

24 Feb


Originally posted by kogielore

oh that's interesting, so let's say i grab the node that says that burning from critical strikes deals more damage, this means that if the explosion is a crit the burning calculation will be affected by this mod in total, and not only the burning part that cames from crititalc hits?

No. Each arrow calcualtes it's explosion hit & ailment damage separately. Only those which are crits individually will calculate their damage with that modifier, because that modifier only applies to damage calculation for crits.

When the individually calculated damages are combined, if any are a crit then the explosion as a whole will be considered a crit for on-crit effects, but this cannot affect the damage calculation in any way, because that has fundamentally already happened before that point.


are the stat requirements the only thing that affects socket colors?

Yes, outside of modifiers that explicitly refer to sockets which some uniques have.


There are two parts to Explosive Arrow - the arrow colliding with an enemy, and the explosion. The individual arrows colliding with the enemy hit and apply ailments in the same way as any other arrow and have no special mechanics. The stuff you've quoted is only in the context of the explosion, where one arrow exploding causes all the other arrows in the same enemy to calculate their hit and ailment damage for the explosion, then sums them together and applies them as a single hit.

All the damage for the explosion is calcualted at the time the explosion happens. Any relevant modifiers to that damage at that time will affect that calculation. Then the damage is combined into one big hit, and applied by the arrow that triggered the explosion (this matters if two different explosive arrow skills are in play for working out which on-hit effects apply).

At the time of the explosion, if you've dealt a crit in the past 8 seconds (and have EO), then each arrow will calculat...

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Originally posted by RussellLawliet

There's about 5 good games.

There's a lot of great games on the Google Play store, they're just hard to find because the store's features for finding stuff suck and the horrible cash grabs do all the advertising and SEO stuff to become more visible. You also have to be willing to actually pay for some of the good ones (they then tend not to badger you for further payments, like a lot of the free phone games do). A selection of examples from what I currently have installed:

BuriedBornes is an indie game by a Japanese dev which has a good chance of appealing to a lot of PoE's playerbase. Deep character builds focusing on interesting interactions. Turn-based combat with a lot of stuf to keep track of. Free to play with ads, or can remove them by making a small purchase. There's the option to spend more for unlocks, but I believe that's all earnable through play as well. I paid the minimum amount to remove the ads & support the dev, and that also let me unlock an extra class earlier than I otherw...

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19 Feb


This is intentional. Rain of Arrows is fundamentally different from the default bow attack in ways that make them not equivalent, so the downgrade is disabled for that skill to prevent unwanted interactions, such as causing the player to move.

18 Feb


Originally posted by raikaria2

How does 'Increased Defenses from Equipped Shield' interact with 'Increased Armour/Evasion/ES'.

I assume it's probably additive. [EG: 1000 EV Shield; 300% increased Defenses; 200% Increased Evasion -> 5000 EV] but I want to make sure because I'm thinking of trying Willowgift [Fortify -and Mistwall [Over 1,100 Evasion Shield].

Also; if you convert damage taken to an element, and have a means of avoiding elemental damage [ie: Soul of Arrakali] does that work? Because you can actually stack up a fair amount of Elemental Avoidance and I'm wondering how well that could work as a defensive layer.

1) Additive - they're both "increased" modifiers which are applying to the same value. 2) No. If you avoid damage you never take it - thus avoidance has to happen before things that modify damage taken, including what type you take it as. As a side note, this is explicitly not a conversion, which matters for some mechanics.

17 Feb


Originally posted by CriErr

It is all interesting and stuff, but I hope you took a note about the OP question and would take it into consideration.

Other people in the thread have already pointed out that there are downsides to that as well. Lots of builds rely on being able to reliably trigger their on-hit effects, even if those hits won't deal damage.


Originally posted by ScootaLewis

If your minions have strength and are supported by iron will support then any spells they cast should be buffed. Minions only have strength if you have The Baron, though, and taking Iron Will as a keystone wont help your minions.

Technically, minions can also gain strength from shields with Necromantic Aegis, and animated minions can gain strength from the items they animate, but the Baron is certainly the main method of getting minions with strength.


Originally posted by VeryWeaponizedJerk

Uh, I think you are wrong about still being able to leech targets that are immune. Your leech is based on the damage that was dealt to the enemy, a portion of which is turned into leech.

I'm pretty sure divine shrine just gives monsters "100% reduced damage taken", meaning they take absolutely no damage and thus no leech. For the "allies cannot die" aura you can leech them as long as they have life, but if they are on 1 life and you hit them you would have dealt 0 damage to them, thus getting no leech. You most definitely do NOT leech anything from monsters in the darkness, your only option is to use life gain on hit (since it's based on hitting stuff, not the damage of said hit).

Heck, the only exception to that rule is Izaro, and they made that exception because it was really annoying for some builds to survive that short moment when you phased him and he would go back underground.

I'm pretty sure divine shrine just gives monsters "100% reduced damage taken",

Incorrect. It gives them "cannot take damage", which is distinct ("100% reduced damage taken" could be trivially countered by shock, for example).

meaning they take absolutely no damage and thus no leech.

True. But there are plenty of non-leech on hit effects that someone might want, including life-on-hit.

For the "allies cannot die" aura you can leech them as long as they have life, but if they are on 1 life and you hit them you would have dealt 0 damage to them, thus getting no leech.

False. You have dealt the nromal amount of damage for your hit and will leech accordingly. That damage just didn't cause them to lose their last 1 life, because they cannot lose it.

You most definitely do NOT leech anything from monsters in the darkness, your only option is to use l...

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13 Feb


Originally posted by parzival1423

Why do you say “tends to be”? Maim can be an aura for the character, but besides that, in what way can enemies apply maim/hinder not using the usual methods?

