

12 Dec


Originally posted by hobodudeguy

If the first arrow explosion shocks the enemy, are the following arrows calculating with or without that increased damage?

That can't happen. There is only one hit. The explosion, dealing all the summed damage of the arrows, either does or does not shock, and like any other hit, cannot benefit from a shock it itself applies, since it's already been calculated.


Originally posted by Koervege

So those skills would just fire one projectile?

All skills would only fire one projectile.

Those ones wouldn't get that projectile splitting into lots of projectiles on collision, since it won't collide with objects.

This item is therefore likely subotimal with such skills.


Originally posted by Koervege

u/mark_ggg , How will the new unique, Fury Valve, interact with projectile skills that hit the ground? (Molten strike, cremation, magma orb, etc.)

Splitting is an on-collision effect, just like fork, chain, pierce and most forms of returning. Projectiles that don't collide with enemies can't split.


Originally posted by Bolgan88

So fork will create 2 (up to 4 with fork+) arrows that can explode? Does the new animation that makes arrows bounce off walls and get destroyed also destroy explosive arrows?

(do awakened gems work with their base variants?)


Explosive Arrows don't do that



Originally posted by 4percent4

Question, what’s the effectiveness of added damage? I’m assuming it’s 50%.

Second do EA’s from different sources stack together? Example I’m attacking and I have 3 EA ballistas. I land 5 arrows and each ballista lands 2. Does that mean there is a single explosion of 11, an explosion of 5 and 6, or 5 and 3 explosions of 2?

Question, what’s the effectiveness of added damage? I’m assuming it’s 50%.

100%, like any other gem that doesn't explicitly state a value for it.

Second do EA’s from different sources stack together?

Yes. Whichever arrow explodes first tells all the others to calculate their explosion damage as well, then sums all the damage against each target, and deals a single summed hit.


Originally posted by The1OnlySon

Okay but hear me out... what if it were a support effect. plz?

We don't currently have the ability to do global support effects. We got some of what we needed when we implemented global gem level modifiers, but support effects are more complciated than those. So we can't currently do that. And it'd be a lot less interesting only affecting socketed things as an unset ring.


Originally posted by Cate-Supremo

One additional question, is EA keep it's interactions with fork, chain, etc. Where only the last target gets the fuse?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: no, in that there is no concept of a "fuse" any longer. previously there were fuse charges, which were applied by the arrows. Now that layer of indirection is gone, it is the actual arrow itself which explodes, and it can only do that in the thing it stays stuck to, because that's where it is.


Originally posted by Rumstein

/u/mark_ggg Question RE Explosive arrow

1) Is the 522-783 added damage to explosion affected by the 50% base damage on explosion? (Assuming no)

2) Does flat added damage contribute to the explosion? Noting the distinction between base damage and effectiveness of added damage.

1) Added Damage is not Base Damage. 2) Yes.


Originally posted by Juts

/u/mark_ggg was it a typo or something?

We changed the description because the old one was incorrect on several points about mechanical interactions. Apparently in doing so a number went from being explicitly stated to not being so.

For the record, the default amount of base damage attacks deal is 100%, not 0%, so if the gem actually lost that stat, that would be a huge buff, not a nerf. But it hasn't lost the stat.


Originally posted by hukkaberry

/u/mark_ggg is just salty he wasn’t invited to the AMA

I have far too many questions to answer already :P


Originally posted by Having-a-hard-time

But Shockwave Totem doesn't meet one of the criteria you listed for the Nova tag:

It interacts with spells which have the new "Nova" tag, which is for AoE spells that non-directionally target an area centred on the caster,

Since it's centred on the totem, not the caster.

The totem is casting the shockwave spell, which is a nova.

Shockwave totem (like all inhernetly-totem skills) is a nova spell which comes "built-in" with a totem that casts it for you. It's the same as Ice Nova being cast by a Spell Totem from the support, the Shockwave Totem skill just comes with the "makes a totem to use this skill for you" part built in, like how Split Arrow inherently has "additional projectiles" but other skills need to get that from a support to have it.


Originally posted by Legion_Of_Truth

How the f**k isnt shockwave totem not on this list lol

Good catch! That is indeed also a nova, and will have the tag in 3.9.0.

11 Dec


Originally posted by psychomap

I've been wondering about this myself. I don't really want to bother you, but /u/Mark_GGG, can you shed some light on whether those two modifiers will be addtitive or multiplicative?

I would hope and assume multiplicative because they're both "more" modifiers, but there's no precedent for several modifiers of this type to apply at the same time and stuff like stack modifiers can be additive even as more modifiers.

Multiple "more" modifiers are always multiplicative with each other.


Originally posted by Lutcikaur

Ah, I don't remember that one. That would have been a later bug then. I always the remember the "shock did nothing for several months" bug, probably because that was entirely my fault :P


Originally posted by Iggy_2539

AFAIK, only support gems can change what other support gems can apply. Uniques can't do that. Hence the duration effect on old Burning Arrow because Pitch Darkness exists.

Though I might very well be wrong. /u/mark_ggg, can you confirm?

This is correct. Only support effects can change skills in ways that affect which other support effects can apply. Because this isn't a support effect, it can't change which supports apply to the skill.


Originally posted by phoenix_nz

If you're talking about the old 3x shock stacking it was revealed at exilecon that shocks never actually stacked past 1 due to a bug in code. I think I remember that comment correctly

Not quite. The original implementation of shock was 20% increased damage taken, and stacked up to 5 times. It was in the game for something like I think 8 months or so before I found the bug, which wasn't that it didn't stack, but that it didn't actually do anything (or more correctly, it did grant the correct stat, but the increased damage taken stat didn't do anything and shock was the only source of that modifier at the time). In the intervening time, several players had complained that shock was OP and needed a nerf.


Originally posted by xyzpqr

/u/Mark_GGG Do the "Enemies have -X% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits" imply that melee attack totems don't get any benefit?

Totems use your skills, they will benefit.

10 Dec


Originally posted by rds90vert

Thanks for the clarification Mark!

So if my "oldest mine" is also the furthest, does it mean that there is a chance the mine will deactivate before the explosion chain reaches it, in case i begin detonating mines that are closer to me/the enemy?

If it's duration runs out before the detaonations reach it, then yes.

07 Dec


Originally posted by CycloneSP

out of curiosity, how are 'non-blocking' things different from things affected by 'phasing'?

Phasing only affects pathfinding - it lets you move through other things as though they weren't blocking, but it doesn't stop you being blocking - monsters can't also walk though you - it's a one-way thing.


The issue here is that non-blocking things aren't found by the code that looks for targets in an area - they're not "taking up" any space, so they're not "there". We can't just change that because it would cause a performance hit - a lot more objects would start needing to be iterated over constantly for various auras and similar effects, so this has to have a more complicated fix. I've got an issue noting it, but it's likely to be a long-term thing due to the ratio of work and ongoing performance cost compared to benefit.