It takes a long time to hire people. You can't just throw a bunch of money at the problem and instantly have the right people for the job.
For example... I wrote a job spec for an additional community manager back in August, a few weeks after we launched. We posted this online and then waited a week to get applications in.
We then had hundreds of CVS and applications to go through. We had a few rounds of interviews and a practical test.
Once we found the right people - we made 2 offers. They accepted - but they had a notice period on their previous jobs.
Usually a notice period is 1-3 months, depending on how senior their position is.
This is the case for every role within the team. Artists, designers, QA, coders, producers, etc...
Once someone starts, they need to be onboarded into the company, and then onboarded on to the team.
For the developer roles, you also need to factor in getting to know the code base and structure ...
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