Hinder can also be an aura (Singularity unique item), and can be applied by mines (which can be from an attack or spell skill). And once that's been done for players it's something designers may well have re-used on monsters somewhere without me being aware of it - my knowledge is much better on "what mechanisms have been added to the game" than on "which of those are currently used in specific contexts (such as: by monsters)", because I'm involved in making the thing work, not so much in all the places it then gets put to use.

12 Feb


Originally posted by Gradieus

Raider archer using ice shot/barrage with 95% evade and 50/52% dodges. Vaal'ed some omen of the winds jewel and got "Cannot be hindered" on one and "Cannot be maimed" on another. Am I more likely to be maimed or hindered due to my range build, or does neither really matter due to my evasion?

In general, Maim tends to be applied by attacks, and Hinder tends to be applied by spells.

11 Feb


Originally posted by EchoLocation8

Can you clarify for me:

  • When you say that Glacial Hammer can be supported by Pulverise, does it actually benefit from it? The gem just says it supports melee attack skills, to me this implies Double Strike or something could be marked as being "supported" by it but with no meaningful gains.
  • Does that mean Glacial Hammer by default is also buffable by Blood and Sand? If not, how does Blood and Sand interact when you do have the threshold jewel for Glacial Hammer in and/or affected by Melee Splash?

When you say that Glacial Hammer can be supported by Pulverise, does it actually benefit from it? The gem just says it supports melee attack skills, to me this implies Double Strike or something could be marked as being "supported" by it but with no meaningful gains.

That was a poor example. I meant to point out that Glacial Hammer is always supportable by supports that only apply to skills with an area component (such as Increased Area of Effect Support). Pulverise does not actually have this restriction, so that doesn't apply here. Regardless, any area-specific modifiers won't apply to a skill that doesn't have any area.

Does that mean Glacial Hammer by default is also buffable by Blood and Sand?

No. This is only about supportability, not about what has an effect.

If not, how does Blood and Sand interact when you do have the threshold jewel for Glacial Hammer in and/or affected by M...

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10 Feb


Melee Splash Support will not add any tags. Neither does Arcane Surge. No supports add tags.

Melee Splash Support will add splash damage to a strike skill, which is area damage. Since the strike then has the property of dealing area damage, it would become suportable by Pulverise Support. That has nothing to do with tags.

Puverise Support's damage bonus only affects area damage. The splash is area damage, the direct hit that causes the splash is not. So that modifier only applies to the splash damage.

Because Glacial Hammer has a threshold jewel that adds an area component, it is always supportable by Pulverise supports that apply to skills with area. This is because threshold jewels being added and removed can't change supportability of gems, so gems get the necessary supportability by default.

07 Feb


Originally posted by duskwuff

re. 4) Wasn't there a bug a while ago which made many bosses raiseable as spectres?

Granted, they were completely broken from a balance perspective. But a lot of the mechanics worked as-is.

Not all, and many of those caused weird problems or crashes as well. Map Bosses in general are safer (because of being built in general to support the twinned mod), although there's still a distinction between spawning multiplies at level generation and spawning something during the gameplay which isn't expcted to be spawned that way. But lots of the non-map bosses are tied to their area in odd ways - as one example, any Brutus dying will permanently change the environment/lightning settings for that instance (I know from experience this causes weirdness if you spawn and kill him in the wrong area, but just spawning the extra means that can occur without killing the "real" one). They also grant quest flags, do special drops, and other, weirder mechanics, all of which are tied to being that monster.

06 Feb


Originally posted by load231

Any hints? :)



1) That's not how tags work. Tags don't cause any behaviour, they signal behaviours the skill has. Actually making converted monsters be minions doesn't work under the current minion system and would require substantial changes to minion systems as a whole before we could start on that. This is nowhere close to "easy", nor a "small" change.

2) Not only is that not how tags work, the behaviour you suggest isn't even the behaviour that would be indicated by the trap tag. Conversion Trap is a trap, and thus already has the trap tag. There is no way to just arbitrarily change modifiers that affect traps to also apply to other effects of the skill being used by the trap - specific types of modifiers could potentially be manually applied, similar to how, say, Caustic Arrow has a stat that makes projectile damage modifiers apply to it's damage over time. Even then, this would only apply to the conversion effect, not the monster itself, because that monster fundamentally d...

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Any good rare one-haned weapon would be the most broken, because of the horrible things that would result from Animated Guardian having the stats of two off-hand weapons at the same time. Depending on the specific stats invloved that could be anything from "crazy op" to "crash the instance", but it would definitely be broken.


Originally posted by nice_guy_threeve

Interestingly Crit% in PoE functions as additional accuracy (if your accuracy isn't capped), since a "missed" crit turns into a normal hit.

This is incorrect. A missed hit never rolls crit chance in the first place.

If you do hit, and the crit chance determines a crit, accuracy is rolled a second time for that hit (without evasion entropy, so fully random), and if that accuracy test fails, the hit is demoted to non-critical.

Crit chance does not cause you to hit more, but lack of accuracy does cause you to crit less.


Originally posted by load231

Besides commands are there any other secrets that weren't discovered?



Originally posted by kfijatass

Are there any commands players can use that weren't discovered or are seldom used across the leagues?

All the ones I'm aware of that players don't know are cheats and thus not on live, but there are definitely some seldom used ones. I can't ouch that the list on the wiki is fully up to date, but I would expect most of those work, and some of them many players might not know about.

/cls would be my pick for one that might not be super well-known while still being actually vaguely useful (as opposed to something like /fixmyhelmet, which by now is probably only relevant for some ...

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