

03 Mar

In the Synthesis League, you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. Don't forget, the Betrayal League ends in less than 24 hours. Today's news post explains what will happen with its migration.

Click here to check it out![]

In the Synthesis League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Synthesis Crown, Synthesis Pet and Synthesis Wings respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Synthesis Totem Pole Hideout decoration.

When Path of Exile: Synthesis launches on PC on March 8th, you'll be able to check out the full list of challenges to complete for these rewards.

Betrayal League Migration

The Betrayal league will end at Mar 04, 2019 4:00 PM or 1PM Monday March 4th (PST). At this time, we will bring the realm down to begin migration. Each version of that league will migrate to its parent league. For example, if you're playing Betrayal SSF your characters and progress will merge to Standa... Read more

01 Mar

Betrayal ends on Monday at 1pm (PST)! Next week we're also saying goodbye to the Betrayal Brimmed Hat and the Fairgraves Mystery Box. Additionally, we're holding a sale on a huge selection of character effects and portals over the weekend. To make this sale even more satisfying, we're offering one free Fairgraves Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points.

Click here to learn more![]

28 Feb


Betrayal ends on Monday at 1pm (PST)! Next week we're also saying goodbye to the Betrayal Brimmed Hat and the Fairgraves Mystery Box. Additionally, we're holding a sale on a huge selection of character effects and portals over the weekend. To make this sale even more satisfying, we're offering one free Fairgraves Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points.

Betrayal and Betrayal Hat

Betrayal and the exclusive Betrayal Brimmed Hat both end at Mar 04, 2019 4:00 PM or 1PM Monday March 4th (PST).

Betrayal for Xbox One will end when the Synthesis expansion goes live on March 11th (PST).

If you've been enjoying our latest expansion, be sure to check out the ... Read more

27 Feb

In Path of Exile: Synthesis we're introducing several new discoverable hideouts. Today we're revealing two more, the Sanguine Hideout and the Divided Hideout. We've also collected a few more divination cards to showcase in this news post!

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26 Feb

Alongside Path of Exile: Synthesis, we're adding a number of new holy-themed spells. These include Purifying Flame, Wave of Conviction, and Divine Ire. Today's news reveals more about these skills and their place in Path of Exile.

Click here to learn more![]

Alongside Path of Exile: Synthesis, we're adding a number of new holy-themed spells. These include Purifying Flame, Wave of Conviction, and Divine Ire. Today's news reveals more about these skills and their place in Path of Exile.

All holy-themed skills are distinguished by dealing physical damage with a portion always converted to Fire or Lightning, or in the case of Wave of Conviction, both. This gives these skills some unique interactions with other aspects of the game, especially with the new Physical and Elemental passives found near the Templar area of the passive tree.

Purifying Flame

Purifying Flame is a physical and fire spell that is accessible to you at level one. When cast, it sends a wave that, when it arrives at the enemy, deals damage in a circle around it and consecrates the ground.... Read more

25 Feb

In Path of Exile: Synthesis we're remastering the existing soundtrack of several in-game areas and also adding new music! For today's news post we prepared a preview of some of these tracks.

Click here to check it out!
With Path of Exile: Synthesis, we'll be introducing two new Chaos spells: Soulrend and Bane. Additionally, we're planning to improve the chaos spell style by changing some of its interactions and mechanics.

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24 Feb


With Path of Exile: Synthesis, we'll be introducing two new Chaos spells: Soulrend and Bane. Additionally, we're planning to improve the chaos spell style by changing some of its interactions and mechanics.

Soulrend fires a projectile that weaves through enemies, turns towards targets in front of the projectile and pierces through any enemies hit. As the projectile travels, it applies a damage over time effect in a medium sized radius to enemies. The damage over time effect is very potent, but only lasts a short duration.

When enemies are hit by the projectile they'll take a small amount of chaos damage and grant a large amount of Energy Shield Leech (4% at all gem levels). Although Soulrend is designed to work on its own for most encounters, it also works well alongside Essence Drain to combine their sign... Read more

22 Feb

We're discounting a huge assortment of microtransactions by holding a 50 Point Sale! There are more than 150 microtransactions available for only 50 points or less, including Skill Effects, Helmets, Pets, Weapon Effects, Hideout Decorations and much more!

Click here to learn more![]

21 Feb

Earlier this week in our announcement of Path of Exile: Synthesis, we mentioned our plans to include Betrayal as a core game mechanic. We've written a Development Manifesto that outlines our plans for its integration.

Click here to check it out![]

We're discounting a huge assortment of microtransactions by holding a 50 Point Sale! There are more than 150 microtransactions available for only 50 points or less, including Skill Effects, Helmets, Pets, Weapon Effects, Hideout Decorations and much more! Check out the full list of specials here.

The 50 Point Sale will run from the time of this post until Feb 25, 2019 10:00 PM (This is displayed in your local time).

In case you need points for this sale, we recommend checking out our new ... Read more

20 Feb

Alongside the Synthesis League, we're going to be introducing a number of new damage spells and two new Auras that can benefit them. These are called Zealotry and Malevolence. We've also made a few adjustments to some existing auras.

Click here[] to read more.

19 Feb

We're proud to announce Path of Exile: Synthesis! You'll encounter Cavas, recover his lost memories and chain them together to reach valuable rewards, new boss fights and crafting opportunities. This expansion contains the Synthesis challenge league, new items, new gems, a complete rebalance of spells throughout Path of Exile, an integrated version of the Betrayal league and much, much more. Please check out the announcement page[], watch the trailer and check out the ... Read more
Alongside the new league, a huge number of spells are being rebalanced. A few are also receiving mechanical changes, the most extreme changes being to Storm Burst. Today we're going to go over all of the changes it's receiving.

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17 Feb

There are only a couple of days left until we reveal the full details of our next expansion. Today we'd like to take a moment to remind you about the end of the Betrayal Supporter Packs and several upcoming dates to be aware of.

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15 Feb

The 3.6.0 announcement is right around the corner! The full details will be revealed on Tuesday, February 19th (PST). In the meantime, we're showcasing another discoverable hideout from the 3.6.0 expansion, the Alpine Hideout. Additionally, we're holding a sale on every type of stash tab.

Click here to learn more![]

14 Feb


The 3.6.0 announcement is right around the corner! The full details will be revealed on Tuesday, February 19th (PST). In the meantime, we're showcasing another discoverable hideout from the 3.6.0 expansion, the Alpine Hideout. In case you've missed the new Haunted Hideout preview, click here to check it out.

... Read more

13 Feb


We always enjoy seeing how Path of Exile inspires players to create fan art. We've gathered a few pieces of the recent creations from our community to share with you, including video submissions, paintings and digital art, and a couple of tattoos!

Inya, the Unbearable Whispers by NotForYouHiggins

The Last Betrayal by Desadaptado2

Captain Fairgraves Tatto...

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