

22 Aug


Hi everyone,

The Cosmic Storms Mechanical Expansion is going to make planetfall on September 10th. That’s not that far away, so today we’ll be going over the Storm mechanics and their aftermath effects.

Passing it over to Gruntsatwork [forum.paradoxplaza.com]to take over from here.
How Do Storms Spawn?​ Hello everyone, without much preamble, lets dive right into the new storm mechanics.
  • Storms will randomly start to spawn a few years after gamestart.
  • Each Storm triggers a cooldown until the next na...
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10 Aug


Hello everyone!

Welcome to another mod highlight! This will be the final mod highlight of the summer, and we will be returning to our regularly scheduled dev diaries on Thursday!

This mod highlight is all about new technologies, and all of the mods add new techs to expand on vanilla mechanics.

Extra Ship Components NEXT​ By ... Read more

01 Aug


by MrFreake_PDX

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another mod highlight, Michael_Stellaris has some great mods lined up for us this week, and this week’s theme is exploration! These mods will make the galaxy more interesting and diverse, and who doesn’t love new things to find out in the galaxy. I’m sure nothing bad will happen.

... Read more

18 Jul


Hello everyone!

While the devs are off frolicing in the sun, we decided this is a great opportunity to highlight (mostly) community mods!

We wanted to change things up a bit this year, but we have such a hard time choosing between all the amazing mods on the workshop, so instead we made Michael~ do it. Michael has assemble... Read more

27 Jun


If you've ever wanted to have a citizen of the Stellaris universe staring at you from across the room, now's your chance!

Stellaris and Makeship have teamed up to bring this war criminal adorable Starfish Plushie to life -- but only for a limited time.

If not friend, why friend-shaped?

Get your very own Stellaris Starfish plushie on Makeship[www.makeship... Read more

20 Jun


by Eladrin

Stellaris is having a free weekend! Tell your friends!

Play Stellaris for free this weekend!

We’ve asked the Dev team for some tips to help new players out during their first steps out into the wondrous unknown.

Some Tips From the Devs​
  • Don't forget ...
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18 Jun


Dear Stellaris Fans,

Our latest and greatest version of the game, the 3.12.5 patch, is now live and available for download.

This patch brings further fixes and tweaks and wraps up our 3.12 + The Machine Age release cycle.
Please find the patch notes below.

  • Obsessional Directive empires that control a black hole now get an option for safe and secure storage for their commodities.
  • Reworked how Fallen Empires view empires trying to match their technological level. Unless you're a Scion, any FE level tech you acquire will accrue a stacking opinion penalty with them, that is doubled for the materialist Fallen Empire.
  • Added new building icons for the Sensorium and Simulation Sites and their upgrades
  • Species list will not longer...
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13 Jun


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

This week the 3.12.4 hotfix (which fixed a crash related to non-latin letters in usernames) has been deployed to non-Steam platforms.

Today I’ve got a preliminary list of changes for the 3.12.5 patch, which we currently have planned for Tuesday, June 18th.

  • Democratic Crusaders no longer hate Worker Coops for being Oligarchies
  • Obsessional Directive empires that control a black hole now get an option for safe and secure storage for their commodities.
  • Reworked how Fallen Empires view empires trying to match their technological level. Unless you're a Scion, any FE level tech you acquire will accrue a stacking opinion penalty with them, that is doubled for the materialist Fallen Emp...
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30 May


by Eladrin

Hi everyone!

The 3.12.3 “Andromeda” patch was released this week, with the following changes:
  • Added tradition agendas for Modularity, Nanotech and Virtuality
  • Some megastructures (mostly kilostructures) can now be dismantled if you have the technology to build them and are not at war.
  • Solar system tooltips now show the arc furnace and habitat potential of a system, if you meet the construction requirements for the megastructures

  • Added heir titles to Mortal Empire and Bandit Kingdom governments
  • Added missing heir titles for Imperial governments
  • Added more character names to the Cyberpunk list
  • Added tooltips to the Transformatio...
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23 May


by Ealdrin

Hello everybody!

Last week we released 3.12.2 to the public, and since then we’ve been working on further post release support. Today we’ll be going into some of the things we’re planning for a 3.12.3 release. Currently we’re looking at next Thursday as the tentative release date, but we’ll keep you posted.
Selected Changes and Improvements from the Changelog​ Following the deluge of feedback from the release of The Machine Age, 3.12.3 will include the following changes:
  • Selecting the “physical” path for Synthetic Ascension will unlock the advanced machine traits from the Modularity path for Machines.
  • Selecting the “virtual” path for Synthetic Ascension will unlock the Virtual Economic Policy from the Virtuality path for Machines. (Though the policy has been rebalanced.)
  • The ...
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16 May


Strap in to your acceleration couches, this one's a going to be a big one. - E

Hello there!

