

06 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Vaidency,

When it comes to spotting mechanics are you talking about spotting individual ships i.e. the "flanking DD" going down the 9 line trying to come around the enemy team? With the way CVs are currently designed, planes cannot be everywhere at once like they could before the rework. We are implementing a delay in when planes take off in 0.8.4. which will help ships at the start get more spread out. Part of the role of the CV is to negate the flanking maneuvers of DDs, cruisers and mobile battleships and to be fair if the CV is not spotting both flanks (can't with only one squadron of planes at a time) a DD should be able to have success on the flank that doesn't have planes.

That is a good question and as more details come out about the new "autopilot", keep an eye on the Developer's Blog.

Not the changes you are looking for? What changes are you looking for? We are putting in a delay at the beginning of a ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Graf Zeppelin bombers got several improvements:

Armor penetration increased by 11 mm.

Attack time increased from 6 to 8 s.

Bomb falling speed increased by 13%.

Inner and outer ellipses slightly reduced in size.

Due to the behavior of the aircraft at the beginning of the attack, the use of Graf Zeppelin dive bombers is noticeably different from the dive bombers of other aircraft carriers. These changes will make the use of Graf Zeppelin squadrons more comfortable.

Hakuryu’s alternative J5N Tenrai Type 91 mod. 8 torpedo bombers also got some improvements:

Attack preparation time reduced from 5 to 2.5 s.

Aiming speed during preparation increased.

Attack time lowered from 10 to 8 seconds.

Torpedo arming range reduced from 1182 m to 698 m.

The smallest possible spread of torpedo...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


We continue to work on improving the game-play of aircraft carriers and today we would like to tell you about the changes that are being prepared for the next few updates.

Please remember that plans sometimes change.

The information below is preliminary, meaning deadlines may be moved and additional points may be added.

Update 0.8.4 will add a period of time at the beginning of each battle during which aircraft carrier squadrons is unable to take off due to them having to go through some initial servicing. This change, takes into account the time it takes squadrons to reach the targets, will allow ships on both teams to start moving to the control points, and take advantageous positions before any squadrons are in the air.

The Engine Cooling consumable has been standardized for all aircraft. Now the consumable will give the same increase in speed at all tiers - 35 knots (40 f...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey XxBraveHeart,

As stated by other captains above you have a few more days to take advantage of this bonus! Make you sure you are playing all the ships you want to progress on and don't forget to equip the signal flags for even more XP!

Question: Are there any ships you are grinding to get a big chunk of XP with this bonus? This is a question for all captains.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We thank you for the captains that were on-topic and genuinely trying to answer the question from the OP.

Looking through this thread, it has gone way off-topic and I will be locking it down.

We encourage you to continue discussing CVs and giving us feedback but please make sure it is constructive.


04 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

You must complete the personal combat mission steps (5 steps) to get the unique upgrade for the minotaur.

The wiki is a great place to look for information like this. http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Upgrades#Enhanced_Smoke_Generator

03 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats on finishing the grind to the Montana! I see you have your trusty Dasha commander onboard!

The grind is well worth it, you just have to get past the tier 3-7 slug paced BBs. Once you get to the NC like you have, you are sailing in open waters.

Some tips for USN BBs:

North Carolina is very accurate but her shell speed is slower and takes some getting used to. The way I lead with the North Carolina is I aim to where I think I should be and then add a little more =).

When you get to the Iowa, you are going to feel how fast she can go, this is great for getting places in a hurry but can get you in trouble. Just because you can get there quickly, doesn't mean you always should. Make sure you still pay attention to your surroundings.

As other captains have said before, make sure you take advantage of being able to equip the dispersion module!

Good luck and enjoy the re...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ohhh the countdown begins =). I look forward to meeting you Moe!

Wow, are you going to be driving from SLC?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey vikingno2,

The obvious question: Do you have Juliet Charlie flags you can equip? You can also equip the module that will help prevent this as well.

This seems like a run of bad luck on your part and some really well-aimed secondary gunners on the reds!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey CaptainKaitoGhost,

It is awesome to see you enjoying the Kirov! The Kirov sits in a funny spot on the tech tree. The Kirov has large guns for its tier with rail-gun like speed. Once you finish the Kirov you will get to the Budyonny and that is where you will probably have to change your captain skills a little bit. You will go from 180 mm guns to 152 mm guns on the Budyonny, Shchors, and Chapayev and to be most effective you will need IFHE. You will then go back to larger sized guns with the Dmitri Donskoi and the Moskva.

