

13 Jan


Originally posted by IllButtInAnywhere

I can survive Hazard lvl. 4 solo with my trusty buddy Bosco. The Dreadnaughts are challenging though! But on the whole whether you do or don't play online this game is a blast!

*Edit: You'll probably not be able to do the Deep Dives though as they are primarily group content.

Just want to clarify that deep dives, like all our other missions scale their difficulty based on the number of players.


While I understand why you would want that functionality, we do not want to encourage players to constantly jump from group to group.

If you find a team that works well togwther it is (in my opinion) totally worth it to stay together and help each other finish assignments, hang at the bar, etc. The host player can see everyone's assignments on the mission map which would make it quite easy for them to select the missions other players need.

Placing a "leave" button at the end screen would advertise the option and suggest to many players that they should considder leaving the team.

So yeah, just wanted to let you know that your suggestion is heard but also why we will not implement it.

Rock and Stone!

12 Jan


Looks very cool, is it OC?

10 Jan


Glad you like the game. Rock and Stone!

09 Jan


Glad you like the game. Rock and Stone.


Welcome! And you are certainly allowed to use this subreddit to look for players. We also have a Discord with dedicated LFG channels you might want to check out discord.gg/drg


Welcome aboard miner! Rock and Stone!


Welcome aboard, glad you like the game!


Congratulations miner, hope you enjoy the deep dives.

Rock and Stone!


Welcome aboard miner. Rock and Stone!

05 Jan


Welcome aboard miner!

03 Dec


Good aim!

30 Nov


Thank you for playing! Rock and Stone!

16 Nov

13 Nov


Originally posted by Tom_Foolery-

Hold on a sec… I thought I was on the Ultrakill subreddit for a sec just now.

Great game

11 Nov


Welcome back miner!