

13 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to confirm, yes, this is exactly what they initially announced and intended. It was directly confirmed by a Unity rep on twitter. It triggered some heavy panic for me. I was writing a report to give to some people internally when I saw that Unity amended it slightly. It’s no longer per install but...

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05 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Personal Items always drop with 0 Forging Potential. Sorry, can’t pull those personal affixes onto a unique.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

The fixed seeded items in the One-Shot Caches you find throughout the campaign are Personal Items. These are kinda like “light” uniques as they have specific stats and a set of affixes that you can’t find elsewhere but are not actually classified as unique items. It is possible for a unique item to drop from one of these Caches but they aren’t guaranteed.

04 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

You don’t have to tag us, we read stuff already :wink:

03 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback

02 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand that you are displeased with us as developers. We receive very large amounts of criticism about the game. We also receive large amounts of praise for the game too. It is by no means one sided feedback.

I’m sorry that our communication is not in the channels that you would prefer. I do believe that we are a very communicative development team. It’s one of the things I take pride in about our team.

It’s difficult to not take over threads and just end the conversations as a developer. I frequently have to restrain myself from just killing a debate with facts. You’re right, we don’t have major numbers like the big players in the industry right now. We have been waiting to really start pushing marketing until we were closer to 1.0 launch. As expected, we try to use our resources strategically for the most benefit for the game. All the major information about the game gets posted to the forums first and then linked out to other sources from here so the big commu...

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    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, if everything went perfectly to planned, nothing would change between yesterday and patch day at all. This week is for emergency fixes in case something we missed something really bad. Having a stable build is generally more important than getting that one last little thing in. So we playtest like crazy for the last bit to find any absolutely critical bugs and some early hotfix targets.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

A lot of people who run third party resources make plans based on launch dates that we say. Moving that up with no warning this close to the date could be really frustrating for them.

Ideally the build we made today is the one that gets used in the patch. I do know that won’t be the case though as we are still working on some finishing touches for things like fallback fonts for translated text in certain situations.

Basically we have various stages of “locking”. We are in the final stage before the patch but we have to keep testing and polishing.

So with all that in mind, no, it won’t launch early.

01 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, one of us doesn’t understand the other and I don’t know which.

31 Aug

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Frost Wall, Glyph of Dominion and several of the Runic Invocations sound like what you’re talking about here. Even one of the conversion nodes on Runebolt turns it into a turret. Also some of the stuff in Flame Rush has synergistic functionality and theming.

I’m not saying it’s exactly what you’re looking for but there might be something for you in it that you find fun. I hope you enjoy it, and if not, maybe we’ll do better with another upcoming class…

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve just put in a request to have that description updated. Sent them a screenshot of the mistake.

So I don’t want you to get your hopes up for this type of content on a future mage subclass any time soon. We aren’t specifically avoiding that style of minion (technically it’s already in the game on Primalist). We do have other specific plans for what the 4th mage mastery will eventually be, it’s actually probably the most decided of all the 4ths so far. (And just like the Runemaster was, very subject to change)

I know this hasn’t helped with what you’re hoping to see. I do think that we have more non-undead and non-animal minions than you might think. Elemental, animated objects, insect, mechanical and human summons are already all in the game too.

We will continue to expand the various skill options as we go too. It just might not be the specific combination of a mage summoning elemental golems. Really all I can say for sure is that it’s not the Runemaster doi...

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30 Aug

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think people are getting hung up on the term DLC. We will continue to add content regularly for everyone who has purchased the game. I think DLC implies an expansion style content where people pay for content that can split the player base.

I’m sorry you feel betrayed about the class not being what you expected. It is constantly evolving and I tried to spread the word this past year that runemaster wouldn’t have a pet as we initially thought. I’m sorry we weren’t clear enough on that.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

All the major information (including patch notes) for the upcoming patch will be posted here first and then linked in the discord so you can check in either location.

29 Aug

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I learned how contentious each region holds their beer above the others so I kept things intentionally vague haha.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have learned that the term “proper German beer” means very different things across Germany. It’s very cool and I was thrilled to be able to experience the culture from some locals like Heavy.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Was great to meet you too heavy. I had so much fun at the convention and the people are what was the highlight of the trip for me.

27 Aug

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, the booth will still be open. I’m not sure who will be there but it is likely Steve, Lizard, McFluffin, Karv and possibly some others. I just left to prep for an interview tonight.

Edit: I expect you’ve already found it by now but if you haven’t, head to hall 10.1, row B, all the way to the back, across from the Focus movie theatre.

22 Aug

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll be there! (but you already knew that)

Got in yesterday and I’ve been having a blast meeting people already. Had breakfast with McFluffin and Lizard_IRL this morning.

Very excited to get going tomorrow.