What I did was have two different captains because honestly if you are going to keep any of the ships in the line you will most likely need two different captains. Now if this is not possible for you, you are going to have to make the tough choice if you are going to respec after the Kirov to IFHE for the next 3 ships. You can get away with not doing that but be prepared to rely more on fire damage than pure shell damage. You wi...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

It is great to see the excitement for the Georgia and the possibilities on how you can build her! Please remember though, the Georgia is still being tested and she is not final. Please remember to check out the Developer's Corner on the forums for updates.

We also announced recently that the Georgia will be available for coal so if you haven't already, get to saving that coal!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Unique Upgrades are designed to make the ship play in a new and unique way. We first need to see how the ships preform in their normal state and then find a interesting alternative to introduce the mod. Keeping balance is important so this can take time but the Development team is looking at the other tier X ships to see what upgrades could be feasible. Keep an eye on the developer blog for more information.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Captains,

We apologize for this inconvenience and we are looking into the matter.

Please double check the enabled/disabled button on your clan page before going into battle.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey AvengerBak,

Like other captains have said, you must hit all the ships in the cap to reset the cap. IF there is a ship unspotted, that ship will keep all of its "cap points". A good example of this is when you are trying to cap in a larger ship i.e. BB and a dd is with you. Like the example used above, the enemy team can keep resetting your points but that DD is getting "cap points" without being reset.

How far away from the cap were you? Were you shooting at the cap from a distance and only shooting the ship you could see? Especially with a ship that has the ability to hit multiple ships at range, keep resetting all the targets that you can see as you move closer. Remember once an allied ship gets on the cap, the progress will stop until that ship is sunk or leaves the cap again.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey TheArc,

No official word on what currency these will be for yet. Please keep an eye on the Developer Blog for future announcements.

We recently announced the Georgia and Yoshino for coal, so hopefully that holds you over for a bit =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yoshino sounds disappointing? the 30mm from 25mm armor difference is huge and cannot be understated. Yoshino also has the option to mount torpedoes which the Azuma does not. Yes, they are long range torpedoes like the Shimakaze'

s but they can be great at area denial. Please remember that the Yoshino is currently in testing and is subject to change.

If Yoshino sounds so disappointing to you, what would you do to make it better?

Yes, the Georgia is for coal. What about the concept has you stymied? This is a radical change from the first iteration of the Georgia and the new iteration is going through plenty of testing. We want the Georgia to feel unique and have its own identity.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a great idea, it would take a little bit to do each map but I can do a general idea on a map or two to show what I mean. This can be included in the positioning part of the guide.

I am looking to update this section at least once a week.

If you have anymore ideas on what you think would be helpful to see/learn, please put it here. Any thoughts on what you want to see next?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We are glad you are enjoying this feature and it was noted in the patch notes: We’ve added the possibility of multiple exchange of resources for in-game items. Now, you can decide how many signals, camos, upgrades, and other non-unique positions you would like to receive. Please note that coupons apply when exchanging only one in-game item. This option became available on April 29.

This is a feature that is a great "quality of life" improvement! Please do take note of the line I have put in bold above about coupons.

What do you guys like most about this feature?

Yes, you can use this feature for signal flags, camouflages, and containers in the Armory.

02 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

When I play the Blys, I rely more on starting fires than the raw damage of IFHE. We all will play ships differently but I have found the Blys to be a pretty reliable fire starter.

There are very few "must have" skills on ships. Please do make sure you take "Last Stand" =).

Personally I would go for Demo Expert and leverage setting fires but other players might have different ideas. You just need to play it and find out which way works better for you.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello CaptainTeddybear,

Do you happen to have an example of this? Ships that fire and are in LOS of another one of your allied ships will be spotted. Ships can go unspotted if they go behind an island and are not spotted by another one of your allied ships or planes. Ships can also go unspotted if your ship and the enemy ship move outside of firing range that you can be spotted at. Does the ship go behind a smokescreen?

Without more context or evidence it is kind of hard to determine what you are referring to.