

15 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear players!

We are aware of your interest in the way that ships announced in the Development Blog will be distributed.

Today, we are ready to inform you of the ways of distribution of the following ships:

Soviet tier X cruiser Smolensk will be available for coal.

American tier X destroyer Somers will be available for steel.

European tier IX destroyer Friesland will be available for free XP.

The release dates for these ships will be published later in the respective news channels on the game website.

Information about the ways of distribution of other ships announced in the Developer's blog will be published later.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

14 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you to everyone that came out and joined us on the Yorktown! We had a great time interacting with you, discussing World of Warships and seeing Patriot's Point! As Fem has said, we will get the pictures up from the event tomorrow!

The Community Team looks forward to seeing everyone at the Haida/Little Rock as the next stops on the AAT!

Awesome picture and glad you had a great time!

Hey GunnyShark,

The humidity was a new experience for this Cali raised kid =). We thank you all for the southern hospitality. These events are not necessarily about game experience, but more about meeting your fellow captains and getting a chance to see these awesome museums!

13 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update 0.8.7 will include the second part of the French destroyers event. It will be represented by one stage of the four directives.

For completing the tasks of the directives and taking places in the hall of fame of the event, you will get various ingame items, containers "Legion of Honour" and a new temporary resource -Gallic token.

The containers will reward players with elements of the new French collection and a chance to get a combat mission on one of the premium French ships: De Grasse, Aigle, Gascogne, Le Terrible.

A new collection dedicated to the French navy consisting of 4 parts is coming. For completing the sub-collections, you will be able to gain a second flag and alternative camouflage color scheme for French battleships and cruisers. For completing the whole collection, you will be able to mount a second flag and alternative camouflage color scheme for the French destroyers.

Gallic toke...

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12 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey HyenaHiena,

BBs are tanky but with the right amount of focus fire from your team a BB can be destroyed pretty quickly. Between the fires, floods and shell damage the BB can only live through so much. The problem you might run into is your team lacking focus fire which will allow low health BBs survive longer or escape on low health.

What tactics do you use to destroy BBs? Do you ping low health targets? Type it out in chat?


1. Focus fire on low health targets.

2. Ping enemy targets that just used their damage control.

What about BBs are you struggling with the most?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Happy668,

The Neptune is a ship that does take some care and preparation to play correctly. The Neptune does have high sides that are prone to damage but if you setup correctly you can deal out a lot of damage quickly.

The ship does have maneuverability that is somewhat lacking and the concealment is a little high. You do have to take these into account when picking your position on where to setup.


1. Pay attention to where you prepare and setup your smoke. While in the smoke make sure you are moving while you shoot because you will get shot at.

2. Do your best to not expose your sides of you can and make sure you use islands and cover appropriately.

3. Play smart, use your BBs to tank and deal out damage.

Good Luck!

11 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

New map 'Bering Sea' for tier VIII-X battles will be added to the game.

The map is at an early stage of testing and does not yet have a specific visual style, but some gameplay features are already known.

In addition to the standard spawn locations of the teams, a new concept of starting positions will be tested on the 'Bering Sea'. The idea is that the teams will start battle next to each other in one part of the map, divided only by a group of islands.

These spawn locations will be used in the "Domination" mode, as well as in the new "Breakthrough" test mode, where the teams will start moving in parallel courses to one or more neutral control areas at the other end of the map, in order to capture them. These changes should diversify the gameplay and increase the dynamics of the early stages of the battle.

Also, various options for the placement of control areas in the "Domination" mode will be tested ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey QQ_Whine_Moar,

This is a great topic to discuss and a positive one! Consistency is a topic that some players have achieved, some players strive for and some that are in the process of figuring it out. It is great seeing that you are trying to improve your consistency. Improving at this game is one of the things that takes repetition, time and the will to want to get better. Remember stats will improve as your play improves, these coincide with each other. It takes hundreds of games to learn the right way to read the map, team lineups, ships strengths/weaknesses and every other integral part of the game.

To really get good at this game you have to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from them. You have to be willing to not blame teammates all the time and look at yourself in the mirror and ask what could I have done better. Take advice from experienced players that offer it and try to apply that to your play (not always possible). This game...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey MakersMike,

So the German cruiser line is quite interesting in progression while you move through the middle tiers. You start off with ships that are light cruiser caliber, get the Yorck with its unique gun size and then you get the standard 203mms. I am going to list what I would recommend and use (there will definitely be variations).

