

11 Nov


I know I'm going to hell, but I did laugh when I saw the clip. If it happened to me though, I would be super frustrated, so totally get it!

I'm guessing this was just an oversight with the number of players - or it just wasn't encountered during our internal/external playtests. I'll send it around the team tomorrow so we can flag it for a fix.

Apologies for the bug/design flaw!

07 Nov

05 Nov


Originally posted by Mr_Caterpillar

Zero chance at 8 new maps, that's expecting way too much. I'm guessing 4 tops along with more mods on existing ones.

We're feeling confident it will be more than 4 new ones for season 3. I would be really surprised if we manage to hit 8 though.


Originally posted by hold_my_cocoa

You have fair points.

Just wanted to add that Oliver said in a stream that devs can have 3 months notice period for their old job, so the wait time might be much higher until they can actually start to work for them.

Yeah if you look at the community team for example, I started advertising for co mm unity managers right after launch - we're now a team of 3. It was only 2 weeks ago that Abbie joined and 1 week since Bee joined. It takes a lot longer than people think to hire the right people. We've got lots of people joining every week now, so we're starting to see the benefits of it!


Hey, this is a huge topic in the studio, we're well aware everyone wants to see more levels and we're doing everything we can to make that happen. The team is confident that Season 3 will have more levels than Season 2. We've grown a LOT since launch. Lots of people are joining the studio every week now. It takes some time for them to work their notice period and then be onboarded.

The final we were going to add in the mid season only just didn't make it. We're not really going to do a huge marketing push for the mid season update, but it will fix a bunch of issues that have been around since launch, add a whole bunch more variations (they're honestly quite quick to do - we know they're not a replacement for new levels - but at least it adds some replayability.) Then Big Fans has reviewed well with our testers. Also, we know names are a hot topic on this Subreddit, but the new naming system scored highly with our beta testers too, so we're hoping you'll give it a chance!

... Read more

Originally posted by sycamore_under_score

It’s our favorite word: spicy 🌶 🌶🌶

Lol spicy is genuinely one of my favourite words. I also really liked thicc Bonkus and big Yeetus. It wasn't really an effort to appeal to a younger audience, it's just things I personally found funny and thought twitter would too. I can understand it being cringe to some though lol.


Originally posted by Starry_X

This makes me wonder, how many levels do you think season 3 can have? Or have an estimate number? Personally I think 8 or more would be great

We're fairly confident it will have more than Season 2, but we can't confirm yet how many it looks like it will be.

04 Nov


Originally posted by IvanCoHe01

It was confirmed to be 2 new levels a while ago on reddit. Oliver commented it in an old post.

It's just Big Fans for this one now, the other level wasn't quite ready in time, so will be bundled in with Season 3, which will hopefully have a good number of levels!

02 Nov

30 Oct


Hey, love this feedback, and you've really described it well - It's a real challenge for us to balance the game for both the really casual players, and those who have more crowns in 1 day than I will see in my entire life.

We're working on something that will reward the absolute pro players like yourself - I won't reveal too much about it, but it will essentially reward you for being able to pull in so many dubs. It's end game content that will keep you busy even after you've completed the season pass.

I think as the game ages, and we get into our stride more with extra levels, and more costumes, and more features, and fixing bugs... we can start to do even more in that regard.

Anyway, appreciate the feedback, and am very jealous of your dubs.


Originally posted by Ceresjanin420

This must be a bug
There is no way they intended for it to cost only 200 kudos

THIS TIME it is not a bug lol


Thanks, people weren't believing me when I was telling them this lol

The server just checks that your name matches Fall Guy XXXX at the moment to validate it.

I think they think it makes them harder to catch but it doesn't make a difference lol.

29 Oct


If you hit up PlayStation support they will be able to help with this, nothing we can do from our side unfortunately!


Originally posted by guzcast

The store is a joke. I have the mother hen and the floral fade on my stote for FIVE days now. The rotation of past items is ridiculous. I’ve been waiting for the Champ outfit since August and all I get is that stupid master ninja and toucan. Stop forcing things we don’t wanna buy.

I guess it's just because 100% random, so there's a chance this sort of thing will happen :(

I personally try to buy things I don't like, just so they never appear again lol

I'll suggest to the devs an option to 'not show me again' on items!

27 Oct

You can view it here:

Please shout out if you think anything is missing from the tracker, and I'll add any widespread issues and see where we're at with them!


External link →

25 Oct


Originally posted by Tired_Of_Them_Lies

Yeah, putting your age in your username is a bad idea, but continuing to use it for almost a decade is weird as shit. He made a stupid choice with that name, and should not be using it for a company community interaction account, especially a game that focuses on being accessible to children.

It's weird and creepy to call yourself "Age24" everywhere in your 30's.


When I was 24 I started a youtube channel where I would do parody drawing tutorials. I added my age to my name as a parody of how kids add their age when they draw pictures.

I drew really badly, so it was funny to see the 'age 24' next to a terrible drawing.

The joke was also that even as I aged, I kept it as 24.

It's not creepy, I'm not lying about my age on the internet.

It's just a joke that references back to my youtube channel.

I'd consider changing it but my YouTube channel had 150,000 subscribers at the time, and I've released a lot of music under that name.


Originally posted by I_Hate_Dolphins

What's really frustrating is everyone acting like they're a small indie dev. They have 230 employees. This isn't Stardew Valley.

The Fall Guys team was around 40 people at launch. The 230 employee number you're referring to is probably across all of our games, departments, and projects.


Originally posted by Cipher20

I just think it's absurd that you'd let people matchmake outside the region and make every lobby full of laggy players or let shows start with 40 players instead of just removing the SBMM.

Why is skill based match rigging more important to you than having the game work properly, or at all? Look at how many people are unable to find matches for the LTMs, for example in SEA and Oceania. Removing the SBMM would have nothing but positive effects.

I'm not sure that we do actually have Skill-Based Matchmaking? I'll check with the team. I thought it was entirely random, but could be mistaken.

The issues in SEA and Oceania at particular times are due to low population. We're investigating ways to improve it - and we're also working on a region selector, so you can try different regions if you're having trouble in your own.


Originally posted by Cipher20

We didn't, the 8888 one we banned was definitely cheating too.

Sure. I don't think you banned anyone. What are the chances there are two 8888's cheating. Very slim.

Not actually as slim as you would think.

There are 1000's of people with each number - and also there's a cheat where they can make their name 'appear' as another number.


Originally posted by NiceInterest

Don't tell me they banned an innocent person.

Only justice will truly vanquish Fall Guy 8888!

We didn't, the 8888 one we banned was definitely cheating too. We can find this one too though, thanks!

Might be Monday before someone can yeet them now though - if they don't get yeeted by the automatic stuff!