

06 May


To the bone!

15 Feb


This is so cool!

07 Feb


Wow. Fantastic work. Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by OgdensNutGhosnFlake

And now, with last update on live, I see the game running more smoothly than I've seen games run on my non-gamer laptop

Wait, did they add any kind of optimization or performance improvements with this patch?

It's an endless struggle between light and dark, good and evil and coders constantly trying to optimize the game while artists & designers constantly add more things to the game.


Rock and Stone! And thanks for the kind words.

06 Feb


Originally posted by cchris43993

I don't know if this is a bug or intended behavior, but letting a Crassus detonate on the obsidian at the end of the escort missions results in no gold spawning. The obsidian overrides the explosion and won't even crater from it. I dug down past the obsidian to see if the gold maybe spawned underneath it, but no such luck.

Not a bug, the floor around the Ommoran is explosionproof to keep the arena from degenerating.


Rock and Stone, miner!

05 Feb


Originally posted by hillofgold

Rock and stone! Thank you GSG for such great content!

Thank you for playing.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by MUSEMVACA

Didn't know that we could pet this thing, the first thought I had when I saw it was to kill. I'm sorry little ones, hoxxes has already taken away my sanity.

Hoxxes reveals to us out true selves. Embrace it.

20 Jan

17 Dec


Originally posted by MaybeAdrian

I would like to ask a Dev if that kind of procedural generation is made by RNG or is a dick joke made on purpose.

Pure RNG, I'm still waiting for it to create the complete works of William Shakespeare but no luck with that so far...

15 Dec

09 Dec


That was a very intense intro!


Originally posted by haikusbot

Your title memes arnt

Welcome on discord and there

Still not welcome here!

- Niko13124

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"

Good bot


Originally posted by ShadowDragon8685

And a couple of toolboxes, apparently.

Where's the kitchen sink?

07 Dec


Originally posted by bdrwr

This is gonna haunt my nightmares

It's gonna rock my nightmares

18 Nov


Originally posted by BlackWingCrowMurders

YOU are awesome. thank YOU <3

Let us agree to both be awesome. Rock and Stone!

11 Nov


Whoa, this is awesome. Thank you for writing this!

05 Nov


We see everything.

02 Nov


Originally posted by Gothmog03

It was the Ushanka but i dont remember for who it was.

Very odd, I've doubled checked the pricing of all our cosmetics and found nothing out of the ordinary. When playing do you usually host or join games?