Read moreWe're still around :)
I'm kinda new to posting around here, but Riots engagement with the community was one of the reasons I wanted to join up; so now that I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.
Here are some of the reasons I don't comment more often:
- Like Brightmoon said, you guys often beat me to it. I can't tell you the number of times I've been typing up a comment and seen someone post exactly what I'm trying to say.
- Reddit's really only good for reaching a small but highly engaged portion of the English speaking world. If something's important to say, then it's better to put it in patch notes or a dev blog so everyone can read it.
- It's intimidating! I'm happy most of my comments have been positively received so far, but it's definitely scary every time I hit the 'comment' button.
And since this is as good a place as any to make my official introduction:
Hi everyone!
I'm Riot Hu...
This. :D