I'm pretty sure that is rank 4/6 no 6/6 :-)
I'm pretty sure that is rank 4/6 no 6/6 :-)
It's beautiful!
This is really cool :-) nice work!
Welcome to Hoxxes!
We can only dream..... Would make for a cool OC tho, instead of full auto it fires in bursts
I think you are on to something here
Wha... This is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to make something like this. Rock and Stone to the bone!
Please add shield bars to you allies icons on the HUD! u/Mike_GSG
Valid points, will bring it up for discussion when we have time.
It was at close range, but it also worked with the Minigun rounds when using the "red heat meter adds fire damage" mod.
In fact, I'll do you one better. Here's your own patch notes from Update 25, from your official website. It reads:
[COMMUNITY REQUEST] Acid clouds now blow up from all fire damage sources
Huh... I stand corrected.
I can bet you my entire supply of 400 Magnite that this was a case for hitscan weapons, but then it wasn't.
I explicitly remember igniting Praetorian clouds with my White Phosphorous boomstick mod, a few patches ago.
Huh, that is odd... The tech that makes it possible was just recently added. Maybe something in the way the Boomstick does damage could trigger it anyway... Was this at close range? It has the blastwave mechanic which is overlap-based so maybe that was what did it...
Please add shield bars to you allies icons on the HUD! u/Mike_GSG
Is there a specific reason you want that?
That must have been satisfying...
Weapons that do fire damage can now ignite gas clouds
Whatever happened to this feature the last time it was added?
This is now for hitscan weapons.
Completely understandable. The fact that ghost ship is forward thinking enough to at least not rule vr out in the future speaks volumes in my opinion. You guys do amazing work. Keep it up.
Rock and Stone!
Hi again Mike, I just suggested several QoL improvements and fixes for Beast Master / Steeve on the forum, just wanted to make sure these are actually read by someone at GSG and not buried unnoticed. Thank you!
Will check it out.
Rock and stooonne!
For Karl!
Haha and thank you for making my most played game on steam Mike, Rock and Stone!
Rock and Stone!
Awesome thanks for letting me know! Rock and Stone brother
Rock and Stone!
That would be cool, I just asked our CTO about it and he said it has some edge cases that our matchmaking can't handle at the moment. I'll put it on our "nice to have" list.