

24 Oct


It takes a long time to hire people. You can't just throw a bunch of money at the problem and instantly have the right people for the job.

For example... I wrote a job spec for an additional community manager back in August, a few weeks after we launched. We posted this online and then waited a week to get applications in.

We then had hundreds of CVS and applications to go through. We had a few rounds of interviews and a practical test.

Once we found the right people - we made 2 offers. They accepted - but they had a notice period on their previous jobs.

Usually a notice period is 1-3 months, depending on how senior their position is.

This is the case for every role within the team. Artists, designers, QA, coders, producers, etc...

Once someone starts, they need to be onboarded into the company, and then onboarded on to the team.

For the developer roles, you also need to factor in getting to know the code base and structure ...

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23 Oct


Originally posted by crispypancake18

I second this

I've passed all of their links along - I saw another comment that said they'd applied for a job already, which is awesome!

I REALLY want to play these levels - super creative!


These are all soooooooooooooooo good

I really wanna jump in and play them!

22 Oct

Remember, there are potentially thousands of people with each number (It only has 4 digits)

But... we just banned a Fall Guy 8888 for cheating - We think the very same one who has been posted here multiple times

I thought you'd like to know since they're infamous in these parts lol

Got ' em

External link →

Originally posted by HudBlanco

If we could just get this on the "Community Issues we're aware of" on trello, I would be happy.

Adding it now! :D

19 Oct


Originally posted by FallGuysJoe

Fun fact - this version of the level was build before we decided to add camera control to the game, hence the coliseum-like design where the it grows in height towards the back (which was the right hand side of this image)

Am glad you added camera control lol


Originally posted by Stepwolve

Party members now show first in spectator mode.

finally! but is it really fixed this time?

I really hope so lol

18 Oct


I encourage all Olivers to grief, please, on my behalf


Originally posted by tellmeitwaslove

u/oliverage24artist, please take a look at this. this really complements the current design of perfect match without stripping away what it was designed for - a memory game. we already have jump club and jump showdown, but this is literally the best that you can do to perfect match, adding a 4th round, reducing the time for flashing of fruits. (etc flashing 0.5-1seconds faster, or deducting 1 flash each from the first two rounds. you can also introduce different variation of fruits, lemons, strawberries, blueberries so that it won't always strictly be watermelon banana cherry apple orange grape. also you should note that it's easy to memorise these 6, because many players including myself memorise by using the first alphabet instead of memorising by words. if you add fruits with same starting alphabets, it will be more difficult. to add this spinner is just an insult to what perfect match is and can be.

Hey, its not a fixed change to the level itself, it's just one of many variations that could occur. We are trying to build out as many different variations for each round as possible. I'll ask if we've done any variations that just play with the logic too - I'm sure we have though!

17 Oct

16 Oct


Originally posted by 440k

Awesome news!

Has there been any more thought to if Gauntlet Showdown (or other modes) will be made permanent options in the near future? Or is that still a ways off.

Yeah there's some thinking around it - right now, each new show divides the playerbase in matchmaking - but we have some ideas on how to address that moving forward!


Hmm, see this is a problem, lots of people complained about it so we added it to the tracker - I can add a caveat that there is mixed opinion on if this is an issue?


All of our survival rounds - with Hex-A-Gone and Jump Showdown as possible finals!


Originally posted by Hawkiinz

2% on 7 millions copies is about 150.000 players. I understand it's not a big percentage, but it's a good amount of players and the number will increase over the years.

We had a UW support when modifying the DLL before the anti cheat. So it shouldn't be hard to implement it. But I am not a developer to judge.

Sure, it's not something we don't want to support, and I totally get the importance! It's just something that's been trickier as nobody on the team has an ultra wide monitor. Maybe I should buy one 😃


Originally posted by Hawkiinz

I don't play the game anymore until ultrawide is supported. I find it incredible that in 2020 it is not supported. And more and more people are buying ultrawide screens.

Edit : Downvoted for no reasons

On Steam Hardware Survey, it looks like 2% of players have them, so it's still quite a small amount. I've added to the list though, hopefully we can support it!


Originally posted by Dry-Tone-1500

It's very important for a kids game to avoid bad language. Spending 3 days typing a list of words with numbers (4ss, sh1t etc.) just isn't the most important thing for them now.

Thanks, I think some people are underestimating how creative people can get with offensive names and how easy it is to bypass filters if you REALLY want to be offensive.