

15 Apr


Originally posted by ASingfield

Does this affect both World Tier and Challenge Tier? I've only seen people complain about CT so far.

It's present in both world tiers and challenge tiers. It may be the case that you are more likely to go down in challenge tiers with higher gear level.


Originally posted by xBoomk1ngx

So, if I'm understanding correctly. And PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. On WT15, all my gear will be downscaled to 44? If this is the case.... It feels inherently messed up. if people are having trouble getting to the final CT's, it's already punishment enough to have to farm under leveled gear. But to make me less effective at doing it? Why?! Why take away what I HAVE earned???

On world tier 15 enemy level is 42, so if you come with gear level 50 yes the damage is scaled to level 44. Which should be quite the advantage without making the game silly and broken. Without overleveling it was basically impossible to die in those circumstances and gameplay basically didn't exists.

Additionally dowsncalling doesn't affect benefits from attributes or synergies.


Well first of all thank you for understanding. For the last couple of days I was helping as much as possible with technical issues and didn't had much time to deep dive into reddit threads. I still won't be able to do it as much as I'd love to but you are in the good hands of u/thearcan who is meticulously noting all your concerns.

At this time we are dealing with the game breaking issues first but this one is quite high on my list as well. We are open for discussion on the overleveling and how it should be adjusted. Possibly the biggest flaw of the system is that it's a black box that isn't explained at all so in order to have informed discussion here are the rules it uses.

  • The system uses difference between average item level and enemy level as a base, you can check average item level o...
Read more

01 Apr


Please contact support. They will wipe you account and you can play legit from no on.

Edit: this policy is only valid during launch window for those who cheated in demo and were missed while we cleansed accounts.

There will be no redemption for cheaters in the full game.

30 Mar


Originally posted by TheLtBuzzLitebeer

Ummmmm, shouldn't you be receiving a comp copy? Considering your title??? Thanks for the comment and stoked you liked it.

Yes I do, but trailer is so nice I want another copy. It was joke don't worry about it.


Damn it's so nice even I want to preorder.

29 Mar


Originally posted by RisingDeadMan0

How much are those costs? Or does it go up as the itme level goes up? And in that case roughly how much does it cost at tier 10-15? Will we need dozens/hundreds/thousands of shards?

Costs scale with levels, max level items should costs few hundreds of shards to level up to the maximum.


Originally posted by Primary-Mix-4011

However when you level up an item you'll loose some levels on the attributes, the values will remain more or less the same but because there is new possible maximum value to achieve the whole thing is shifting.

Does it mean there are no reason to level legendries we got form demo as you will end with lower attributes on them after leveling?

Also when you level item does weapon rating re-rolled during level up?

No, upgrading the legendary items is always beneficial. Your attribute level may drop from 6 to 5 but the value remains the same and you can increase it again to 6 to reach new maximum.

No ratings is not reroled, it's increased proportionally.

24 Mar


Originally posted by D4rkL10n

I have a question about the customization of available mods. If we have a mod on pants that we store, would we be able to eventually put those mods on say a chest or feet? Or are the mods gear type specific? I know a lot of mods aren't additive. 2 of the same mods wouldn't have the same affect, but I would like more versatility on how my skills are affected.

By no way am I complaining, just curious. I absolutely love this game and haven't looked forward to a shooter looter this much in a long time. I have already pre-ordered the game. The willingness to communicate with your fan base has me eager for all Enoch has to offer.

Once you have a mod you can put it on any piece. The only limitation is that weapon and armor mods are separate.

21 Mar


Originally posted by AnthraxVirus_Bx

Several post about it today.

Please upvote them for devs to see.

Coop shooter without coop is boring...

Thanks to all who will upvote for u/PCF_Pawel to see

We see it and I shared the issue with the team. We'll share more info as soon as we get to the cause of the problem.

15 Mar


Originally posted by wickwiremr

Hey, thanks for being here. Love the demo. Any chance you guys could "unlock" the aspect ratio in cutscenes for ultrawide monitors? The way it is now you get a black letterbox on the left and right, sometimes top and bottom too. Basically looking through a window frame. I understand if it's too much work though for a small part of the player base.

