

06 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is an interesting discussion! I am not sure that I agree 100% agree that the more barrels the better and here is why: Some of the ships with less barrels have other characteristics that make them better than ships with more barrels.

First Comparison:

Yamato versus Montana: The classic 9 barrel 18.1 in guns of the Yamato versus the 12 barrel 16 in guns of the Montana.

Yamato advantages:

18.1 in guns being the largest in the game! This means the Yamato can overmatch most armor in the game.

The accuracy of the Yamato rewards good aim, this is due to the high sigma value and good dispersion.

Shell damage per shell is a bit higher (second highest in the game).

Accuracy and ROF can further be improved with the Unique Upgrade.

Montana advantages:


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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey RagingxMarmoset,

The Alaska is a ship that takes some practice to use correctly. KaptainKaybe hit the nail on the head, do not play the Alaska like a BB, you aren't a BB! You are still a cruiser that BBs can do massive damage to you.

Tips on playing the Alaska:

Be an opportunist: Use your concealment to get into positions to take advantage of enemy mistakes. You have good AP that you can really do some damage to cruisers.

Target choice: Focus on taking down enemy cruisers, then DDs and BBs. You are strong against cruisers first and foremost.

Radar and use: Remember, you do have radar but a longish reload. These don't go well together if you plan on fighting a DD alone. Use your radar to support your team and make sure they are ready to shoot the lit target.

Support, support and more support: You are best supporting your team with the myriad of abilities!


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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

To be honest, we have all been there! We have all been a new player learning the mechanics of the game. This game takes hundreds, if not thousands of games to understand everything that you need to know. Even the most experienced players will still make mistakes but the difference is they learn from them.

I have actually been working on a "beginner's guide" to try and help with this! Please check it out and see if there is some information that can help you there.

If you have specific questions feel free to ask and we (the community) will be glad to try and help you!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Estimated_Prophet,

Low health DDs are still some of the biggest threats in the game. Countless times I have seen a DD escape on low health and come back to torpedo a BB to death or take a cap that the team thought was all but secured. When a DD is spotted and you have a reasonable shot, take it. The enemy ships that you are "farming" damage from will be there for your next reload unless they go boom of course.

This is a good point, this doesn't always happen but it can lead to one team being at a distinct disadvantage. Like I said, I am not a DD expert but I know where radar cruisers go, their radar range and the general points that enemy DDs come from. Taking this information, you can better determine your movements at the beginning of a match. This will help you survive longer and have more impact over the course of the match. This comes down to taking the time to learn from your mistakes and do better the next time in that situation....

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05 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The Massachusetts is great! The main gun accuracy is a little lacking but if you like secondaries, enjoy! The Massachusetts is also a great ship to look at, the lines are gorgeous as she glides across the water!

The guns are good, you do have to get used to the lead and the speed of the shells. This can take a bit of getting used to and can lead to a little bit of frustration.

Glad to hear you captains are enjoying the Massachusetts!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Soshi,

Thanks for sharing this video. This is quite different from most in that the way you won the game was so different. I can honestly say this might be the first time I have seen a game won by a player with no ship damage ribbons and a 0 for damage! This seemed even tougher to do with a CV in the game, but the CV looked like they didn't care about resetting the cap until it was too late. His rocket planes were spotted near you for a bit but he never commenced attacking/looking for you until it was too late. Good job using your smoke and the only real thing I could see is maybe just hitting P in the smoke and then there is no chance to get "randomly" hit.

Spotting and concealment are two things that you have to know the ins and outs to get good taking advantage of these things.

Good job!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

¡Saludos, comandantes!

Es posible que ya hayas escuchado algo sobre una prueba de clan y hayas adivinado lo que están haciendo sus miembros. Este tema está creado específicamente para levantar el secreto, para que pueda obtener respuestas a algunas preguntas. Si no puede encontrar la respuesta que desea, no dude en hacer su pregunta en los comentarios: junto con los representantes del clan CST intentaremos ayudarlo.

