

02 Oct

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

The real trick to using the Conqueror is catching unaware opponents with AP loaded. This a genuine tactic and you will find some enemy players not respecting the AP of the Conqueror until it is too late. Do not be afraid to use both types of ammunition on the Conqueror.

01 Oct

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a good call!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey RainbowFartingUnicorn,

First let us start off with, what ships do you like to play/feel comfortable in the most? This can go a long way to answering what you should start the season with. Just looking at the ship choices it seems that cruisers are your preferred playstyle and that is great! I would honestly recommend out of your choices the Baltimore, brings good firepower and armor for the tier. Cleveland and Bayard are also good choices if you want to go the CL route of course.

If you really want adventure, bring the Edinburgh with radar =).

Either way, good luck with your choice and let us know how it goes!

30 Sep

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Navalpride33,

I am and thanks! How have you been? I hope all is well with you!

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Hey Krieg121,

Why does this encourage you to stop playing? Enlighten me a little bit on this point. What is your rationale behind what you said?

Is it because rewards are being offered to players that haven't in awhile?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey DoubleDog2,

How does this leave out clans? We highly encourage clans to participate in King of the Sea or any other tournament that is announced. This is a great way to play against teams that have competitive experience and learn from them. This is also a good way for you (your clan) to take part in a tournament that has some truly amazing games take place. Again, I highly encourage you to participate with your clan if you can field a team!

Hey ReyWayvonRichthof,

This is part of the joy of a tournament like King of the Sea, it allows for clans to play with a larger roster and in a different environment than Ranked or Clan Battles.

Great point Shigure_DD, the goal is to grow competitive and get more clans/players involved so these tournaments continue to increase in size! There are plenty of teams that have been participating since the early stages dating back to Supremacy League that still do K...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey GarakDukat,

Why is there no point to making these? Can you elaborate a little bit on your point?

The models that are in the game are awesome and take a good amount of time to make, it is only right to celebrate their looks.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for being patient with us and having the excitement for testing submarines! Please continue to keep an eye out for access to being able to participate in the submarine beta test. We are going to do our best to make sure as many of you as possible will get to try out submarines during the beta, but that takes time and invitations will be sent out gradually.

Round 1 of the Beta Test ran between September 20–September 24. The second and subsequent rounds (if any) will be held later. More details of subsequent sessions will be available at a later date.

Thanks again for the excitement!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey CorradoG60,

Congrats on getting the Kron out of a SC! Do you already have a captain setup for Russian cruisers or do you need to set one up? If you have any questions on how to spec a captain or setup the Kron, feel free to ask on the forums =).

Again, congrats and enjoy!

16 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey The Dreadnought,

One of the big keys to using the Atago correctly is taking advantage of her good HE alpha damage combined with her great concealment. She is no joke in the AP department either but you need broadsides to really take advantage of the 203s. I suggest also making sure you are kiting away when playing the Atago, you never want to get trapped nose in. She can also stealth torp and when you are in an even tier game this can really surprise enemy ships so don't forget this tactic.

Good luck and enjoy giving the Atago another shot!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We appreciate you having a constructive conversation on the upcoming California but please keep it civil.

Please remember the California's stats are preliminary and during testing the parameters could change.

We like seeing the hype for a new ship and the discussions but remember if it turns into attacks on other players, we will be forced to lock it down.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

this is a test

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Col,

I would agree with the other players, get CE so you can get in closer without being spotted and you can disengage if you need to.

I would also definitely save your next 4 points for FP to give yourself even more ability to survive, since you have a limited about of DCPs.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Florendo19,

This is definitely not an experience that anyone wants to go through at the beginning of the match.

Please take the replay and any screenshots you have taken of the incident and put them in a ticket to support.

Thanks and again sorry for your experience.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's Comeback Time!

Everyone loves a comeback story and if you haven't played since June 1st or earlier, we have an awesome incentive for you!

5 Million Credits

1 of 3 different battleships at 3 different tiers, certain conditions apply which are listed below:

1-99 battles (Skipper): 14 day Dunkerque rental.

100-499 battles (Captain): 14 day Massachusetts rental.

500+ battles (Admiral): 14 day Jean Bart rental.

Special mission that will reward you with 5 French Destroyer containers:

Mission: Win 15 battles in your assigned rental ship:

Battle Type Restriction (Skipper): Random Battles or Co-Op Battles

Battle Type Restriction (Captain and Admiral): Random Battles , Ranked battles, or Clan Battles.

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15 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Kaitsuze,

Sorry that your name was misspelled, we will correct that =). Congrats on getting the Atago and if you have any questions or need help outfitting her, please don't hesitate to ask!

Congrats again =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey MakersMike,

Welcome to World of Warships and USN BBs. I would recommend not stopping the line but taking a pause and make sure you have a grasp of the mechanics before advancing into the higher tiers. Tier VI and Tier VII are where you can get comfortable with the game and not get overwhelmed.

The New Mexico has been around for a long time, so there are a lot of players that have played it. Taking this into account and how many battles are on the New Mexico, it would be almost impossible for 1 player to make a dent in the overall stats of the ship =). What have you seen as negatives about the New Mexico? Slow? Shotgun style dispersion?

Let us take a look at the New Mexico real quick:

Slow, this means you have to pick your course carefully or risk being out of the game for the majority.

12 guns with a "shotgun" style, this means you will not be the most accurate but you will have a lot of shel...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

I like top 5 lists!

1. Fuso - Always and forever will be my favorite ship =).

2. Yamato - I don't think explanation is necessary. Haha.

3. North Carolina - Who doesn't like the "showboat".

4. Not sure yet.

5. Not sure yet.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey dps_gunner,

You already have the damage for the DD one so you need the games?

What BB(s) are you using and if you need some points don't hesitate to ask us here to help =).

Nice on using the Moskva and Mino!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Jakob_Knight,

I find it interesting that you separate "good player" and "good teammate", why can't these be mutual? I consider myself a good player as well as a good teammate and try to do what is best for the team in most cases. Sometimes this is tough to do because the battle develops in a certain way, but for the most part doing what is best for the team is also best for you. This all boils down to what you have set as a goal personally, correct? I like to win so I want to do what is best for the team and I want my contribution to help the team win.

Signs of a good player (experienced player) IMO:

Target Prioritization: What they shoot and when they shoot it is a good sign for you to tell if a player understands their role.

If in a DD, they pay attention to the other team's lineup and they identify where the radar is before moving onto a cap. If they do move onto a cap the DD doesn't sit broadside and alway...

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