I'm assuming the Unions thing is broken, as I've already joined the discord and it's telling me to join the discord...
Do you have discord installed on your PC? Or did you use the browser version. You need to install discord for it to link up...
I'm assuming the Unions thing is broken, as I've already joined the discord and it's telling me to join the discord...
Do you have discord installed on your PC? Or did you use the browser version. You need to install discord for it to link up...
hey i just got the game yesterday. i wanna play with my friend but her left click doesnt work, it cant be held down like firing the minigun. we have tried reinstalling. she says shes had the problem for a month and cant play the game.
is there a fix or solution?
That is very odd... Incoming wall of questions:
Does her mouse work fine for other games? Especially games made in the unreal 4 engine.
Did she always have the problem since she bought the game or has it worked fine before and started acting up a month ago?
Also are talking steam or win10?
Has she tried plugging the mouse into a different USB port?
Has she tried using a different mouse?
Does she also have a controller plugged in? Or some other input device besides the keyboard?
Any plans for Xbox and steam crossplay to be added to the game? I know we have xbox and win 10 but would be cool to have all the pool of steam players come together also with console.
We do not use our own matchmaking but instead use the system provided by the various platforms so no, no plans for it right now but things may change.
I looked up but couldn't find any info. Is price gonna be same when the game leave Early Access (Release v1.0)?
I came from Free Weekend and so far the game is amazing! Really good experince with very cool playerbase. Thank you everyone!
I actually don't know... Don't think it's decided yet.
Edit: And thank you for trying out our game.
Surely that can be detected from your end no? I feel a more competitive ladder is attractive to a large enough part of the community that cheating verification would be justified.
Anyway, thanks a ton for replying, glad to see you guys plan to keep supporting the game.
That's the thing the game right now is P2P, there is no our end.
Rock and Stone!
Idk if it's too late, but, I've been wondering if it'll be possible at some point to have a huge server for, let's say, 16 players. Maybe some sort of a gold rush, in which the first team (of four) to score a certain amount wins. Just throwing an idea.
For that we would want dedicated server tech and right now that is not in the cards.
Read more
- In the upcoming "Miner Manual", how detailed will everything be for the different enemies and such? To explain what I mean, for the game Payday 2, the community has access to the exact numbers of health, headshot multipliers (Weakpoint multipliers), range, enemy damage, health on different difficulties, as well as their different tactics. What of those can we expect to see in the miner's manual and what will be kept secret.
- In the miner's manual, can we expect to see perhaps an explanation of what different minerals are used for? For example, we all can guess what gold is used for, but what exactly IS nitra? How does it co-relate to ammunition. Also, what is morkite? It seems to have no real-world counterpart that I can think of, and why are we being sent down to risk our lives for it.
- Will the miner's manual include character personality development or simply character tactics for the player.
- Is there anything in the works for maybe having small st...
its not finished yet but we probably will not give exact numbers for health, attack damage, resistances, etc. It's not for the purpose of keeping that information secret but for maintaining a certain style and tone. If players want exact numbers the wiki has them.
No plans for such details at this time.
No character personality stuff, we want to leave that to your imagination.
We've decided to not do any liquids, too many potential weird edge cases.
We've discussed doing stuff like thag early on and decided to focus our energy elsewhere. Would be awesome though.
Yeah, I've been wanting to make it so you can close the wind tunnels but have not had the time yet.
Nothing of the sort is in the works, no.
No and no.
Suggestions are always welcome.
No, if we were to focus more on melee we would want to do it properly and that would very ...
Have any of the dev team played Dwarf Fortress? Has it influenced this game in any way? I like kicking barrels into the bottom of the elevators, to dispose of them via "Dwarven atom smasher", a classic Dwarf Fortress construction.
Not as far as I'm aware, no.
A truly amazing game. But would you ever add something where nitra will give access to bosco for like 5 minutes in a multiplayer server?, also it would be absolutely fabulous if you could move around while using the terrain scanner.
Bosco is really not made for multilayer, not a drop of network code in that little fellow and it would be a big task to change that.
I think that if we allowed movement with the terrain scanner that would open up a lot of edge cases. I see why you would want that though.
