

14 Dec


Originally posted by XZlayeD

that would be lovely, thanks! - they seem to have phys damage, which would finally give us some phys based spectres that can scale,

Sorry, which ones exactly did you want?

13 Dec


Originally posted by XZlayeD

Hi Openarl, are the data on the new syndicate mobs available for spectre use?

I can add them on request.

10 Dec


Originally posted by seiyaookami

Hmmm, I know what the numbers say in game, which do not change with Spell Echo. I also know that if I am really careful with one monster and no Runebinder, I can see the increase in activation. I am not going to argue this one though because of the hard evidence of the lack of number changes. I admit I had not checked those before.

That said: check this build for the lack of elemental effects:

Also, a screenshot:

You have Elemental Focus linked to Storm Brand, which prevents it from causing Elemental Ailments.


Originally posted by kylegetsspam

Cool beans. ๐Ÿ‘

I kinda hate to poke for insider info, but do you happen to know if someone's looking into this safehouse bug that prevents all Betrayal events? It happened to one of my guildmates and he got real close to doing a chargeback on his supporter pack and quitting the league.

GGG's usually pretty good about game-breaking bugs like this but no one's responded here or on the various forum threads yet. D:

That is being looked into.


Originally posted by AlienError

PoB is saying Concentrated Effect will increase my DPS with Shattering Steel, and while that skill does let me support it with Concentrated Effect, doing so does not affect the skill's damage tooltip at all (as it basically acts as a physical Ice Shot). The skill description does oddly say "in front of the impact location" vs "in a cone behind the target" so checking this is making me wonder if Shattering Steel actually hits twice with each projectile, once from impact and again from the aoe it creates in front of the impact location which should in theory contain the same enemy initially hit.

tl;dr Shattering Steel + Conc Effect is weird

PoB currently shows the DPS of the cone, which is area damage and is affected by Conc Effect. I'll add skill parts at some point so you can choose to see the projectile hit instead. Also, the cone doesn't damage the enemy that the projectile hit.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Sleelan

Can it? I thought the only difference is the impale chance.

One of the helmet enchantments adds pierce to the primary.


Originally posted by kylegetsspam

If you're looking for bugs, I think I have one. Summon Holy Relic's purported DPS is affected by gems that would affect its cast rate if it weren't limited by a cooldown.

As a result, it's listing Cast while Channeling and Spell Echo as the top two DPS upgrades. It seems to be inheriting the gem's changes to cast speed and thus changing the Relic's attack/cast rate when, as far as I know, there isn't a way to do this.

I'm sure it's busy as f**k over there, so thanks for pushing updates on this thing during a league launch!

That's the case for all cooldown-limited skills; I do intend to fix that eventually though.


Originally posted by mooseofdoom23

Will there ever be a retro-active tree feature? I hate having the game wipe my character trees, or even having PoB wipe old trees. I just canโ€™t keep track of older character builds, and sometimes I want to go back to standard and play one but their tree has been manually reset and their build is broken in PoB.

Edit: not retro-active, maybe more like a time machine or backwards compatibility.

I do intend to add this at some point; definitely before the next patch that has tree-resetting changes.


Originally posted by Kesshisan

Thanks for the update, but I have a bug to report:

I have the Augyre item in my build teamed up with a Physical to Lightning gem, and I'm still showing that I'm doing some physical damage in the calcs page.

Pastebin for ya:

When I imported your build I noticed that you didn't have the correct skill selected in the Calcs tab; if you haven't already discovered this, then that's the cause, as selecting Ancestral Warchief correctly shows no Physical Damage.


Originally posted by Giutzi

Okay weird Question is there a Bug with the new Gems especially Double Strike? I made my build before the pob update and it showed 1,7M dps with doublestrike with 1h Claw & Shield now after the Update it shows 100k dps? Using a 1h & Shield should not change the Dps with the Gem update or did I miss something? Or is the Calculation Wrong? Same goes for Reave.

Is that still the case now?


Originally posted by MaGus76

Since the update claw crit nodes no longer count towards crit when using unarmed + rigwalds curse.

Fixed in the next update.


Originally posted by seiyaookami

PoB is not showing Spell Echo Support's cast speed increase affecting brands' frequency. It does, this allows them to hit monsters more often than Faster Casting Support would. After trying it, there is a quite noticeable increase.

It also does not show brands as having a chance to proc freeze, burn, or even shock. Mixing heralds into the mix, I have seen all three happen in game.

Edit: This is on 1.4.119

Brands state that "Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency"; that means that multiplicative modifiers like Spell Echo don't apply, and I've just verified in-game that they do not.
I'm not sure what you mean about the freeze/ignite/shock chance; I'm seeing the appropriate chances listed in the Calcs tab.


Originally posted by [deleted]


GGG pays me plenty, but for working on the game, not developing PoB.


Originally posted by Etzlo

Arl, I think something f**ked up the avg dmg calculation of ice storm

Check for update; I released a hotfix that should correct that.


Originally posted by ThisIsCidehelm

Isn't it just like a % of the phys hit that can stack so kinda like crimson dance(?) bleed

Well, Crimson Dance also isn't supported yet... Impale should be easier, though.


Originally posted by Sleelan

Just FYI, Impale doesn't seem to calculate. I think I can just count it as 50% multiplier * effectiveness * chance to apply, but it would be nice to have.

Also, please add a way to tick multiple hits from Lancing Steel, Barrage style.

I know Impale doesn't calculate, because I haven't added support for it yet.
I'll look into Lancing Steel when I get the time, but it isn't straightforward as the primary projectile can have different properties than the secondary ones.


Originally posted by Amaxie

Is it even possible to add support for new Ice Nova interaction with Frostbolt and Spell Echo?

I'm not sure yet.


Originally posted by Reazer93

Is is dps calculation for blade flurry correct while dual-wielding? Had 2.9mil with 2 swords, now since the update only 1.4mil

The last update introduced a bug that affects the DPS of certain skills; I'll be pushing a hotfix soon to correct it.


Originally posted by kickfiz

Is that with the patch you last pushed through? cause with that one, some abilities still have no base damage, just get a new build with nothing, get a discharge, enable charges youll see it has 0 damage in every element

Discharge was fixed in the last update, 1.4.119.


Originally posted by maslt

Sorry if I'm hijacking but wanted to confirm his post, my Ele BV went from 2.9m to 1.3m after updating, no item, config, or passive tree changes. POB:

This should be fixed in the next update.