

05 Dec


Originally posted by fyrespyrit

Hey Openarl, I hope you got our energy! Wondering, since now you're working with GGG, will PoB be integrated with the base game or/and the website? At least an official way to download the program.

I wouldn't be able to comment on that, sorry.


Originally posted by Deadtobealive

I want just like to say thank you openarl, now that you have your job with GGG. Still getting timed to work on POB.

I really takes on somebody that comes home from busy day at work. To put time aside and work on something like this.

It also must be frustrating sometimes if people spam you asking when when when? You still siting at work and have to go home, make food and look after yourself.

Thanks for sticking with it :)

You're welcome :)


Originally posted by Cadwae

How does that multiplier work anyhow. Is it multipling the base damage, the end result of increases and more multiplier damage? Just wondering how effective or potent it is.

Also guessing this doesn't have the new skill gems yet?

It effectively acts like a "more" multiplier.
I don't have the new skill gem data yet; I'm not sure when I can get that.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Correct; those stats are specifically non-ailment damage, although the Cold version doesn't state it (as there's no ailment that actually deals Cold Damage over Time, and cold-based Ignite doesn't count as such).


Originally posted by TKHC

Wait, didn't you just get home?

Correct. I got the tree data yesterday, so I pretty much had everything ready to go.


Originally posted by TreyChips

Getting this error when trying to change gems on an Essence drain tree.

I've pushed out a quick update to fix that; sorry!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Fixed; try checking for update.


Originally posted by xaitv

At work so can't check this right now, but does this mean the cold dot damage multiplier stuff already works and is calculated? Or is that still "red text" aka: not calculated in damage output right now?

It does indeed work!


Originally posted by Deano3607

Isn't it about midnight for you?

The crunch must be mental going to a new league!

A bit past 11 when I left, and there were quite a few people still there!


Originally posted by Tagnol

Did GiGiGi let you have new skill gem info early so you can roll that update second it's revealed

I don't have the skill gem info yet; I'm not sure when I'll be able to work on them.


The 1.4.117 update for Path of Building is now available, containing the passive tree for 3.5.

Other changes for 3.5 are still to come; I'll be working through them as quickly as I can. I might be able to get some skill gem additions/changes in before the Content.ggpk is made available, but I can't make any promises.

For existing users, the update is available via the usual update system; click "Check for Update" at the bottom left if the update hasn't already been downloaded. For anyone interested in trying the program for the first time, head to the releases page to get the installer.

If you'd like to give me something more tangible than energy, I have a ...

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Originally posted by Vulpix0r

Did you manage to get those bugs in game you were trying to fix earlier?

I hope so! There were a few tricky ones.


Originally posted by BernardoOrel

How are your energy levels?

Measurably elevated.


Originally posted by TheEmotionalSupport

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PATCH NOTES ARE OUT, TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PoB, TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Thank you for all you do, Openarl. You are wonderful and do a TON for this community. Being disabled, all I can do is root you on. I know you can do this!

If any of you lovely people can give Openarl any financial energy, considering backing him on Patreon here:

Openarl may work for GGG now, but PoB is something he uses his own time for! Basically two jobs, which I am sure is exhausting.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ OPENARL, TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Finally home from work, so update should be along fairly soon!

08 Nov


Originally posted by Haeos

I'm curious, are you a NZ resident already? I know the labor laws there can make it tough to hire someone who isn't.

Australian citizen, which is close enough.


Originally posted by [deleted]

As a fellow software engineer, I hope you help push the underlying code base in a direction that actually makes sense so Mark can stop responding to everything with "that'd be too fundamental a change, you don't know how our code is structured" to things that are really obviously straightforward and easy in any sane context!

From what I've seen so far, the code base already makes sense, and I honestly didn't expect otherwise. The other programmers here are just as competent as I am, and they have good reasons for structuring the code this way (mainly performance); so you shouldn't expect me to be making major changes that will make everyone's dreams come true. I'll try to make some dreams come true, though!


Originally posted by bakkasan

To me this says: You truly LOVE this and landed your dream job.

Pretty much!


Originally posted by MrSithSquirrel

Well you just dodged AUS summer so thats another giant plus!

Eh, I'm pretty used to Brisbane weather, so it's not a big deal.


Originally posted by mrui3950


Just curious, Openarl is a New Zealander that just has to move or from outside the country and needs to migrate?

I'm Australian, so I did have to relocate.


Originally posted by Nivius

yikes, please compile all errors you made in pob compared to real ingame code please

None that I'm aware of so far!