

15 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey dps_gunner,

Congrats on getting the Cruiser Commander: Elite Forces! What ships did you use to accomplish this achievement? Were there any standouts that you wished you played more, maybe there was a ship you wished you played less?

Are you looking to do any of the other ones like the BBs (if you don't already have it).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey gregoire_Bo,

Anytime =)! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

14 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey gregoire_bo,

If you are referring to the premium ships you can receive from the containers, this will be credits.

Combat missions

The mission for any particular ship can be received only once.

The chances of getting a combat mission from a Legion of Honor Premium container are higher than for a standard container.

To complete the mission, you must earn 5,000 base XP with a Tier V–X ship in Operations, Random, Ranked, or Co-op Battles.

Combat missions can be completed until October 31.

All ships come with a Port slot and Commander with 3 skill points.

If you receive a mission for a ship that you already have in your Port, you'll get a Commander, port slot, and compensation for the ship in credits for completing the mission.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Seeing as this thread is going off the rails very quickly, I will be locking this thread up but before I do let me answer your question.

Please remember that development cycle, historical research and planning occurs months in advance. The current political landscape of the United States plays no role in naming of ships in the game.

Please keep politics and political threads off the forums.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh, no this is on a per match basis.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Chain_shot,

Yes, you can meet this requirement more than once in a match. You can find all the details about the new commander in the dedicated article: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-updates/french-destroyers-part-2/

What do you mean by "is it permanent?"

All of these talents can be activated multiple times per battle.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for your input on commanders you would like to see added to the game. There are plenty of commanders out there that would be great to have in the future.

Please know we are always looking at different commanders to add to World of Warships and how to add them.

What commanders would you like to see added to the game and why?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey hebnight,

Thank you for participating in the Amazon Recruitment campaign! All reewards will be distributed before September 1st, 2019.

12 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Please keep political talk, posts, titles and anything else related to politics off the forums.

Instead focus on the awesomeness that is the Missouri!


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

If you take a peak at the Public Test bulletin you will see there are improvements coming for chat.


You will be able to block "F keys", messages from specific players and also disable battle chat in the in-game menu.

These improvements will help cut down on undesirable messages you see from other players and make it less distracting if a play is "spamming" the F-keys.

Do you captains think this will be a desirable addition to the game?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Bortt,

I personally use range mod but it is a valid point to use reload mod since the Buffalo concealment is not terrible. This does take you knowing the strengths and weaknesses of not only the ship but also the maps. To take advantage of the reload module, you have to be able to get yourself in a good position and sometimes those positions are risky.


Sit farther back and spam HE if that is your choice, USN HE is just ok so remember that.

You can engage BBs at a longer range and this might help give you time to dodge most of the return fire.

12 seconds is not an eternity but there will be times you wish you had reload, especially when the engagements get closer.

This gives you more flexibility to kite but you have to be able to hit targets with the floaty 203mms of the USN.


Risk versus reward, this allows you to fire mo...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Estimated_Prophet,

The flag for this season of Ranked is the Marseille commemorative flag. You will receive this flag for reaching at least rank 15 in season 13 of ranked battles.

This is done after the season has been completed.

All those who reach Rank 15 will receive a commemorative flag, which will remain in their collection.

It is the last bullet point in the article dedicated to this season of ranked: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/general-news/ranked-13/

You can also find this when you look at the commemorative flags in your port:

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Gaelic_Knight,

The mission you are looking at is just a way for you the player, to have an in-game progression tracker. In previous opt-in events this was a request from you, the players to have included to see the current progress of the current mission. You do not have to get 1000 battle wins, this is an arbitrarily large number used only for tracking purposes. The reward for "1 credit" is the just the way it is setup to track your progress.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ace_04,

Good question, let me find out the answer for you and then I will get back to you.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ei capitães

Temos o orgulho de anunciar os vencedores do recrutamento da Amazon! Agradecemos a todos vocês que participaram do recrutamento de capitães!

Lembre-se que se você está recrutando seus amigos, você pode gastar seus pontos de recrutamento usando a Estação de Recrutamento: https://worldofwarships.com/pt-br/content/recruiting_station/

Gostaríamos de parabenizar na ordem de 1 a 5: https://worldofwarships.com/pt-br/news/general-news/prime-for-victory/

1st: malagueta_15

2nd: Odimet

3rd: Mejash

4th: arrrgh

5th: saviogm92

Obrigado novamente por recrutar capitães e parabéns aos vencedores!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hola capitanes

¡Estamos orgullosos de anunciar a los ganadores de reclutamiento de Amazon! Agradecemos a todos los que participaron en el reclutamiento de capitanes.

Recuerde que si ha estado reclutando a sus amigos, puede gastar sus puntos de reclutamiento utilizando la Estación de reclutamiento https://worldofwarships.com/es-mx/content/recruiting_station/

Nos gustaría felicitar en orden del 1 al 5: https://worldofwarships.com/es-mx/news/general-news/prime-for-victory/

1st: malagueta_15

2nd: Odimet

3rd: Mejash

4th: arrrgh

5th: saviogm92

¡Gracias nuevamente por reclutar capitanes y felicidades a los gana...

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09 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats, you made a good choice in your first tier X! Have you had a chance to play it yet? If not, let us know how it goes when you do =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey x_gandalf,

Great result and glad you are enjoying the Massachusetts! Even more impressive that you got this result without a full 19 point commander! Good on ya and keep the good results coming.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This thread has taken a turn for the worst, I will be closing this up but before I do that, I will discuss the topic at hand.

To the OP: In a game where the teams are 12v12 there is only so much one player can do. This could be killing the enemy DDs, calling out low health targets, getting a Kraken or a myriad of other things that can be accomplished in game. My advice to you is this: Continue learning from the mistakes you make in game, this is how you become a better player. As long as you do this, you will see the results personally. Also make sure you have fun playing, choose ships that you enjoy playing.

Winrate: This is a stat that can be used to demean others, gloat or just eat some humble pie. Just because you have a high winrate does not mean there aren't things you can learn from each battle. If we were perfect we would all have a 100% winrate =). Instead of laughing at another player that has a lower winrate t...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Bill_Halsey,

Thanks for sharing your early season observations. Now, do you think these ships will change as the season goes along? What about the changing from league to league.

With most Ranked seasons, when you get into the 2-5 brackets, you see certain ships more and team compositions tend to change.

Which of these ships do you think you will see at a good rate the rest of the season?