

30 Oct


Originally posted by GloriousBeard905

Honestly? I can’t tell if I would love or hate this.

I think in the long run (after the initial shopping spree) it would lead to less fun.

29 Oct


Well that sucks... Which item was it?

Edit: Also, in case you are not aware, you can restore a previous save state in the options menu.


Originally posted by heavenbsd_hellwth

noone is going to do that without a credit bonus

You would be surprised.


Originally posted by Black_Widow14

Respectfully.. yall are insane.

I don't know, maybe they're on to something here...

27 Oct


Rock and Stone!


Originally posted by ThePawnOfOthers

Can we get 1 πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Edit: personally I’d like if it was optional

No promises.

25 Oct


Good save. Rock and Stone!

24 Oct


We have initially considdered doing perks that activate when you Rock and Stone but descided against it as it would conflict with the salute as a communication tool. We think you should Rock and Stone from the heart, not to get a buff.


Originally posted by ThePawnOfOthers

real talk how hard would it be to

  1. add the ability to bring Dorretta home after a mission
  2. add variations to salvage mission/new mission where u bring Dorretta and or other equipment home.

Obviously the second one is more of a wish than anything but I just wonder how long stuff takes

1 is not too hard.

2 is a new mission and therefore a lot of work.

23 Oct


This is awesome!

22 Oct


Just in case, have you tried restarting steam? Connection problems when a new update comes out usually means you are still on the old version. And while steam offers for you to update and even downloads something(no idea what) you sometimes need to quit and restart steam before it downloads the update proper.


PSA: Hold Shift (or which ever key you assigned sprint to) to lock your view for a more roller-coaster feel.


Glad you like it. Rock and Stone!


Thank you for the kind words, Rock and Stone!


I'll be stuck at work all day :-)


Originally posted by haikusbot

Can't wait to get of

Work, and get home and do some

Real work. Rock and stone!

- powerpetter

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"

Good bot

20 Oct


Originally posted by Cl4-ptp

If Google isn't big enough Artstation is probably your best bet with Pics like this

I love that one.

11 Oct


I like what you've done with the place, very nice.

10 Oct


Originally posted by Vault_Traveler

Great, now I want a DRG Tabletop Game.

Me too!

08 Oct