Al dejar un comentario en este hilo, siga estas simples reglas:

Lea las preguntas que ya se hicieron y no las repita. Si se hace una pregunta repetida, le indicaremos dónde encontrar la respuesta.
Las preguntas que no están relacionadas con la prueba del clan se eliminarán sin previo aviso.
Sé cortés y civil.
¿Qué es una prueba especial de clan?

La Prueba especial del clan (mencionada a continuación como CST o prueba del clan) es una prueba de prototipos, ideas y actividades, por ejemplo...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ahoy Fleet!
Existen bastantes mitos y conceptos erróneos sobre Supertest y Supertesters, ¡así que echemos un vistazo a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes!

¿Qué es el programa Supertest?
El programa Supertest es una iniciativa para voluntarios que están dispuestos a ayudar a nuestro equipo de desarrollo de juegos asistiendo al Control de Calidad y otros departamentos. Las simulaciones y los entornos de prueba nos llevan muy lejos, y siempre es bueno ejecutar nuevas funciones frente a una audiencia externa capaz de romper las compilaciones de formas nuevas, emocionantes y creativas.

¿Quiénes son los Supertostadores?
Los Supertesters son jugadores que voluntariamente renuncian a su propio tiempo para ayudar a probar las primeras compilaciones del último parche que incluye nuevos barcos, nuevos mapas, nuevos modos, etc. Se espera que los Supertesters sean capaces de presentar informes detallados de errores y problemas que...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This should go without saying but there will be no "name and shame" section of the forums.

With the topic and the nature of this post, I will be locking this before it gets out of hand.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey ItzYaBoyMe,

This is a good question and you are going to see differing answers to this. I will drop my thoughts into the bucket along with the other captains.


Have you played any RN BBs and if so do you like them? I only ask this because 375k free xp is no small investment.

Do you play stock ships and if you do how do you feel you perform in them? Some stock ships are better than others.


Decent ship to play, unique in look and playstyle.

The heal is great, the AA is so-so, the armor is quite average and you can be damaged through the bow by 16in guns.

Decently accurate, average reload and overall a good ship.

Stock Ships:

Some are better than others, typically B hull does give you upgrades to almost everything.

Fletcher A hull does have a lot less HP than B hull, b...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

ooohh so close! Keep playing, it will happen at some point =).

Look on the bright side, it was a win!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is awesome, showing some admiration for your fellow captains! Has anyone recently had an experience like the players above? Has there been a super exciting play or game changing move that you have seen? I know when I play battles, I am always on the look out to see the plays that are worth complimenting.

Can you elaborate on what happened? Tell us the story of the close match!

03 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Yes, you can convert 1 doubloon into 2100 credits. Sorry for the confusion in the writing but it is: 1 Doubloon can be converted into 2100 credits.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Grunty,

Thanks for the detailed response! I tend to agree with a lot of what you say, the one thing is "farming" potential damage in the Henri is quite easy if you are paying attention. This can be quite a boon for you as the match goes along. Honore, you might be correct in being the better commander and it will be fun to try out the new commander!

02 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We are glad you like the changes for this season of Clan Battles. Please continue giving us your feedback on this season and keep us updated on your clan's progress!

Good luck on your clan's climb to the top!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

What is in her hand? Is that an energy drink?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nice! Good write up and thanks for sharing with the community!

Nice work in ops! What have you liked most about the Guepard?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Dan_1607,

You are completely correct on this! You can move your commanders freely into the Siegfried since it is a premium.

Please remember everyone, that these ships are still in testing and they will go through more testing. Just today you have seen the Colbert is getting quite a few changes to see how the ships performs with quite a few changes. The Siegfried also received a few changes and that doesn't mean it won't see more in the future. We need to collect the data from the testers of the ships again after the changes to see what needs to be looked at.

We want these ships to be balanced and interesting to play. Thank you for giving us feedback on the testing changes!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With the new captain and his unique talents, what ship(s) do you think he will fit best on? I know the obvious is the French DDs, but what about the cruisers and BBs?

Give me your thoughts, I am personally wanting to see how he does on the Republique and the Henri!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Henri IV, the tier X French cruiser.