

02 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Col_Nasty,

While we do our best in trying to keep chat as civil as possible there are times when players get upset and voice their opinion. This occurs in all games and not just World of Warships. There are a few options that you have on-hand that can help yourself avoid such language.

You can blacklist a player in-game and you will no longer see their messages or you can use the report function in-game by right clicking on their name in the ship panels or tab screen (I believe) and choosing the misbehavior in chat option. I do implore you though to not to abuse this function.

Thanks and I hope this helps!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Awesome responses captains! I will include these where they fit.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

This guide is becoming part of larger set of guides that I am creating. This will take a little time to write them up =).

They will all be able to be found under

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a great suggestion and it has been noted!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

As DocWalker said and posted here, if you have the Lazo or your friend does you get a special combat mission.

Do you have anymore details that you can share with us?

There are also two collection points on the "daily shipments" where you can acquire a "Soviet Era Container".

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Learning the Basics!

Hey Captains,

My goal with this compendium is to create a place where new and veteran players can go to get a better grasp on the basics of the game. This is something that I feel is lost on some players and needs to be refreshed sometimes. I have already started with the Mini-Map guide but I also want to add some other topics.

These topics will include:

Ammo types and when to use them.

Correct use of armor (angling).

General characteristics of ship types (strengths and weaknesses).

Nation overviews with highlights.

Captain Skills and Consumables.

Correct way of using torpedoes.

Positioning and early map movements.

Part 1 Mini-Map:

Captains, if you have any ideas on what you would like to see in this, please let me know.

01 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey mobryan,

Nice effort to win the game in an awesome battleship! This is an example of a player doing their best and coming up short. We have all been in that situation.

Question for you (haven't been able to watch the replay): Now that you have had time to reflect on the match, do you think there is anything else you could've done to change the outcome? The answer might be "no" but there is always something you can look at and be like "if". From the looks of it you did all you could to impact the game but there is always the "man if only I had turned in a little sooner or moved to the cap a little faster".

Besides my question, awesome effort!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We apologize for the inconvenience of the port switching to another port. We are aware of this and plan on fixing this in the future.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JediMasterDraco,


The Lenin hits the Premium Shop on May 8th.

This article contains all the information you will need for the premium shop.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BiskitsNWaffles,

Welcome back to the game! There have been a lot of changes since you stepped away from the game =).

In regards to winrate, this is something that has been talked a lot about on the forums. You can definitely increase your winrate but this will take you committing to learning the game and improving. For comparison's sake you have less than 1k battles and you have been away from the game, so this is basically like a clean slate =).


Read through the patch notes of the time you have been away and familiarize yourself with the changes. i.e. CV Rework, flooding changes and so on.

Start again at lower tiers and get a feel for the game again. Re-learn the basics: wasd'ing, aiming, maneuvering and everything you need a refresher on.

If you have some clanmates you played with before, ask them to play some games to get reacquainted.


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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Nagato_Kai__Ni

Although you've created your account on NA server, we must comply with local legal regulations in your area.

We're creating alternative options for our players located in countries that have similar restrictions on containers, so you could enjoy it on the same level as other players around the world.

30 Apr

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Koogus,

Premium camouflage for high tiers is not a must but definitely recommended. The premium camouflage helps with a lot of things: offset of costs, gives more XP and credits. You combine this with signal flags and you will be rolling in XP/credits in no time (of course that is play based) =). There will be times when you are not running a perma-flages like CBs where you might want to run a camouflage that gives you even more bonuses.

This of course comes down to personal preference and the ability to acquire these permaflages =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a good point! i completely forgot about that addition, good catch.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I plan on this becoming a thing =). Tips always help, we all can learn new things!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Herr_Reitz,

This is a good topic to discuss because using strategy in random battles is a good thing (doesn't always work out).

Many of the things that you have posted are good tips for players of all skill levels. Let us go over some of them.

Mini-map awareness is important! Learning this is one of the pillars of the game IMO.

"Full broadsides to the reds", this is the skill of learning to angle. This is very important in BBs and cruisers to mitigate damage.

When it comes to random battles strategies work some of the time! That is part of the joy of randoms, you cannot predict what your team or the enemy team is going to do. My advice to you captains, is to learn from your mistakes and get better individually. If you make it a point to get better at the game yourself, the other things tend to fall in line. You can do more damage, get more kills and ultimately get more wins. Granted there will...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

First off, what do you like to play? What ships do you find to be the most successful in/fun in?

Just looking at your options I would suggest Richelieu and Saint-Louis, they both lead to awesome tier Xs in my book!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains!

Today's Lesson: Mini-Map Reading!

The mini-map is one of the most important tools to learn early in the game.

The Basics:

+ and - keys will adjust the size of the mini-map.

The mini-map has evolved a lot since the beginning of the game. There are so many adjustments you can make to your mini-map to give you more information. You can add rings for detection by air, detection by sea, AA range, and so forth. I am going to post a few screenshots of the settings and we can go over them real quick!

note* - These just happen to be the settings I had selected for these screenshots =).

As you can see in the screenshots above, there are a multitude of settings/information that you can put on your mini-map. You can access these settings by holding down "control" and clicking on the cog at the bottom.

Let us go over them real...

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29 Apr

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

This is actually a good question. I guess it would be because players find a ship type they like and stick with it. I personally have played the majority of my games in BBs. I do suggest to newer players that don't have as many games invested to try out different lines as soon as they can. Remember the first few hundred battles (example) are you learning how to play the game (I hope). This time can of course vary for players, there are some that can pick it right up after a few hundred and some that are still learning after a thousand(s).

Note: IF you have been playing this game from the beginning, you can still learn new things! I still am and an constantly surprised by things =).

I have recently taken to playing cruisers a lot more and find them to be a blast! I would definitely suggest trying different ship types and this will honestly help your understanding of the game. The overall depth of the game and technical part...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello HellHammer9182,

First off a few questions:

What tier were you playing?

What ship were you playing?

Now that we got the questions out of the way, let us dive into your post:

Torpedoes have a spotting distance assigned to each type. We have all been hit by torpedoes at long range or by torpedoes that were unspotted.

The advantage of having torpedoes that have a longer range is to keep you from getting inside radar range (doesn't always work). If you look at the ranges of most torpedoes they fall in the 8-12km range. The exceptions of course are the low tier ships and specially designed torpedo boats (Shimakaze and Asashio). I am probably missing more but you get the gist =).

Let us look at it from the DD side, there are ships in the game with radar that is longer than 10km, is it fair for them to have to constantly be in range of radar to use torpedoe...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SJ_Sailer,

This is an interesting topic that you bring up and I am going to chime in =). We are going to angle away from the "bad player" on your team angle and go towards the inexperienced player.

The easy answer would be BB but let us dive deeper into that choice. BBs are about more than just big guns and armor, BBs are also about projection of power and positioning. The best BB players are the players that get every bit out of their BB; whether that is the full use of the consumables or pushing at the right time. BBs take a lot of practice and time to learn to play correctly. You have to learn when to push, when to retreat and when to be a ship that denies the area to other ships. You have to make the enemy team respect you with your positioning but also not be a detriment to your team.

CA and CL are both swiss army knives and classes that if they are not played correctly will get deleted and be no fun. These two classes of ship...

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