

21 May


Originally posted by ShowMeThatBus

Me and my partner are both around 30 and fell for the game pretty hard. We've loved some Co-op games in the past but only DRG got us buying merch and painting little printed miniatures from the game.

But I'm also starting to feel some of the burnout and as much as I want to go promote all of my classes, I'm starting to think I should go look for something else to play more often until U35 or something

I hear varriety is the spice of life ;-)

DRG will be here (and better than ever) when you return.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by fishling

Yeah, but now I play DRG with my kids. Just takes a bit of time to get there.

Rock and Stone!

20 May


Originally posted by dudeplace

Glad to see devs reading community perspectives! I know you do, but please continue to take it all with a grain of salt.

I often see complaint threads in reddit where the player is great at identifying a not fun moment, but completely missed why/how to fix it.

I too remember getting my 3rd scout overclock when I had like 3 levels on my scout. It was really frustrating, but it got me to play scout. Which turned out to be my favorite class. Infinite grind to unlock an unlimited number of something sounds like a great way to burn out your players. Hitting a few hours of play a week and then doing any extra just for the FUN of it has been super great in this game. Imagine that, playing a game for fun instead of progression.

I love you guys, this game kept my gaming group busy during the pandemic. My 5 year old has started sitting in my lap while I play and she greeted me this morning with a Rock and Stone. Good work miners!

Rock and Stone!


Would if I could.

19 May


Rock and Stone!


Thanks! Rock and Stone!

18 May


Originally posted by Koksschnupfen

I don't get any of this I just wanted to say hi dwarfloper 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Hi back at you!

11 May


Originally posted by vizthex

What's poorly designed? Like where's the post?

06 May


To the bone!

15 Feb


This is so cool!

07 Feb


Wow. Fantastic work. Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by OgdensNutGhosnFlake

And now, with last update on live, I see the game running more smoothly than I've seen games run on my non-gamer laptop

Wait, did they add any kind of optimization or performance improvements with this patch?

It's an endless struggle between light and dark, good and evil and coders constantly trying to optimize the game while artists & designers constantly add more things to the game.


Rock and Stone! And thanks for the kind words.

06 Feb


Originally posted by cchris43993

I don't know if this is a bug or intended behavior, but letting a Crassus detonate on the obsidian at the end of the escort missions results in no gold spawning. The obsidian overrides the explosion and won't even crater from it. I dug down past the obsidian to see if the gold maybe spawned underneath it, but no such luck.

Not a bug, the floor around the Ommoran is explosionproof to keep the arena from degenerating.


Rock and Stone, miner!

05 Feb


Originally posted by hillofgold

Rock and stone! Thank you GSG for such great content!

Thank you for playing.

Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by MUSEMVACA

Didn't know that we could pet this thing, the first thought I had when I saw it was to kill. I'm sorry little ones, hoxxes has already taken away my sanity.

Hoxxes reveals to us out true selves. Embrace it.

20 Jan

17 Dec


Originally posted by MaybeAdrian

I would like to ask a Dev if that kind of procedural generation is made by RNG or is a dick joke made on purpose.

Pure RNG, I'm still waiting for it to create the complete works of William Shakespeare but no luck with that so far...

15 Dec