This is my current build: https://worldofwarships.com/en/content/captains-skills/?skills=3,8,12,14,17,23,28&ship=Cruiser

With 10 points I would focus on getting:

Priority Target (must)

Expert Marksman (must)

Superintendent (you can also use Demo Expert here)

Concealment Expert (must)

Once you start getting your points past 10 is where you get the chance to bui...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey arch4random,

The next Ranked Sprint will be starting today. You can find all the details in the Ranked Sprint article: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/general-news/ranked-sprint-5/


Ranked Sprint is designed to be a more casual in-game mode. There are multiple competitive modes in game that are more of a challenge. Ranked Sprint is there to be a casual mode that you can try new and different things out. There are ships that many players haven't played in awhile that they are using in Ranked Sprint. I for one was one of those players, I used the Ash*taka which I never would have thought about playing.

Good luck and enjoy Ranked Sprint 6!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BB3_Oregon_Steel,

Looking at the line the first thing I would notice is also the lack of the smoke generator. Without the smoke generator how does that change your thinking in playing these DDs. Would that mean you are less inclined to go into the cap because you have no way of breaking line of sight? Would you play the supporting role DD (behind the capping DD) and sit a few kms back and help deal damage to the enemy DD? The other two things that are quite noticeable about these DDs are the torpedo speeds at high tier and the ship speed.

What are your thoughts captains on making these two characteristics work? Torpedo speed and ship speed. Hit and run? Kiting away torps?

10 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Iron_Dog,

Tier VIII Japanese battleship Kii:

Armor of citadel deck increased from 22 to 32 mm.

After penetrating the armor belt of the Kii, shells with a caliber of 356 mm and more didn't ricochet against the thin armor of the citadel deck and penetrated it. To increase the survivability of the ship, the armor was increased from 22 to 32 mm.

I believe this is what you are looking for and it was announced in a previous Developer's Blog:

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Tpaktop2_1,

Congrats on finishing Ranked Spring 5! So from what I see you used the Sinop and the Z-39 and had success.

I actually used the Ash*taka and found it surprising. The Ash*taka is squishy as can be but the guns do hit hard especially at Tier VII.

Have you thought about what you will use for Ranked Sprint 6? Any other ships you want to try that you think will be a surprise?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Edgecase,

The "Symbols of France" will work similar to the snowflakes event of the 0.7.12. patch around the holidays.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey QQ_Whine_Moar,

Congrats on the Solo Warrior! This is definitely the hardest achievement to get in the game I think. You have to have so many things go right/wrong to get this achievement. The other heroic achievements you can has semblance of control but not this one because you need a few things to line up just right for you. Again, congrats and thanks for sharing how you got the Solo Warrior.

Hey UraraShiraishi,

That is a great ship to get a Solo Warrior on!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Capt_Ahab1776,

Congrats on ranking out! What ship did you end up ranking out in?

Why was it the most challenging/frustrating ranked to date? Was it the tier? Maps? Give us some details please =).

09 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey 3r22r,

This article is referring to the last full season of ranked which was Tier X. There are 2 different ranked modes now: Ranked Sprint and regular Ranked (this tends to be available every few months).

Congrats on getting to rank 1 in the Ranked Sprints though!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

What about them seem to be a challenge? The lack of smoke? The speed getting you into trouble?

What are you looking forward to learning about the French DDs?

Glad you enjoyed the article! Which DD are you looking forward to the most?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Mitchifer,

The "Symbols of France" will appear on many of the ships in the carousel. These symbols function like the "first victory of the day" stars. You will be able to "knock" these Symbols of France in any battle mode except Training Room and Clan Battles.

Tier VI and lower you will get coal.

Tier VII to Tier X you will get Republic Tokens.

Remember you can only get this bonus one time during update 0.8.6.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

I see some good ideas to what you would do in the spawn position used as the example.

So I will first tell you what I would do and then we can go over what you guys would do. Remember the ships can be anything of the same type and tier 6-8 at least on this map. I am actually not big on this side of the map because I am not a fan of the north spawn and the C cap. This is also a great learning experience for all of us together!

First off, I would check the team screen by hitting tab and seeing what the enemy has and what ships I have on my team.

Second, I would look at the map like we all have and see what objective I am close and where I think the enemy team will amass across from me.

In this spawn position my initial though is moving towards C with my guns trained to starboard. You would hope your team would split pretty evenly and move towards A and C. You want your t...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Capt_Ahab1776,

Ranked Sprint ends at 5:30 AM ET / 2:30 AM PT so it would be 4:30 AM CT.

Check out the dedicated article and it has the times and information that you are looking for =)