I’m Anton, the Art Manager & Producer on Stellaris, and I would like to welcome you all to this absolute monster of a Dev Diary we have prepared for you!

I just want to use this opportunity to mention how amazing it is to work with these fantastic artists on a day to day basis and how extremely proud I am of the team.
We managed to do a lot for this DLC, more than we’ve done for an expansion or DLC ever before.

In fact the total logged art work time (I just looked at our stats in JIRA) for The Machine Age is over 2 years and 41 weeks.

Truly spectacular. Great job Team!

In the last ... Read more

09 May


Stellaris Game Director Eladrin here!

Earlier this week we released our major expansion for the year and the first “episode” of Stellaris: Season 08 - ... Read more

08 May


by Eladrin

Hello everybody!

The 3.12.1 "Andromeda" release with The Machine Age has gone well, but we have some more bugfixes and stability improvements that didn't quite make it into the release version.

Since this is a holiday-shortened week in Sweden, we won't be releasing these to the live build until next Thursday. In the interim I've asked the team to put up a Steam Open Beta using the stellaris_test branch with the following changes:

  • Added additional checks to prevent fully virtual pops from being created on the lathe
  • Fix for Hive Mind background unaligned
  • Fixed Sectors released by Individualist Machines having the wrong ethics
  • Fixed virtual pops sometimes being created while plan...
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02 May


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

It is almost time to upgrade our existence. The Machine Age is coming.

Here are the preliminary release notes:

The Machine Age Expansion Features​ The Machine Age[pdxint.at] contains:
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25 Apr


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

Today the art team will show you some of the amazing stuff coming in The Machine Age[pdxint.at] on May 7th. It's available for pre-purchase now, on its own or as part of Stellaris: Season 08[pdxint.at].

I'll turn it straight over to them!

The Art of the Machine Age... Read more

18 Apr


by Eladrin

Hello again!

The Machine Age will be arriving on Tuesday, May 7th, and is available for pre-purchase on its own or as part of ... Read more

11 Apr


by PDX-Loke


Our latest and greatest patch, 3.11.3, is now live and ready for download.

You will recognize this changelog from that of the open beta we made available a few weeks back, just one more crash fix has been included.

Please find the patch notes below.

  • The Plasmic trait can now be removed from species if you want to clean up your species tab.
  • Fixed global ship designs country type restriction so awakened empires are not allowed to use ai transports
  • Fixed refugees happening every day instead of every 90-180 days
  • Fixed secondary species in random empires not having a habitability trait.
  • Fixed the Abandoned Gateway event n...
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04 Apr


by Eladrin

Hello Stellaris Cube-munity!

Today’s dev diary looks at the civics and “kilostructures” in The Machine Age, as well as looking at a 3.12 “Andromeda” feature - Auto-Modding.

As with all of our previews, some of this is still in development, so there are still some placeholder icons and some details may still change before release. (Which is good, since it lets us incorporate some of your feedback.)
The Civics of The Machine Age​

Let’s go through each of the new civics that are coming in The Machine Age in detail.

Guided Sapience civics​
The Guided Sapience civics focus on coexistence with natural or created pre-sapient species and the environment around them. Their homeworld ... Read more

28 Mar


by Eladrin

Hello again!

Today we’re looking at some general gameplay changes being made to Machine Empires, Individualistic Machines, and the new Machine Ascension Paths. Some of these still include placeholder assets, and values will continue being adjusted until release.

Take it away, @Gruntsatwork[forum.paradoxplaza.com].

Machine and Synthetic Gameplay Changes​ History Traits​
One of the first things you’ll find in The Machine Age when creating a Machine empire are the history traits we’ve added for Machine ... Read more

21 Mar


by Eladrin

Hello everybody!

Today, we’ll go through the three Origins, Ascension Situations, and advanced government Authorities in The Machine Age expansion.

The Cybernetic Creed​ Rejoice, for the The Machine Age beckons!

It's your digital prophet, Gatekeeper, dialing in to decode the mysteries of The Machine Age's upcoming Origins.

Embarking first on our divine odyssey of silicon and the soul, I will introduce you to Cybernetic Creed, a spiritualist fast track to Cybernetics. Your spiritualist pops and leaders will start with the Ritualist Cybernetics Trait, representing your people's long dedication to attempting the perfect fusion of flesh and steel.

... Read more