

12 Mar


by PDX-Loke


Our latest patch is now live and ready for download, fixing most but not yet all of the issues reported from the 'Eridanus' release last week.

Please find the patch notes below.


  • The Opener for Domination now gives +5% Worker Output and +5% Slave Output instead of +10% Slave Output so Egalitarians and Xenophiles aren’t sad.
  • Versatility Operational Proxies now gives +1 Unity production to Maintenance Drones so that Rogue Servitors aren't left out.
  • Decreased the cost to study (-25%) and pacify (-40%) space fauna.

  • Ensure dead leaders are properly removed from their location so that new leaders can replace them.
  • Fixed Federation...
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07 Mar


by Eladrin

Hi everyone!

Today we’ll be taking a look at the state of the game, the upcoming 3.11.2 patch, talk about the Subscription FAQ, look at the Q&A transcript, and give a taste of what’s next.

Let’s get to it.

State of the Game​ The Stellaris 3.11.1 “Eridanus” update was released last week, and I’m happy to say that the build appears quite stable crash-wise.

The number of crash reports is very low for a release, with approximately 90% of the ones we are getting being due to mods that haven’t been updated. Of these, more than half are specifically related to mods that affect the Galaxy Settings screen. Metrics so far show that Multiplayer seems to be significantly more stable than 3.10.4 as well, though an issue has been raised regarding observer mode causing major performance issues in multiplayer that we're cur... Read more

27 Feb


by PDX-Loke

Hello fellow stargazers,

The 3.11.1 patch is now live and available for download.

Please find the changelog below.


  • Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added to galaxy generation. This slider adjusts technology costs based on tier and game difficulty.

  • Added notification message when new pop settles in zeya (Gaia planet in azilash)
  • Added the Seedom system.
  • Allowed conversion between Sovereign Guardianship and Corporate Protectorate civics
  • Dimensional Locks now forbid access to countries without communications
  • Every participant in a war now gets a truce with the others after it e...
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22 Feb


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

We’ve hit our code freeze, so barring unforeseen circumstances, the 3.11 “Eridanus” update will be released next Tuesday, on February 27th.
Preliminary Release Notes​ As promised, here are the preliminary release notes. Release Notes prefaced with a ¤ symbol had community involvement from our modders, and I’ve placed changes that have been merged since last week’s dev diary at the end of each section and marked them with a §.

  • Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added to galaxy generation. This slider adjusts technology costs based on tier and game difficulty.

  • Added notification message when new pop settles in zeya (Gaia planet in azilash...
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15 Feb


by Eladrin

Hi everyone!

Last week we went over some Community fixes that we are incorporating in the 3.11 “Eridanus” update. Today we’ll be looking at some of the changes the Custodians have been up to. This is not an exhaustive list as while we’re rapidly approaching Code Freeze, it hasn’t hit quite yet so bugs are still being worked on.
Bugs, Balance, and Polish​ As I’ve mentioned previously, for the Eridanus update we focused mostly on bugfixing and polish.

  • Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added to galaxy generation. This slider adjusts technology costs based on tier and game difficulty.
  • Added notification message when new pop settles in zeya (Gaia pla...
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08 Feb


by Eladrin

Hi all!

When we first announced the 3.11 “Eridanus” update, we mentioned that for the patch the Custodian team would be largely focused on fixing bugs rather than new features. As part of this initiative, PDS_Iggy reached out to some community modders and incorporated some of their fixes into the base game. I wanted to spend today highlighting their contributions.
Community Fixes ​
Some changes from these mods are being partially incorporated into the base game in the 3.11 “Eridanus” update:

Ariphaos Unofficial Patch
Developed by Ariphaos with assistance from Fireprince, and incorporates multiple other mods:​
  • Risa's Unofficial Patch by Risa
  • Bug Fixes by alexrider903
  • Bugfixes by ECHO
  • Community Flash Patch by Roverstorm
  • ...
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05 Feb

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We haven't yet announced the release date for the 3.11 update.

01 Feb


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

It’s been two weeks, so let’s get straight into the good stuff.
Summary of Results​ Much like the first Technology Open Beta, very experienced players formed the bulk of respondents. This time it was closer to 72% of responses coming from players with over 1,000 hours in game. (Only 1.4% said they had less than 300 hours in Stellaris, so the survey skewed very much towards our most passionate players.) Thank you all for your feedback and help.

This time, a majority of players rated technology progress as “just right”, with the remainder almost perfectly evenly split between it being too fast or too slow, with a majority consensus that the changes were beneficial overall.

Many players missed the breakthrough technologies and the general opinion tended to lean towards us pulling back a little too fa... Read more

18 Jan


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

I hope that you all had a pleasant holiday season, and want to start off by thanking everyone that submitted feedback regarding the Technology Open Beta. That data we gained from these experiments was invaluable, so let’s get right into it.
Summary of Results​ As expected, the players that responded to the survey were overwhelmingly passionate players that have a ton of experience with the game. Nearly 70% of responses come from players that have over 1,000 hours played in the game. This is somewhat natural for an opt-in beta over the holidays with an intimidating feedback form, so I wanted to thank you all again for filling it out.