In terms of new maps, is it a possibility that maps could be added with a profoundly different gameplay experience, such as a sub-nautical map for example, where you must have an oxygen supply and fight underwater grunts. I absolutely love this game and the co-op experience is incredible, so it would be interesting to see how it would feel in a completely different scenario.
An underwater environment would be very cool but not something we are likely to start exploring this far into development. We did consider doing it but decided the time would be better spent elsewhere and just made a low gravity mutator instead.
- What inspired the creation of this game?
- What is your standpoint(s) on class balance?
- Will the gadgets (such as sentry and drills) be receiving overclocks?
A lot of stuff. Our game is influenced by and references to a wide range of content. Standing on the shoulders of giants as some English dude once said.
We are pretty happy with the classes as a whole but there are still weapon and OC tweaks that need to happen.
No plans for that but it could happen further down the line.
Any plans for female dwarves? I just started playing this today, showed it to my best friend and she'd like to play as well "but there's no girl characters!"
I've heard it said that dwarf men and women are impossible to distinguish just by voice or looks. And it is considdered impolite to ask.
Will the deluxe edition be available to all purchasers of early Access?
Dang no melee class :( but thanks for the reply and keep up the good work ROCK AND STONE!
Rock and Stone!
Completely understandable, I can imagine what kind of process that might be on the development side.
If any other voice positions do become available at some point, I'd love the opportunity for an audition, if that's the direction you head someday.
If you know of anyone else that is in the market, I'd be more than happy to work for free, just to be a part of their labor of love. All of the blood, sweat, tears and love you put into to the game shows in a great way, and you've nourished a truly incredible community here.
Rock and Stone!
Thanks for the reply! Apreciate the late night passion!
a game where cheating is so easy
Cheating as in manipulating the environments to our advantage or actual out of game file editing? Never came across any of it. Hope that doesn't push the idea back!
But unicycles on every mission, no.
100% agreed!
Cheating as in unlimited ammo, or health, fast movement speed etc.
But all that red sugar gave my dwarf diabetes!
That is very unfortunate. :(
Sad I'm late to the AMA! Hopefully y'all are still around. Questions:
1) Endgame right now is completing Deep Dives that are finite in nature. Has there been any consideration for a "Greater Rift (diablo 3)" gamemode, similar to the chaining of missions of deep dives, but with endless chaining of missions? Get players competing for the deepest possible missions, with progressive difficulty (could start one from the previously deepest missions).
2) Has there been any thought into vehicles other than the Mule? I understand the terrain would be an issue with compatibility, but perhaps large vehicles with large drills? I can imagine new missions types where only vehicle drills would be powerful enough to excavate the required ore, whilst we would escort the pilot.
Love you game, and hope you continue to update it. With or without paid content.
It's 1.40 at night and I should be in bed but...
We definatelly considdered that... might still happen in the future. But the competitive aspect would not work in a game where cheating is so easy.
Yes, mission specific vehicle stuff would be cool. We will definatelly explore that. But unicycles on every mission, no.
Cheers and good night.
a) How are you guys even able to push out updates so often? What's the average sleep time in the team?
b) What was the nastiest bug you had to fix? (I'm not talking about the detonator)
c)If you were to make a new game, would you rather make it in the same universe or a totally unconnected?
d)Hairworks beards when?
A. We sleep fine... We'll, those of us who don't have small kids sleep fine. The team is very senior and highly motivated and most of us have worked together on previous projects. And the few greenbeards among (amongst?) us are very talented. Also, we tend to release stuff early and then keep working on it. That works because you as a community accept the fact that I'm still doing weapon balancing and that we pulled a perk a few days after releasing it, etc. If you demanded perfection from every update our pace would slow down.
B. I don't fix nasty bugs, we have clever programmers that do that stuff.
C. Same universe for sure, I love this universe!
D. That would be glorious but not sure it would fit the style...
This just came to mind -- could EXP be used on a non-promoted dwarf? Say 1/3 the gain? I play Scout almost exclusively, and haven't even leveled Gunner to like 5 or so. I've been gold 3 for a long time -- all that wasted EXP really should go somewhere (I've been almost level 140 for as long as I can remember. I probably should be in the 300s by now). Maybe convert it to minerals / gold at a high ratio? Like 100:1 or something, for extra random goods?
It could but I don't think I like the idea. I want your gunner level to reflect the time you've spent aying as gunner. Though I totally understand where you are coming from.