

31 Jul


Originally posted by voiddasher

Will there be any way to Queue with friends

You can team up with 3 of your friends and matchmake as a team of 4 Fall Guys! When you played team games, the matchmaker will try to put your squad all on the same team where possible. If you get eliminated, you're eliminated solo - you don't qualify as a squad. Only one person can win in the final rounds though, so you will have to turn against your squad!


Originally posted by 2moar

what type of product does Oliver use in his hair, it's glorious.

Also which of the finales do you find the most frustrating?

I've only ever won the game once lol. It was on Fall Mountain. So naturally, I love that one.

I don't get to the finals super often, so when I do, I'm at my happiest.

Most frustrating round for me is See Saw though - I love the round... but I feel like most people don't understand how See Saws work lol.

For my hair I use Umberto Giannini products - they're all pink and say women's hair all over them, but it's a conspiracy, don't let it hold you back.


Originally posted by BBQHOTWINGS

You’re social media manager needs a raise (I have not been offered a key on twitter to say this)

Thanks, I will DM you your key now

Hey r/PS4! Hopefully, you've seen the news that Fall Guys will be one of the free games in August for PS+ subscribers! The awesome mods here have invited us to host an AMA to talk about the news and answer any questions you may have about the game!

If you didn't know - The game is developed by Mediatonic and published by Devolver!

Today, we have a bunch of the team from Mediatonic:

u/FallGuysJoe (Lead Game Designer and the one who originally pitched the game!)

u/ScrambledMeg (Lead Level Designer)...

Read more External link →

15 Jul


Hi, this is all breaking the NDA - you're in a beta test... if you want more info, please join the private discord channel