

07 Mar


Originally posted by chrissyyaboi

Thanks for the help man, I am obviously being satirical for trying to get mine reviewed faster than other peoples, all I wanted was a little info. You have provided far more than I expected so thanks for the transparency I look forward to having my account back 😂

P.S I know your not guaranteeing my account back but you are guaranteeing it will be reviewed at some point so I am confident :)

No problem, please call off the military now. ;)


Originally posted by 5150-5150

They aren't going to do this.. I'm sure some appeals take a couple seconds to review and others take weeks. It will make it look unfair (and this community will of course be outraged) when people start posting screenshots of their queue position and how quickly some are being resolved vs others. There'd be much more to the story than a queue position.

They are done oldest first so nobody can really jump the queue, the system delivers the oldest pending appeal to the next available staff member, with about 15 staff a day working on that queue (although not for their whole day obviously).

Some appeals take longer than others to process, but the variance isn't as extreme as 'a few seconds vs a few weeks', so even if one does take a while to deal with, once it is resolved, the next oldest appeal will be delivered to the person who carried out that longer review, so the 'bottom line' lead times remain fairly stable.


Originally posted by Lerdroth

Have you thought of allowing the players with queued appeals to see their position?

Nice idea from a player experience POV, however the queue position is only a small indicator of when the appeal may be processed, other factors such as staff availability and incoming volumes across all our contact types, will have a much bigger impact on the response time.

For example, you could be 4,000 in the queue but get a review fairly quickly because we are well resourced and other work types are manageable, or you could be at number 200 in the queue and it take longer as staff are being used on priority work elsewhere.

The 28 day SLA is based on the longest it would take us, in a worst case scenario using forecasting of volumes and staff availability , but turn around for most of the time is more typically 7-10 days.

06 Mar


Hey, we received your appeal about 24 hours ago and it's in a review queue that we work on 'oldest first'.

Right now we are way ahead of the response times we publish, and although that can change daily, there is a good chance you will get the appeal outcome within the next few days.

Looking at the volume in the queue and our current lead times my best guess would be that your appeal will be processed on Sunday, but that's an informed estimate not a hard and fast guarantee!

I can see you have now secured your account and set up Auth, so there is a little less work for us to do in terms of securing the account at the appeal stage, and we can focus on identifying any hijacker activity and letting you know the outcome and next steps.

Obviously it would be unfair of me to process your appeal ahead of everyone else that is sitting ahead of you in the queue, so thanks for your patience!

01 Mar


Originally posted by Geturowntotz

Thank you! I apologise

No need to apologise my friend, you did something!


In these cases if you think someones life is in danger you really should just call the Police, reporting it to the platform is better than doing nothing at all, but will build in an inevitable delay. Any verified Police Officer can contact us from a Police email domain if they need to 24/7, by email at [email protected] and response time is typically within 10 minutes. Will will also provide a 24/7 contact phone number to verified Police officers who contact us by email.

26 Feb


Originally posted by iMittyl

You all needa chill, Steve's responses in this thread were perfectly fine and honestly should have been what you expected.

Most people reuse things like passwords and recovery questions, there are even lists of default recovery questions in case you can't think of any. It's not unreasonable to expect that, when presented with a screen like this, a user would likely be able to vaguely remember "Oh, one was my mother's maiden name, my dog's name... one was a fart monster joke pretty sure, loved that sort of thing when I was 11..."

All Steve has said is that it's supposed to be able to display the questions but, due to either player settings or spaghetti, it has failed in this instance. THAT SAID, it's okay if you don't remember the questions, if you have a vague idea of what the questions may have been you can take a stab at it. If not, leave it blank.

They're not going to disqualify you because SMELLY CHEESE AND BAKED BEANS was the correct answer to question ...

Read more

Thanks for your measured response, regardless of how people have reacted, I would like to say that i do genuinely care about players and in many cases I share the frustrations - in this case I opted to not choose the path of least resistance and simply not post at all but instead tried to offer some insight into the issue and offer advice (not great advice that 'fixes all' but the only advice possible in this situation).

It's back fired a bit and I've received some criticism, but I'll continue to post where I think I need to, my intent is always sincere and genuine.


Originally posted by Bspoken112

You actually can't be this f**king stupid

I know it's this thread, I just can't see the 'refusing to listen to their customers or the outside world by constantly shunning any criticism, feedback or debate for improvement' within it.


