

13 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Legio_X,

Funny enough that you bring this topic up, the ship that I have found myself struggling in the most is the Helena. I know a lot of you captains love the Helena but for some reason I just cannot get good results in it.

Maybe give me some tips on how to get better in the Helena? =)

10 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will be doing torpedoes and captain skills next week :). We are at the New Jersey this weekend for Anchors Away!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Venom,

That is an excellent result and thank you for sharing your match experience. What about the Alsace do you like the most? Number of guns? Speed?

08 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Sorry for the confusion that this may have caused but let me try and help clarify this =). When it is referring to players needing to cause damage during the preparation stage, it is talking about the clan as a whole reaching the goal that is set for the clan. When it comes to the engagement stage ALL members of the clan are eligible to complete their attempts whether they participated in the "participation" stage or not.

The major difference of the new Naval Battles is it is damage based now and not XP based.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

While we understand the name Lenin brings up some history, please do not get into a political discussion on the forums. Feel free to talk about the ships strengths and weaknesses, compare it to other ships of the same tier and what you like/dislike about it.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With the free xp conversion rate being 35 to 1 right now, are there any ships you are thinking about free xp'ing to or using free XP to unlock some modules?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey sonoasailor,

Play a battle with any Tier VIII or higher ship—and get free rental of a Tier X ship of the same type, enabling you to participate in Ranked Battles. You do not have to pay for a rental ship, you just have to play a battle in a tier VIII or higher ship of the corresponding type to unlock the rental ships.

Hey Diison,

This was put in the 0.8.4. bulletin for the upcoming Public Test. https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/bulletin-084/

Please note that Soviet battleships will appear in the Tech Tree in Update 0.8.4, but will not be accessible on the Public Test server.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey HLS30,

The Midway has an armored deck so if you are trying to do damage with HE or AP she will bounce or shatter those shells (HE can still start a fire of course). Do you happen to have a replay so we can see the situation and maybe be able to give you some pointers on how to approach that situation the next time. A full health Hindenburg would take a CV some time to kill. Was the Midway backing up while you were going forward?

As other players have said, shoot the Midway under the deck and get yourself on the side of the Midway where you can do excellent damage with AP. You can also aim for the island that is on top of the deck but that is a smaller target when the Midway is bow on.

We look forward to you providing a replay if possible =).

07 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey TheDreadnought,

Are you referring to this feature, where you can use that arrow to purchase more one bundle at a time or something else?

As other captains have pointed out, this was recently added so it is more efficient =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello gillhunter,

Many of us play the game and some of us can even play the game well =). I personally have seen many players from these very forums in game everyday. To name a few of us that play the game almost everyday include: Myself, Fem, Gneis, Pigeon and Irony to name a few. As employees part of our job is to know the game we play. Some of even stream World of Warships in our free time.

You are free to check our profiles if you like, to see we are playing the game =). We do play the game but we also have other responsibilities that do take a lot of our time.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

Free to play players get the same calculations when it comes to all the things you have mentioned as players that have bought anything in the past. RNG is RNG for everyone and that is a fact. I have played plenty of games where I think "awesome shot, going to do big damage" and poof, some overpens.

Regarding the OP's post, some ships are better designed to use cover to be effective. This isn't to say you can't use them in open water but that is not where some ships shine. Especially the USN cruisers that excel from shooting behind cover due to their high shell arcs. You must play to the strengths of the ships you are playing. Some cruisers do a great job in the open water and some do better using cover.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Lunchcutter,

As other captains have pointed out, when you are in a BB like the NM and you are aiming at a Kongo, make sure you are aiming at the waterline with AP. Let us talk about the New Mexico first, she is a "shotgun" style BB just the her IJN counterpart the Fuso. Accuracy wise she is not the best but you do your damage with volume of shells. I have played many battles in BBs so lets see if I can give you helpful tips =).


First and foremost you will be shooting AP the majority of the time in BBs. Yes, there are cases where you will shoot HE (shooting at a bow on Yamato) but for the most part you will shoot AP and do good damage. We did recently change the amount of damage that AP does to destroyers (with a couple exceptions) to the equivalent of an overpen (10% of shell damage). I almost always shoot AP at all destroyers even after the change due to the guaranteed damage you get, HE is ok if you have time to switch to ...

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This is a good point. This severely cuts into your credit earning power in co-op.

06 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey warheart1992,

The community voted in a poll a week or so ago to make the next bounty event Pirates again. I also like the Hunter camo but does that have the same stats as the back 2 school camo?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Wu,

You make a great point about the RN CL line and I will add that!

Regarding the spotter plane, this is a skill you should want to learn as a new captain. A BB captain that can learn to use this consumable and be effective will find shooting at targets in smoke or behind island a whole heck of a lot more successful. Now, this does take some practice and I am not going to say you will ace it all the time because learning the angled top down view is a little weird. I get what you are saying about the "no fly zone" but honestly whenever I deploy my fighter it just circles and does nothing. Correct me if I am wrong but the catapult fighter also doesn't spot torpedoes anymore. You are free to play your ship how you like but I think you are cutting your damage potential and the ability to knock out targets without using the spotter plane =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey brewakeg,

The back to school camo is awesome! Who doesn't like sailing around in a giant orangish ship? I personally use this camo a lot and find it to be awesome!

Question: Using the wiki as a guide what camo would you like to see in its place?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

While this subject is open for debate whether you support or don't support "Friendly Fire", please remember that it is ok to be on either side of the fence. The key to this is to remember if you do accidentally do team damage, apologize to the player and try to learn from it. We have all been in situations where the "oops" happens and didn't mean to do damage to allies.

What are you referring to as reprehensible behavior? Accidents do happen and that is ok, but we do take griefing and intentionally doing team damage seriously.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Good point made by Lert and I would like to expound on that a little bit. Each section of the ship has a "saturation" limit, this is why you will see the occasional DD take a bunch of torpedoes on the nose and not die (rare but it happens). Granted I have not used the widespread torpedoes up close because I rely on making sure I predict the movement right but I can see a point for trying it.

The key to getting good hits with torpedoes is learning to predict where ships will be and not always following the indicator.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey Captains,

Today we are going to cover consumable recommendations. Consumables are a topic I see a lot of questions on from day to day on the forums. Let us bring our thoughts together and see if we can create a few starting points to captain skills and consumables.

We will start with Consumables and go over their strengths and weakness. Correct consumable use and when you use them can have a profound impact on the game. There are many instances you will run into that you wished you had charge of a consumable left or it was off cooldown. We are going to go over some of those times and see if we can't improve usage of consumables. We are going to go over shipboard consumables only right now (CV tips will come in a later guide). For reference here is the wiki page that covers all the consumables: http://wiki.warga...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Spitfire175,

This was posted by Sub_Octavian on March 14th: It should be noted that even the ships purchased in or marketed through Premium store are a part of a big game we all play. That means our decision does not isolate any ship from systematic changes applied to a group of ships on common basis or to the whole game. For example, a change to the Radar mechanics affects all ships equipped with Radar, a Smoke mechanics change affects all ships with smoke, etc.

When a change affects a whole class of ships, premium ships are not immune to the changes. They still fall under the appropriate ship type for the changes. In this case, this is a change for all CVs and not one CV in particular when you are referring to the change in the most recent Developer's Blog.