Unlocking view for the camera isn't that much work. The problem is that dialogues were not prepared for such high FOV and when we tested it there was a lot issues outside of normal camera view.

Unfortunately this will most likely won't change.

14 Mar


Originally posted by vapoorer

any chance you guys for the setting "Hud scale value" to unlink the cross hair from this?

Because changing this scale also effect the reticle size.

I play on ultrawide and wanted to increase the size of my Hud skills and health bar. But when i did it also increase my reticle alot too. Especially for shotguns.

Would be nice if you could unsync the reticle so its not effected with Hud scale value. If possible ofc.

Sounds like a good idea so I'll make a note. We'll see what can be done later on but I can't promise it right now.


Originally posted by Quixz_

You Are actually not able to hold down the trigger on bolt action, If you do, it stops firing. meaning in this clip I am pressing and releasing the button. Also, if I was to use devastator leap after firing, I still have the low sens which has caused me to leap to the wrong target. in end game that would probably kill me.

I'll look into this.


Originally posted by Quixz_

i read a dev response on another post basically saying the lower sens is intentional on weapons making burst firing the better way. but are you really supposed to not at all be able to aim up or down after two shots with bolt action? IMO Bolt action is burst only since you cant acutally hold down the fire button and there is a long built in delay between the shots. it just feels very clunky to use bolt action.

Just to verify this isn't in fact a bug. You keep holding the fire button presses entire time right?

The bolt action is specific case where we wanted it to create high skill weapon that is difficult to use but rewards player with high damage. The best way to use is to release a trigger afer each shot and let recoil and accuracy to stabilise before you pull the next shot or the recoil penalties will stack. You can see how the scope returns close to original position after each shot and that's the best moment to pull the trigger. There is only 0.2s difference between keeping the trigger squeezed and doing it optimally.

That being said I just explain the intention behind it. It is quite easy to change and doesn't require a patch to do so however I've also seen voices from people who like this general idea so we have to look at this from various angles and consider various people opinion.


In the HUD settings there is option to clamp HUD display to 16:9 aspect ratio. Unless you consider turning your head to look at HUD elements and exercise I would turn that on.

12 Mar


Originally posted by ShikaoWakabayashi

Can you raise Armor Rating of armor or Firepower of weapon? Or will we have to roll those perfectly?

You have to roll them perfectly.


I'll just pop in really quickly here. It's a feature not a bug, essentially the longer the you hold the trigger the more recoil gun amass and becomes more difficult to control therefore sensitivity lowers.

The idea behind it is that yes you can do very long bursts with certain weapons but it also has a price in accuracy and lowered ease of use. Short controlled bursts are rewarded with more accuracy at the cost of time to kill (which you can compensate by headshots). It is also set per weapon variant so maybe it's just specific variant that is too difficult.

I'll add looking at this to my list... but it's a long list at this moment.

10 Mar


Originally posted by zukov45

Hi Pawel, can you confirm Polish will be available as a language options for PS5 in N. America? On XBox Series X I can download it, but PS5 doesn't have it. I'm guessing this is a Sony thing, as I've had the same issue with games like Fifa (I can have Polish commentary on XBox, but not PS5). I don't know which platform to buy the game for, no i wole zawsze grac po Polsku jesli istnieje mozliwosc :) pozdrowienia, daj znac?

To the best of my knowledge the languages are based on the region in which you are buying the game. So north america will have English, Spanish, and so on as they are most commonly used there. Additional languages would require more data to download and that's not exactly ideal for many people, especially with amount cinematic and voice overs we have. You can always check the demo if it has language you need but if it's not there then there is 99% chance it will not be available in full game. Mimo to nawet w angielskiej wersji natrafisz na polskie smaczki jeśli dobrze poszukasz. Są też linie nagrane przez developerów w różnych językach których celowo nie tłumaczymy co podkreśla zarówno międzynarodowy charakter PCFu jak i misji na Enoch ;-)

01 Mar


I was waiting for this.


Originally posted by khrucible

Hey Pawel, on the subject of the character stats screen. In the demo the stats screen says close range is 10m and long range is 18m. But the guide menu says long range is 25m.

Do you know which one is intended?

The guide is most likely outdated. The value in inventory is dynamic so it will update with your perks and mods.