

06 Feb


Originally posted by Suikanen

I was having mad fun as an Engineer with the Jump Boots and a Fat Boi launcher, ribbing at my frequent duo-mining buddy the Scout that he's just been made redundant because I can now reach very high ground relatively quickly (platform, boots, a little rest, platform, boots, etc) and I can light the ceiling with a nuke in a pinch, not to mention annihilate swarms like it was my main job. I guess there was some truth to that.

I'm actually glad the boots got removed. Sure, they were fun as hell to use, but that was one active slot locked down into the comfort zone, preventing me from experimentation and optimizing builds: builds that might seem unfun on paper, but would help me to overcome the kinds of challenges that have been giving me and my buddy a hard time returning to hazard4 after a break from our main classes.

Jump Boots was a major self-reliance perk. That's good for the individual, but bad for the team, encouraging the kind of lone wolf behaviour that grabbi...

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No plans for more perks right now. Once the new perk system gets ironed out we have a backlog of weapon and OC balancing that needs to get done. But I could definatelly see us adding a few more perks down the line.


Originally posted by Machlol

Yes, perks are reset.

P.S. if you have completed a lot of milestones, don't just focus on clicking on one at a time and wait for the animation to finish. Click them all across as fast as you can. By the time you click the last milestone in the row, the first one is ready to be clicked. Speeds up the process quite a bit. :)

If you only knew how many times I had to do that while testing and retesting that thing...I never want to claim another milestone in my life.


Originally posted by AfroFlower

Found it weird they added new audio for when your out of flares but for some reason it doesn't sync the audio like the rest of what the dwarves say.

Wait, are you hearing other dwarves complain about being out of flares? I thought that was a voiceline only for the individual player... Will check.


Originally posted by a8bmiles

Born Ready now also reloads the Flaregun and the Platform Gun

What about the Zipline Gun?

It should work but I'm not sure... Maybe we only did it for tools with more than one charge in the magazine... I'll check tomorrow. I'm not a programmer but itshould not be a big deal to make it work with the zipline.


Originally posted by CptCap

I really liked it too but I think the game as a whole is better without that perk.

I agree, but as someone who plays solo from time to time, I am really sad to see it go.

When playing alone JB cut the amount of busywork by a ton. Even if all classes are able to traverse terrain just fine, not having to stop every 15 seconds to climb over something made the game much more fun.

Is there any plan to add more solo specific things (like perk effects) beside bosco?

No concrete plans right now but I could imagine doing a Bosco Overclock-ish thing as a way to add some more tools to solo missions.


Originally posted by GreedyRadish

Maybe a beer? The beers already offer abilities that would be too good if we had permanent access to them.

Something like that, yeah. We have not decided on a design yet but a jump beer could certainly work.


Originally posted by Zexis

I guess the takeaway here is we don't want any dwarf outside of Scout to be too mobile. I get it, but I will miss JB nonetheless. Made me feel like I was playing Metroid or somethin

I really liked it too but I think the game as a whole is better without that perk. That said, it was super fun so we will definitely look into doing something like this in the future, just not as a perk or a mod.


Originally posted by TheCatCubed

Developers: "Ah shit here we go again"

Ha! Literally what I though as I saw OP's post.

30 Jan


Originally posted by NetLibrarian


It would have been awkward to research that on my own. And if it did stack, I imagine it would have been way too strong.



Originally posted by Seekofsleep

Am I missing something like the one that reduced the intake damage while around Molly just in the last rank? Cause I find Deep Pockets one of the useless ones. You just call Molly and deposit.

That was Veteran Depositor and it now has the damage reduction from the first rank.


Originally posted by Choleric-Leo

This is just speculation on my part since I've not had a chance to play the new perks yet, but from the description my assumption is that the active portion of the perk is that you get to perform two power attacks in a row, and the regular melee damage buff is an all the time passive.

Can anyone confirm?

Nope, there are no passive effects on that one.


Originally posted by horizon_games

The in-game description doesn't say anything about boosting normal melee attack power though?

Will double-check tomorrow.


Originally posted by Psychogent30

I know this isn’t the best place to put it, but some of the perks are stated to have “{minutes} minutes long cooldowns”, with the brackets things and all

Which ones?


Originally posted by NetLibrarian

I want to know if the passive for shield link stacks if multiple dwarves have it.

It does not.


Originally posted by GSG_Jacob

I think this is pretty much a page straight out of the designers notes, except it has more skulls but also ponies.

Do not question our methodology!

29 Jan


Originally posted by SockMonkey1128

So you can't go down and wait 1 or 2 minutes before deciding to use it? If you don't use it within 10 seconds you are down until revived?


28 Jan


Originally posted by CaptainReginaldLong

I didn't read anywhere in the patch notes or dev posts that if a whole group is downed that IW can be activated. As far as I can tell, a whole group downed, IW or not means missions failed.

Just to confirm. If any of the players have an unused Iron Will you get a delay before the mission is failed.


Originally posted by Something_Syck

I forget, is 18 dmg enough to one shot a swarmer on haz 5?

It is.


Originally posted by Krakanu

Why not? Is there some bug hidden feature where the weapon gets double loaded with ammo and shoots twice as fast?

I hope not!