

21 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

This upgrade is there if you want to shoot out to extreme distances with the New York. Honestly when it comes to the secondaries on the New York, I wouldn't really rely on them =). There are some ships that this works well on I think but the New York doesn't really doesn't need it with the FCS upgrade giving her 18km range.

Now, the New Mexico is a different story and I would definitely recommend this on her and the Colorado.

Honestly this also comes down to how far do you feel you can reliably hit targets. Players with a good understanding of aiming can make the most of this if they were to use this upgrade but other maybe not.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

Nice work! Congrats on the Solo Warrior, that is a tough achievement to get. How did the game go that you ended up with a chance for a Solo Warrior?

I am also interested in seeing other awesome results from you captains!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey blackbird_521,

Are you saying you would like to see this camouflage scheme in the game? If so thank you for the feedback and great pictures showing the camouflage off.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey MommaSheep1738,

Captains have given you some great advice on how to build a successful Yamato captain.

Captain skill wise I follow pretty much the same build for bbs.


This is my standard BB build.

You could substitute AR for High Alert if you want.

Must have skills are: FP, CE and EM.

I choose skills in this order: PT, EM, SI, CE, FP, BoS and then AR.

I hope this helps and good luck on the high seas!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh yes! The Irian. Tooooo many ships to keep track of. I will add that one as well.

Hey Hurlbut,

That is a good point in mentioning what parts of the ship to hit with torpedoes. Great catch!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey GhostSwordsman,

Thank you for pointing that out! See I told you I would miss some things =). Good call and thank you for letting other players know this.

Torpedoes have a minimum arming distance and yes it is quite small but remember if an enemy ship is that close the torpedoes will not arm and do no damage.

Hey Doomlock,

Thank you for pointing that out about the Deep Water torpedoes on the GZ! GZ does not have deep water torpedoes anymore so that leaves the Pan-Asian DDs and the Asashio as the only ships with them, you can correct me if I am wrong again lol.

I was mistaken when I put the GZ on there =(. That is my fault.

17 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tips on Torpedo Use!

Hey Captains,

Today we are going to go over a topic that comes up quite frequently on the forums: Torpedo use. We will attempt to cover most things on torpedoes (will probably miss some things, so feel free to help me out). Torpedoes are an armament that DDs (CVs to a lesser extent) utilize to deal damage to enemy ships. A well placed torpedo spread can devastate an enemy ship or even multiple enemy ships. Let us get into the meat and potatoes of the guide. We are going to cover the topics listed below and there will also be some other odds and ends mixed in.

This guide will include:

General characteristics of torpedoes and their role.

How to properly use torpedoes.

The two types of torpedoes.

Strength and weaknesses of torpedoes.

How to avoid torping teammates.

General tips to torped...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey CaptHarlock_222,

As the Developer's Blog states we are considering the options for Yoshino when it comes to the torpedo armament. This ship is still in testing and finding the right combination to make this ship effective is the goal.

With all the ships that we have posted changes, they are for testing purposes so please remember that. We appreciate your feedback on the proposed changes.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey SJ_Sailer,

Torpedoes on cruisers are not their main way of dealing damage. Yes, most nations cruisers are equipped with torpedoes, save for a few nation specific ships. There are a few cruisers in the game that can use torpedoes well (mainly IJN cruisers because of the ability to fire them undetected).

When it comes to shorter range torpedoes, they are better used as last ditch armament. This also comes down to positioning because you have to typically expose a lot of side to launch the torpedoes. You also need to get the right angle so you can hit the target with as many torpedoes as possible. A BB pushing into cruiser smoke can be a terrifying thing for a cruiser, especially a cruiser that is trying torp.

In the situation described above, when you pushed, the BB should have pushed with you to give you supporting fire. The mistake the player made was sitting there and believing that he was going to destroy the cruiser that was t...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Sabene,

That is a lot of containers to save up! Rough estimate on how long that took you to do?

I see a lot of coal, free xp and a bunch of flags!

So the question is now, are you going to start all over and go for 1k again or open as you go?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey N0_M3RCY,

I am glad that this guide is helpful to you. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any, the forums have many experienced players that can help =).

Hey dbw86,

Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot coming from you captains! The wiki and the forums are both places that contain a lot of great information from other knowledgeable players. As I always say the only way to get better at the game is to take the time to learn from your mistakes. I have made plenty playing this game and still make mistakes (even if I know it is a bad idea). The key is to understand that the decision was an oopsie and to learn from it. There are many different ways you can do the research, whether it be Youtube, forums or streams. These are all ways you can see other players make/learn from mistakes and get better. I would caution though, just because another player was successful trying/doing something doesn't mean you will be ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Please remember the tier IX and X are still in testing. There was an announced change on the Developer's Blog just the other day for the Kreml.

Captains, you have done a good job in pointing out where the Soviet BBs are strong and where they struggle.

