

02 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Gooooood, gooood! Glad to hear that you shoot your guns in your DD.

This is also a great tip! Vision works both ways and learning how to deploy your smoke correctly can mean the difference in spotting and the enemy team "disappearing".

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

hey leo,

For this instance of the PT we want the Research Bureau to be tested so you will not receive the normal 30k doubloons and Free XP.

You can find this under the "Special Features" of the this public test.

Special Features of the Test:

All Public Test participants will have a unique chance to be among the first to try out the mechanics of the incoming Italian cruisers.

Please note: these ships are going through an early testing phase and their characteristics are subject to further changes.

Italian Tier V–VII cruisers Montecuccoli, Trento, and Zara can be exchanged via the Research Bureau tab in the Armory. You'll be able to reset the researchable ship branches, obtain Research Points, and play on the new Italian cruisers. For the latter, we've prepared special combat missions that will bring valuable rewards to your account on the live server.

For more details, read...

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01 Aug

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Estimated_Prophet,

Have you contacted support about this? This is definitely an issue that should be explained to support and ask them for some help =).

Please explain all the information that is relevant to the issue at hand.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ahoy Fleet! O Teste Público 0.8.7 está agora a começar, por isso, forneça quaisquer relatórios de erros que possa encontrar aqui.

Por favor, confira este guia sobre como relatar um erro aqui:

Para cada relatório, anexe o arquivo python.log do seu cliente Public Test. Isso nos ajudará a entender melhor a natureza do problema que você está enfrentando.

Se possível, seria perfeito se você pudesse anexar o relatório da ferramenta WGCheck da versão Special Public Test (você pode encontrar a ferramenta anexada a esta mensagem).

Você pode encontrar as instruções sobre como usar essa ferramenta aqui (instruções são dadas para o servidor live, no entanto, elas serão idênticas ao teste público)


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ei capitães,

Por favor, forneça comentários sobre os seguintes itens nesta sessão da sessão de teste público 0.8.7!

Almirante Auboyneau

Fichas da República e o Arsenal

Sprint classificado

Balanceamento de AA e atualizações

Bureau de pesquisa

Cruzadores italianos

Obrigado capitães!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hola capitanes, la prueba pública 0.8.7 ahora está comenzando, así que proporcione cualquier informe de error que pueda encontrar aquí.

Consulte también esta guía sobre cómo informar un error aquí:

Para cada informe, adjunte el archivo python.log de su cliente de prueba pública. Eso nos ayudará a comprender mejor la naturaleza del problema que está experimentando.

Si es posible, sería perfecto si pudiera adjuntar nuestro informe de herramienta WGCheck de la versión de prueba pública especial (puede encontrar la herramienta adjunta a este mensaje).

Puede encontrar las instrucciones sobre cómo usar esa herramienta aquí (las instrucciones se proporcionan para el servidor en vivo, sin embargo, serán idénticas a la prueba pública)


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hola Capitanes!

¡Proporcione comentarios sobre los siguientes elementos en esta sesión de la sesión de prueba pública 0.8.7!

Almirante Auboyneau

Fichas de la República y la Armería

Sprint clasificado

Balanceo AA y actualizaciones

Oficina de investigación

Cruceros Italianos

¡Gracias capitanes y disfruten la prueba pública!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @KnifeInUrNeck

If you did participate and complete the missions that on the list for Public Test, you should qualify for the Ultimate Reward. You had to make sure you completed the missions that were listed in the Public Test bulletin. These are the missions that were required to meet the requirements.

Public Test 0.8.4
Mission: win 15 Random Battles on Tier VIII–X ships during the PT.
Reward: 2x “In the Service of the Motherland” containers free of charge, credited to your main account when Update 0.8.4 goes live.

Public Test 0.8.5
Mission: win 15 Random Battles, Ranked Battles, and battles in the Savage Battle mode on Tier VII–X ships during the PT.
Reward: 2x Rogue Wave containers free of charge, credited to your main account when Update 0.8.5 goes live.

Public Test 0.8.6
Mission: win 15 Random or Ranked Battles on Tier VI–X ships during the PT.

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JezzyGirl,

Nope, the Public Test is its own separate iteration. Whatever you do on your Public Test account will not transfer over to your main account.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


We have detected issues with Chat and Armory on the Public Test server. These issues will be fixed by a client update tomorrow.

In the meantime in case you suffer from these issues, please create a WGCheck report, upload it and drop a link here - or upload the file directly.

Thank you for your understanding.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

What are your initial thoughts on seeing this? Remember this is in testing but do you think this mode would be fun?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey DustRhino,

When it comes to determining the MM for the division it will be based off of the division leader.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey AdmiralThunder,

Good to hear you are enjoying the event! Sorry, you are not enjoying the French DDs, what about them doesn't jive with you?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team that did the "intentional" teamkill will still lose the appropriate points. There is no advantage to sinking your own teammates.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

In cased you missed it, here is the article: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/public-test-087/

You will see the information right under the "The Summer Season Results".

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

French destroyers with main guns of 139 mm caliber and Tier III French cruiser Friant:

Normalization of armor piercing shells is increased from 8.5 to 10 degrees.

The change will bring normalization of armor piercing shells to the standard value for their caliber and will slightly increase their armor penetration.

Tier X French destroyer Kleber:

The ship's model updated: 2 x 57-mm AA guns in one turret are added.

Tier X Soviet battleship Slava:

Main guns reload time increased from 30 to 32 s.

The change will lower the total damage output of the battleship keeping her accuracy intact.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

There will be a closed test of two new game modes. They are both based on the idea of escorting an allied convoy of bot ships. Please note that these are conceptions of the game modes and their rules may change significantly.

In the 'Convoys A' mode both teams have the same objective - be the first to escort the indestructible bot ship from the team spawn to the destination point on the fixed route. The ship moves by itself, but if the allies are nearby, they will slowly regenerate HP and the bot will move faster.

Any player's ship, except aircraft carriers, after being destroyed, resurrect near the convoy route up to two times per battle. The routes are symmetrical and there are parts when teams have to come close to each other. Teams are composed of 6, 7 or 12 players.

There are two rounds in the 'Convoys B' mode.

In the first round, one of the teams (defenders) escorts the convoy of three armed s...

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31 Jul

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

1. I will get clarification for you on the exact time you will have to get the bonus on the first line you reset. This is a good question!

2. Correct, you can only get the bonus on the first line you reset during any given season.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Monday morning QB here =).

So a good thing I see in this is you took the time to try and figure out what the right choice to do was. This is encouraging and it shows that you are taking into account other parts of the match. Keeping yourself between the enemy DD and your CVs was the right call because your CVs are not going to outrun anyone. Another thing is newer players will not know their detection range so they might try and get too close to you and get detected. It sounds like this DD had a good idea how to play his ship so they might not have made this mistake.

Again, good job trying to make a play and staying aware of your surroundings!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Since its announcement, the Naval Training Center has received many changes, including the change of its name to the Research Bureau.

Soon, you will be able to try out the new mechanics on the public test server with version 0.8.7. Today, we would like to summarize all the details of the Research Bureau.

The core of the system remains the same: players will be able to earn a new "research points" resource and spend it in a special section of the Armory. To do this, players will need to reset researched branches of the ships and then research them again.

More about the Research bureau:

Each player, who has at least two tier X re-searchable ships in port, will be able to reset any re-searchable branch of the ships. In this case, the research of the branch will be canceled, and the ships sold with all modules.

Reset rul...

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