

12 Jun


Originally posted by HuntedFork

We're still around :)

I'm kinda new to posting around here, but Riots engagement with the community was one of the reasons I wanted to join up; so now that I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.

Here are some of the reasons I don't comment more often:

  • Like Brightmoon said, you guys often beat me to it. I can't tell you the number of times I've been typing up a comment and seen someone post exactly what I'm trying to say.
  • Reddit's really only good for reaching a small but highly engaged portion of the English speaking world. If something's important to say, then it's better to put it in patch notes or a dev blog so everyone can read it.
  • It's intimidating! I'm happy most of my comments have been positively received so far, but it's definitely scary every time I hit the 'comment' button.

And since this is as good a place as any to make my official introduction:

Hi everyone!
I'm Riot Hu...

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This. :D

01 May


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Any update on Shyvana priority in general?

It's been 5+ Years since Riot has said Shyvana is a high priority on the VGU list (and repeated that a couple different times), but seemingly gets passed over year after year.

Ngl seeing Jax essentially get his own VGU in the time "high priority" Shyvana has been waiting for is very sad to see and makes me concerned with Riot's (lack of) commitment to VGUs.

Jax was not a VGU. VUs are very different in terms of time investment. Shyvana is still a high contender. But we will not be stopping Skarner development to start on Shyvana. Changes like that are extremely costly and will not be fair for Skarner as well.

28 Apr


Originally posted by a_few_good_thoughts

Does the champ entail one tail or two tails? 😸



Originally posted by IEclipseI

what happened to shyvana priority ? i remember reav3 saying that she was now tier 1 priority for a vgu she went really well on the pools and a lot people wanted but then Mundo that was worst then her in the pool got a vgu and she didn't
and now she just seems forgotten

Need to finish Skarner first!


Originally posted by x2saturn

Skarner delayed again sigh, they really just don’t give a flying f**k about this champ at all.

Its not that we don't care. Its more that we care alot! Delaying a champ means we are keeping people on the project longer. That usually means a more expensive project (time = money when everyone is salaried). We are willing to do that because we really want to get it right rather than ship something we don't have tons of confidence in. This usually means bigger iterations to test, playtest and run labs. It may not result in bigger changes but it means we are doing as much due diligence as we can.


Originally posted by StopDyingMan

Please keep the "Imagine if I had a real weapon" line for Jax.

Technically he still doesn't have a real weapon


Originally posted by drwontoned

Skarner delay sadge

Good news since the article is that we made considerable progress since the article was written :D Not sure if it would help Skarner catchup on the time he already was delayed for... but the team is feeling way more optimistic and energy is picking up! Can wait to have Skarner rushing through into the rift for y'all :D


Originally posted by WhiteGuar

I'm wondering if some of the champions that were in line for total reworks could get gameplay changes + delayed visual update instead. Because champions like Kog'Maw and Cho'Gath are imo fine gameplay wise (at least if compared to Skarner, Tryndamere, Nocturne) and don't really need drastic changes to their kit, just some tweaks here and there and ofc new graphics.

To ensure cohesion of a champion, we generally have to evaluate as a whole package. Even if the gameplay is working, sometimes we need to figure out how this champ fits into the greater runeterra world. Once we make those changes, design usually reconsiders the current kit works well or if there are lightweight tweaks that would make the champ feel alot better as a cohesive package. We also usually use these moments to clean up the scripts to more modern standards. Thus, its not always as simple as just updating art. What goes on underneath the covers on a champ is still bulky work that someone have to set space aside to take on.


Originally posted by NamixSoraka

3rd skirmish jungler in a row? It’s a pretty diverse role you know, they don’t have to be one class

We are aware of this and have adjusted future roadmaps to balance! Sometimes if I handout too many restrictions for a champ it will become extremely limiting ont he creative space. There are times when it works well: Milio needed to be from Ixtal and need to be young boy and need to be core enchanter. Sometimes you get more of a mashup that is not great for cohesion. In those cases, somethings need to give. Also, all of the champions that end up making it to players hands are not necessarily all of the champs in development/ explored. When champs don’t work out, we don’t adjust other in dev champs to accommodate because usually it’s too late. We can only adjust further out roadmaps (champs that haven’t fully formed yet).


Originally posted by Zarathielis

I don't know if you can answer this yet, but is the new cute creature marksman a botlaner or like Akshan for another lane? And could you tell us what region they're from?

Botlane! Currently hatching in one regions, but who knows what their journey might entail!


Originally posted by WhiteGuar

Any chances this could become a thing with other old champions? Like Nocturne and Shivana

Depends on the champion! Since every one of our champs is special in their own ways, the solutions are also special :)

17 Mar


Originally posted by mistergosh

It's like they go too deep into the metrics-based storytelling and forget that having a wide range of variety is a strength and that there are people who love some of their more subdued stories.

They already went and completely discarded the old duty-bound and noble iteration of Galio and built this merry-go-lucky I'm A Hero character, and this post almost sounds like a threat that they are planning on doing the same to Skarner.

In regards to crystals, it's like they limited the idea of crystal to it being a material and disregarded the whole soul and magic element that is tied to the Brackern crystals. A crystal heart, with blood that becomes crystals when it's spilled, with claws and sting of sharpened crystal - none of this approaches would conflict with earth elemental magic, but imply a mastery over it that humans are not capable of replicating.

Like metal bending or lightning bending, a stone that turns into a crystal is the "going further beyond" stor...

