle,

Contact support and they should be able to restore the ship to your account as long as you meet the conditions that you can find here: https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/23024/

Please make sure you read this page and fill out the support ticket correctly =).

08 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Sorry for the delay in discussing this today, I look forward to doing this tomorrow.

Please if you have any other ideas on this spawn arrangement and what you would do, let us know. Play close attention to the size of the map and the side of the map this is showing you spawned on.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey GSXstage1,

Nice job playing a ship that doesn't get much of the spotlight. The Abruzzi is an interesting ship with its gun layout and long range (slow) torpedoes. I believe the Abruzzi also has a heal if I am not mistaken? Congrats on reaching Rank 1!

Question for everyone else: Any ships that you ranked out with that you don't see a lot or feel might be underrated? This can be a combination of a couple of ships.

My choice would be the Ash*taka for underrated ships. I was playing with a friend the other night and he was like "try the Ash*taka", I laughed but then started having a lot of success with it.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Edgecase,

Thanks for your feedback. With your idea when it comes to the "I am using radar" line, how would you go about letting everyone else know? Would the mini-map pulse or something?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With the proposed changes to in-game chat, what are your thoughts?

Do you feel this is a welcomed addition to the game? Why?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Markk9,

Congrats on unlocking one of the most versatile ships in the game! I see that you also have Ovechkin on there as your captain. There are plenty of players on the forums that love to play the Des Moines and would be glad to give you some tips on how to play it correctly.

Again, congrats and have you had a chance to play a few matches?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Looking at this screenshot the OP's team is setup to contest B if needed and also to move into B if the opportunity arises. OP, looking at where you died it seems you went off on your own to the cap that the enemy had in control. The match is also 6 minutes old, so there is a lot that can still develop as the game goes along. A Ranked game is not a sprint and the longer you are alive the more impact you can have on the map. I also see there are no DDs in this game so capping the "neutral" cap is going to be tougher.

Question: What was your thought process to go to the cap alone in an Atlanta and not stick with your team by B?

You say that you were the only one "pushing up" but looking at the map the rest of your team stayed together and could concentrate fire on the enemy, while you seem to be the one out of position and died for it.

This is a great example of positioning matters and it is a t...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Khafni,

It is good to see that you are trying the Saipan out in Co-Op before you take her into random battles. This is a good way to learn the basics of the ship and to feel like you won't be a hindrance to your team when you do go to randoms. When you did go to randoms it looks like you are more than holding your own =). The only way you are going to get better in a ship is admit that you are not perfect and have room for improvement, you have done this and it is admirable.

Keep up the learning of the Saipan and the results will come! Good luck on your free XP grind =).

07 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Cheeezzy,

You can do this over multiple matches. These are just the requirements you need to complete for the mission.

Good luck!

Hey Gandariel,

You get Twitch drops by watching World of Warships streamers on Twitch. Make sure you have your World of Warships account linked to Twitch to get the drops.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey julea,

Congrats on getting 6 kills in Rogue Wave, that is a great feat! You also did a good amount of damage to get those kills which is equally impressive.

Captains, any of you have the same type of match as this?

05 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tips on Early Match Actions!

Hey Captains,

Today we are going to go over the early part of the match. We will cover what you do before you even click the "battle button" until a few minutes into the game and the action has started. Now, please note this will not be the same for every ship class, map or tier but we will try to cover it in general terms and give some examples. With the tips in this part of the guide I hope you will become more comfortable in your early match decisions and see how they can lead you to success later in the match.

Before Clicking the "Battle Button":

There are a few things I would suggest you check before you even hit that "battle button". Preparation before you go into battle is something that might be forgotten or downplayed as "routine".

This might sound funny but make sure you are in the correct ship. You don't want to end up in a situation that you go ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey dadeoo,

Are you referring to the whole PSA with this or is there something more specific that was announced?

Can you please elaborate on your post? We would like to discuss any concerns about the PSA, but we can't do that without some more details.
