Hey Vaidency,
When it comes to spotting mechanics are you talking about spotting individual ships i.e. the "flanking DD" going down the 9 line trying to come around the enemy team? With the way CVs are currently designed, planes cannot be everywhere at once like they could before the rework. We are implementing a delay in when planes take off in 0.8.4. which will help ships at the start get more spread out. Part of the role of the CV is to negate the flanking maneuvers of DDs, cruisers and mobile battleships and to be fair if the CV is not spotting both flanks (can't with only one squadron of planes at a time) a DD should be able to have success on the flank that doesn't have planes.
That is a good question and as more details come out about the new "autopilot", keep an eye on the Developer's Blog.
Not the changes you are looking for? What changes are you looking for? We are putting in a delay at the beginning of a ...
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