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I think my intentions is not to say that Crystal Scorpion is a bad idea or that it cannot ever be done. However, it was a story that we DID tell and a theme that we DID do in the first rework. What data did tell us is that beside a few vocal individuals that deeply loved the theme, majority of the player base cares very little for the theme.
It would be highly illogical of me to ask the team to revisit that exact combination and expect something better than the previous version because that would mean I have made the assumption that:
1) Crystal Scorpion is the best theme out there for a scorpion champion
2) The previous team, though with their longer experience, did a worse execution on the Crystal Scorpion thematic and that our newer, less experienced team can do better!

Removing the limitations of theming, story and baggage means the team can focus on how to deliver on a more cohesive character than struggle through the problems.


Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

Meh, after how underwhelming Veth turned out to be I'd prefer if they ditched his crystal shit and just made him a Void monster. It makes more sense for a Scorpion too.

We actually looked into this as well! The overlap with Rek'Sai was too strong which made Skarner quite un-iconic.


Originally posted by Golden_Kumquat

The important takeaway here is that Riot has a numbered ranking of how much people want to romance each champion

It's very important!!

09 Feb


Originally posted by dannymrowr

No abilities, just vibes

The real support for new players. They will cheer you on in game! Supporting the nearest adc mentally with good cheer and upbeat attitude.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Kaerit_

I just hope that they don't change the focus that riot had on the designs of their characters in their visual renovations, because with so much "adorable" skin, I'm afraid that the designs they touch won't look like mordekaiser's did or Swain.

On the other hand, it seems that they are moving away from the designs of attractive boys and girls, and that does worries me, because, although it is good to have a diversity of characters with the new bigots that are coming out (and I like that) I would not like them to decide right now do not make styles like Viego's.

I am in a role-playing community, where clearly the attractive characters played by the roleplayers are clearly the most popular, and they are the ones who give the most attention. These are examples like: Kayn, Akali, Sett. And it makes me think that making friendly designs is fine for a minority that applauds them, but the reality is that by statistics those who have the most popularity are the sexy ch...

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Champion team and Skins team are separate teams as we have different skillsets as well as goals. Skins focus on making skins that players would want to buy so that champs and other gameplay teams don't have to worry about $ KPIs. Most of our goals are actually around engagement and player sentiments! So please fill out those surveys that pops up :P They are very helpful for us! Reddit sentiments aren't the most scientific approach haha.

Currently, my goal is to have a mixture of both. Because players and their needs are all different. We shouldn't shy away from building attractive characters (though sometimes the definition of attractiveness can vary depending on person) but we should also have champions that aren't built for just broad appeal!

20 Jan


Originally posted by patmax17

Thanks for the insights, it makes sense. I wish Riot decided to give us this information before the recent disappointment though.

I wish the champions theam the best of luck, I hope you can build a lot of productive, passionate and enthusiastic teams and that in the next months and years we can finally enjoy the fruit of this rebuilding phase :D

I wish as well! But tbh this types of hits are very common day to day even on a good year. Thus, it usually becomes very hard to identify that "oh no, things are now falling like dominos" moment.
Ex: Vex had a pretty turbulent development, Zeri and Renata was both pushed out but during those times it was quite okay! We found ways to make it work! Udyr was also understaffed on animation before we hired, outsourced, got partners to help and trained up more animators.
These things usually goes unnoticed and don't really have huge need to make splashes in comms about (more time we spend on discussing comms less time we have discussing progress >w>). Moreover, at least on myself, whenever fires happen...I just go heads down solve problem space. When there are puzzles everywhere...well you keep head down and keep solving them till moments like this when you reflect what happened in the last year.


Originally posted by Flesroy

Work culture and simply wanting to work on other problems are also factors. Money while great, csn only get you so far.

Usually this! Honestly, if you want to work in gaming, I can guarantee Riot is one of the best in the industry!
Personal opinion: If I didn't work at Riot, I probably won't be in gaming :)
People have lives that change too! Looking back on my time at Riot I actually moved teams a few times myself. Some because I saw opportunities to do something that's just different than what I did before, some because of family and wanting to be closer to family and some because the other opportunity just sounded soooooo coool (cough champs cough).


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/NeoLexical. Sharing my view here, I think the team really ought to refocus efforts on VGUs and ASUs, such that there is a higher cadence for each.

I first played League right before the big VGU pushes. It was outstanding to see the pace at which the old and outdated champs were getting brought up to shine like never before. This was among my favorite aspects of the game dev, to see the champs being cared for and updated constantly. To see VGUs become less than 1 per year really blows and hurts, especially when so many champs are starting to show their age now relative to the new additions.

If old champs stop getting updated, the backlog for work grows and with it the game will fall apart. That's my biggest fear right now.

We will / want to continuously update old champions too!


Hello everyone! I want to answer some questions and reflect about the champion team. I’ve been with the team for around a year now, it’s been a blast working with people that are so very talented and passionate about the game and community.

When I first arrived at the team, we were suffering from lots of the downstream effects of Covid. Zeri, Renata and Udyr were all pushed further out to accommodate the various disciplines that had folks down from being sick, having to take time to work on life changes or moving away from the team. I think many of us took the time stuck home as an opportunity to re-examine our lives. Some of us found new adventures within Riot (Me included! I moved from LoR back to LoL) and others have started on new journeys elsewhere. Afterall, many folks on League have been here for quite some time.

With all of the shifts and changes, it became painfully apparent that as a team we are reacting to changes rather than planning for them. Many folk...

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