

25 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

It must spend the mana first. The only hope would be to ty and send a refund.

It’s a bug, something in the zone has its collision layer mask set wrong.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

5 - It must fully uneqip the first item all the way first. Then it can start to equip the next one. Unfortunately, part of the unequip is deallocating the +skills all the way.

6 - Pure performance. If we could, we would.

8 - The “no” answers were the design decisions. I just typed out why we can’t do it but I think I might be wrong? Basically, minions need a little room to summon. You don’t actually directly summon minions, it goes through an adapter that kinda disconnects it from you a bit. I know that sounds weird and it’s not really the whole story. That thing you create can fail if it doesn’t have enough room. Here is the key part of the problem: it’s crazy mega not performant to try and find an ok place once it starts, it’s essentially going for the ride, summon or fail. It’s at this point that you would have to get refunded the mana but it has no idea how much mana you spent to cast it. There might be a way to get around this that I’m just missing but I’m not sur...

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    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll give you a 1 word answer for each. If you would like one elaborated on, let me know. All is up for debate and discussion.

  1. Bug.
  2. No.
  3. Patience.
  4. Bug.
  5. Can’t.
  6. No.
  7. No.
  8. Can’t.

21 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, they mostly weren’t before and you’ve got quite a lot of things on that list but some of that, yea.

20 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think one key piece of information that might be missing here is that we created the current version of our playable characters to be specific characters, not a blank slate to be molded. So what we’re actually saying is that this one specific person is a rogue and this one specific person is a mage and this one specific person is an acolyte. The acolyte character was originally a disciple of the mage and left him to pursue different types of magic. They aren’t inherently evil magics either. The mages viewed them as unsavory but that’s just their views on it. The Acolyte has gone on to be a very successful master of those different magics and save the world just the same. She is still very much a hero. The Knight character, back in like 2018 before it was changed to be the sentinel, was actually female and she is also still in the game at the End of Time to talk to. I think the biggest disconnect here is that we let you name the character. This immediately gives a sense of creation...

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    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s right, it will just be a detailed look at the upcoming system.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

The stats on your gear are likely increased mana regen. This is a relative value to your base mana regen, not a percentage of your overall mana returned to you per second.

You have (base + added1 + added2) * (1+increasedValue1 + increasedValue2) * (1+moreValue1) * (1+moreValue2)

So for your mana regen, you had 37% increased mana regen that totaled to 12.

19 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you think that was an intentional decision that someone made when reading the reply to manually send you the survey and ignore the follow up?

(Serious question because I don’t but you might)

Regardless, if you haven’t given up hope yet, the best way to achieve your goal is to contact support.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, first off, I’m sorry we didn’t properly communicate to you that this change was happening when it did. We sent out notifications on all of our usual communication channels. I understand that you didn’t have access to those channels. I don’t know how we could have told you about it.

I can’t make any promises because I don’t know what the exact rules are or why they were put in place. I recommend replying to the support email directly instead of posting on the forums. The people who can help might not check here regularly. The ideal outcome for you is getting the refund but this thread doesn’t support that goal. I think you’ve received some really good advice here about how to approach a follow up email.

I do take pretty big issue with the suggestion that we don’t care about our players. I take great pride in how we do care about our players. We spent months trying to find a solution to make it possible to keep the stand alone launcher. We came to the conclusion that...

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05 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

We created a d and e patch, both of which had issues that were caught right at the last stage which caused them to be held back. In order to avoid some weird naming issues, this one is f. It is the 3rd hotfix released for this patch which is normally “d”.

04 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Barring some sort of insane technological leap that rewrites the rules, offline playable characters will never be able to be moved to the online environment.

This is one of those features that would be awesome if it were possible. It’s not a matter of us figuring it out. It’s not going to happen. I very rarely will be so firm on an answer like this but it’s just not something we can do. You’d have to have some way to have the data protect itself and yet still be manipulated. Maintaining the integrity of that manipulation is not feasible.

03 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

We generally don’t reply to bug reports here unless we are looking for specific follow-up information. This forum gets periodically checked for bugs that are converted into our internal bug tracking system. I don’t have any information on the status of this bug.

02 Oct

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

They are in a different challenge mode in one category.

One of them is solo or hc.

You can go to the last page in the settings menu to disable the challenge mode which is active.

You can also see which it is in the character select screen.

Oh and you answer your question, immediately.

29 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not that weird when it’s generated by a plugin we didn’t make.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t want to encourage or dissuade people from using this. I would like to make it super clear that EHG has not checked this file for issues and we take no responsibility for anything this file does. I don’t see anything wrong with it but I have no idea what the giant set of hex codes in there means. It does appear to interact with the correct registry entry to accomplish the task.

And while I can’t say that we’ve had any direct interactions, Faraddox has been around these parts for a very long time and we haven’t had any issues before.


21 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s not a “you” problem. It’s a mistake we made with font generation. We will fix it.

18 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Which is why it was only 80% McD’s fault. Coffee hot enough for 3rd degree burns is too hot. She also started out just asking for her medical bills to be paid for and it was McD who forced going to court over it.

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know this might seem like an obvious easy option to add. This is gigantic task, on par with the years we spent making multiplayer in the first place. This is not a feasible option. Sorry.

16 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone, just a general cautionary note with regards to this topic. There is a ton of misinformation floating around out there. I’m seeing several mistakes in this thread too. The situation is also still unfolding.

So, if you are interested in the topic, I recommend doing a little deeper dive before reacting.

Just remember to keep things generally respectful.

Thanks :slight_smile:

13 Sep

    Mike_W on Forums - Thread - Direct

They already measure company revenue. The monthly subscription cost for Unity is tiered based on company revenue.