Happy cake day!
Happy cake day!
Yeah, I just kind of started writing as a joke and the pieces fell into place.
That was great, thanks!
This is awesome, thank you.
Thanks. Passed it on to a programmer.
I'm guessing enemies/allies appearing and disappearing, like some sort of hallucination due to the weird air composition of the zone?
Definitely worse than that.
Thanks for that.
Will that be at the expense of the EPC being nerfed ?
The EPC is getting fixed. It had some crazy stuff with ignoring armor, doing double damage, its aoe damage triggeres staying in the world for a few seconds after impact... It will of course feel like a nerf for those used to playing with it as it has been.
When the next update hits it will have a lot of new weapon stuff in it and baeed on our experience with releasing the weapon mod system and new weapons we'll be continually tweaking and rebalancing the weapons for some months based on metrics and especially player feedback.
just a thought but isnt it possible to detect their stuck state somehow and just management-sanctioned-emergency-teleport them back to a normal spot?a sort of if player has been in the same spot for X time and has been looking around/swining pickaxe, do check if movable? (or just blatantly cheat and if people are in one spot for X time ASSUME they are stuck and move them forward just a tiny bit so they are probably un-stuck? yes hillbilly coding is probably not the best idea but..its AN idea..)
I think that its actually a failed cave generation. As in, there are no normal spots. There is no cave.
AWYES. (also the drillers Subata 120?)
Also that :-)
I imagine dwarvelopping is a lot harder than most people think. I’ve found more error cubes than glitches of this magnitude so you’re doing something right! Keep up the great work!
Rock and Stone!
Yeah... That sucks, sorry. These things still crop up ocasionally and have been really difficult to eliminate completely.
that awkward moment when one of the best looking guns in the game is also the most useless : /
It's getting some tweaks in update 25 ;-)
On the topic of the GK2, will it be seeing any balance changes in this update, because I feel that it is weaker than the M1000 in most departments.
Yes it will.
You’re welcome! Thank you guys for making such a sweet game!
Rock And Stone!
That is pretty good
When's the official merch coming? I would totally buy a banner like this or a lootbug plushy.
Me too!
u/Mike_GSG There you go. Happy to say that I didn't have any pixelation problem, in the end.
Damn, well can I just say that Deep Rock is one of my all time favorite games. Great work! And I appreciate how much has evolved and the time and love put into it.
Rock and Stone, brother!
Rock and Stone!