Originally posted by Kent_Knifen

It's the same damn Reddit post as this one!

Get it together Steve!

I know. I don't think I've 'refusing to listen to their customers or the outside world by constantly shunning any criticism, feedback or debate for improvement' in this thread, but it is this thread I've been given as an example of that.


Originally posted by Taylor7500

Look, I'm not going to get too far into what an awful standard this is because I know you're a customer support person and most likely not remotely responsible, but only allowing most players to be able to recover their accounts isn't acceptable. The runescape website is outdated and dilapidated as it is but the number one thing you absolutely need to have working is a good account recovery system - it's not some bells-and-whistles feature we should be happy to have. It should be standard.

I know a central theme of runescape these days is spaghetti code which hasn't been updated for 12 years, but that doesn't need to be the case outside of the game, and the impression I'm getting is that account recovery is still on the sort of model you'd expect when the game was being run by the Gower brothers and the small team around them at the very beginning, not one used for a game with players in the tens of thousands.

It's true a lot of our systems are now quite old, can't argue with that and we do have plans in place to address that. In this specific case though, the user is not excluded from recovery, they just can't provide a very small element of it. There are a significant number of accounts that have no recovery questions at all, they can still use the recovery process.

It's not lost on me that asking for answers and not giving the questions looks odd, and maybe we should just not ask for them at all if the questions can't be displayed. The thinking is that even if the questions can't be seen, it can't hurt to ask anyway, because if the user does happen to remember some of them then that gives them a bit of additional evidence they can offer to support their claim.


Originally posted by Kwolf21

That's my best guess. Haven't played Rs3 since... Rs2. Lol. EoC turned me away, been playing osrs since November (mobile ftw). Decided to give Rs3 my time again, recovered account and that's what I met.

OK should be fine then, they will let you know the outcome.


Originally posted by Biscuitsrs

And in that thread, where am i 'refusing to listen to their customers or the outside world by constantly shunning any criticism, feedback or debate for improvement'


Originally posted by Kwolf21

Good to know about my game inbox... I'll check up on that as well. Will I get a response no matter what? Only upon success? Failure?

You'll get a response either way - I assume you know nothing about the debt and it was incurred by a hijacker?


Originally posted by Kwolf21

I have successfully recovered my 10+ year old account, after it had been stolen. It is now telling me I owe $325USD to log back in, however.. I have filed a dispute with the billing department and it said I'd get a response in less than 2 days. 3 days later, still says I owe $325... Any help u/Mod_Stevew

If the charges have not been incurred by your actions, the support team will put it right for you - don't forget the response will go to your message inbox not your email - if it's taking a while it'd probably just because they are checking into some banking info or investigating the debt - don't worry they will get back to you :)


Originally posted by KaBob799

If the questions have been invalidated for some reason then the option to provide answers to those non-existent questions shouldn't exist.

They could still have been originally provided by the owner, they've just been changed or updated.


Originally posted by solo_your_colon

Your support system is shit, no matter how you try to justify it.

Literally the worst in the whole industry. It's absolutely embarrassing.

On every support thread, assuming one gets any Jagex attention, I see nothing but an echo chamber of Jagex employees reiterating the same bullshit while plugging their ears and refusing to listen to their customers or the outside world by constantly shunning any criticism, feedback or debate for improvement.

Can you link me to an example of that please.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No, if he knows the questions but not the order or exact format, he can put them in - otherwise just leave them blank.


Originally posted by Dr_Shab

Man this is the dumbest mod response I've read this week. Please lose your account, have to go through this process and then give yourself the answer you just gave OP.

Youre going to choose on giving back OP's account depending on the answers he gives.


How does he answer? Seriously, what does OP need to put in those blanks to get you to believe he is the original creator of the account?

He can leave them blank, an account is not recovered through just providing those answers.


Originally posted by girthantaclops

If recovery questions aren't a determining factor in account recovery why even have them? What is the purpose of them at that point lol?

They exist historically and it can only help to ask for them, they carry very little weight though.


Originally posted by Thus_RS

Even if it's not dumb answers, how are you supposed to remember the name of your favorite movie from 15 years ago? It's such a dated way of security that needs to seriously be revamped.

They are no longer in use.