AA on the Soviet BBs is average at best, I know coming under consistent attack from CVs is definitely a struggle.

Tall, flat broadsides allow other BBs to do good damage if exposed. This means you have to angle correctly to do your best to negate that.

The dispersion at range is not very good and thus consistently doing damage at range is also a struggle.

The long reload of the main guns, this means you need to make sure all your salvos count.

These are just a few of the ways that you can put yourself in a position to gain an advantage on the Soviet BBs. We appreciate the constructive conversat...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Col_Nasty,

As some captains have pointed out the Sims torpedoes have a longer range but you do you seem to have the captain skill "torpedo acceleration" selected. The funny thing about the Sims torpedoes are they are so slow but the detectability and the short reload make them great for area denial. The Sims is a fun boat and has a lot going for it.

When looking at torpedoes to use the torpedo acceleration captain skill, I look for ships that have long range torpedoes i.e. Shimakaze and even the Gearing. The trade off in range for the speed for the Sims is not great enough because you really want to be putting out a large volume of "sea mines" at a consistent pace. The torpedoes will not do much alpha damage but you can get decent floods and making your enemies move for your teammates is immeasurable.

Good luck with the Sims!

16 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

French destroyer Kleber, tier X

Increased detectability range by sea from 7.98 to 8.88 km;

Increased detectability after firing main guns in smoke from 3.21 to 3.3.

The ship has impressive firepower, aided by the "Main Battery Reload Booster" consumable and good concealment, which gave her a great advantage in fights with destroyers. These changes will allow her classmates time to detect her and avoid conflict with Kleber.

British aircraft carrier Indomitable, tier VIII

Maximum rocket damage reduced from 2350 to 2100.

The damage reduction is due to the aircraft carrier's excessively high efficiency in combat.

Japanese cruiser Yoshino, tier X

Rudder Shift Time reduced from 15 to 13.9 sec;


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15 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is going to be a summary of the Q&A that Sub_Octavian did on Reddit on 5/15.

Question 1: Could we get a % damage dealt stat in the post battle screen? Or maybe in-match as well? And the API as well of course ;)

Sub_Octavian's answer: This item is currently in the backlog and thanks for the reminder. I will refresh this discussion within the team.

Question 2: Given the feedback from the testing, what is your opinion of the concept of the Pobeda/Slava? A lot of people don't seem to like a ship that promotes a very passive, sniping play style.

Sub_Octavian's answer: The ship is still a work in progress ship (WIP). The initial testing period is coming to a close and then data will be collected on the Pobeda/Slava. This data will then be analyzed by GD and they will decide on what changes will be made for the next testing phase. The most obvious option will be: Same concept overall but mak...

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Glad to see you were able to get some help, you are earning those credits like crazy now!

Good luck on your credit grind!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BiskitsNWaffles,

As other captains have said the combination of signal flags and camouflages can get you a good chunk of credits quickly. You still have to perform well in the match to get a big chunk of credits but you can make a lot of credits quickly.


Play a premium that you feel comfortable in and know you can have some decent games.

Put all the signal flags including the special economic flags on.

Make sure you are using a camouflage that has +credit% on it. Gamescom camo is a great example.

Ship wise: Missouri of course is one of the best but any premium ship with all the requisite stuff will make good credits.

Good luck on your grind and may it be quick and not very painful =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is an interesting topic when you start talking about pushing DDs. There is a lot that can factor into this: time in the match, map, ship you are in, and so on. Finding the balance in when to push a cap in a DD and when to get support is something that has been trying for a long time.


Make sure you communicate in chat that you are going scout the cap (doesn't mean teammates will listen but you alerted them).

You don't always have to get the cap on the first try, you an skirt the cap and lure out the radar. You can then go back in and claim the cap.

Make sure you are not pushing into superior numbers, this sounds easy but a lot of times ships are behind islands or just not detected when you commit.

Know the abilities of the ships that can support your push and time the push correctly, this does not always have to be at the beginning.


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Hey Bronxman,

That is great to hear that you will traveling down to the Massachusetts! What lobster bisque place do you speak of? =)

Nice, we look forward to meeting you and your clanmates!

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Hey Avrova1904,

As other players have mentioned the Clemson is known to be a pretty good ship at lower tiers. You got good guns, a lot of torpedoes and decent speed. DDs at those tiers tend to have low HP so any ship that you can fire a lot of shells down range can cause them issues. One ship I haven't seen mentioned and maybe because it does not have as much utility is the good ole St. Louis. This is ship upgraded has so many guns to use and the reload time on them is not bad.

RN BBs at that tier are also great because of the HE that those ships have. To be honest what it comes down to is you as the commander dissecting the situation and knowing how to counter other DDs. This is something that you will learn over time. You will see a lot of suggestions to ships but you have to comfortable in the ships that you like.