There was a strong consensus around the military changes (ship cost and upkeep), so we’ll likely be keeping those mostly as-is.

The technology changes were naturally more con... Read more

11 Jan

Hello Stellaris Community!

We're proud to announce that #MODJAM2024 is available now! Get it here[pdxint.at]!

Now's the time where the Community gets to step in, and vote for your favorite submission. Vote for your favorite #MODJAM2024 Legendary Leaders here[pdxint.at]... Read more
by MrFreake

Hello Stellaris Community!

I have to start off by saying how proud I am of all the participants this year. This year saw the most signups for Mod Jam we've ever had, the most design documents submitted, and (I think) the most final submissions. The modders have really put their all into these contributions, and I think they've turned out fantastic. I can't wait to see what you all think!

The Mod Jam mod will release today around 5 PM CET! You can subscribe to the workshop mod now, and get this new content as soon as it becomes available!

Today we're going to be talking about the final 11 submissions that haven't been seen, so without further ado:
Vizierch Raffar by ... Read more

04 Jan

Hello Stellaris Community!

We’re back with another update on our annual Modder event: #MODJAM2024! Today is feature freeze for the Mod Jam. Essentially, Modders will have until 5 PM CET today to submit a feature-complete version of their submission.

It’s important to note at this stage, that not everything will work correctly. Modders still have another week to bugfix and polish their submissions. Would you like to help our modders test their submissions? Join us on Discord[discord.gg]! Join the Discord, get the PC role, and then look for the #help-test-the-mod-jam channel.

Later today or early tomorrow, we will be posting a link in that section of our Discord so the Communit... Read more

21 Dec


by Eladrin


Happy holidays everyone!

Much of the Stellaris team has already taken off for a winter break, but it’s time for our annual retrospective on the year and thoughts about where we’re going next.

We had three major releases in 2023 and a Custodian release.



We started the year by telling the story of how you got the stars, with 3.7 “Canis Minor” and the First Contact Story Pack. In this story pack, we focused heavily on narrative origins, each one rivaling Toxoid’s Knights of the Toxic God for the depth of content contained wi... Read more

15 Dec


by Eladrin

I'm pleased to announce that the Technology Open Beta that we first talked about in Stellaris Dev Diary #325[forum.paradoxplaza.com] is now available for your feedback.
Originally posted by author=Eladrin: Stellaris has undergone a significant amount of power creep over the years, and the speed at which we're able to burn through the entire technology tree is much higher than is healthy for the game. Due to ...
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14 Dec


by Eladrin

Hello everyone!

The 3.10.4 "Pyxis" update has been released today. Of particular interest in this week’s update are a fix that lets AI be more willing to recruit Scientists for exploration, a fix to certain modifiers doubling up, and some adjustments to negative leader traits.

3.10.4 "PYXIS" PATCH NOTES Balance
  • Significantly reduced the yearly chance for leaders to gain negative traits.
  • Due to player feedback, the Micromanager negative trait for Commanders now increases fleet upkeep instead of reducing command limit.
  • The Lethargic negative trait for Commanders now also reduces fleet upkeep.
  • The Nervous negative trait for Commanders now also increases disengagement chance.
  • Having the Antagonistic Diplomatic Stance will now appease yo...
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12 Dec

Hello Stellaris Community!

The Stellaris Team, and our partners at Republic of Gamers, are proud to announce the theme of this year's Mod Jam:
Legendary Leaders!

Modders will have until January 9th (feature-complete submissions are due January 4th + 5 days of polish/bugfixing) to create:​
  • One (1) Legendary Leader
  • Two (2) or more flavor events that occur after the leader has been hired
  • One (1) or more events that lead to the option to recruit the Legendary Leader
  • One (1) or more unique Solar System Initializer(s) where the event(s) to recruit the Legendary Leader begin
  • One (1) scripted_effect that will spawn your legendary leader's solar_system_initializer (to be fired from solar_system scope)

The full and official rules are availabl... Read more

07 Dec


by Eladrin

Hi everyone,

The 3.10.3 "Pyxis" update has been released. This release focused primarily on stability, and the contents are identical to the Open Beta that was released on Tuesday.

3.10.3 "Pyxis" Patch Notes Improvements
  • Now ‘New Entries’ notification on the outliner tabs is cleared, even when switching between tabs using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Ulastar is now an advisor
  • Vas the Gilded is now an ambassador
  • Pre-FTLs in Federation's End now have their technological progress frozen
  • Fixed a number of event or paragon leaders not being generated with the correct traits
  • Fixed envoys passively gaining XP
  • Fixed missing subtitle for Scout trait
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05 Dec

Hello Stellaris Community!

We’re proud to announce that signups for #MODJAM2024 are now open[docs.google.com]! This year our partners at Republic of Gamers are back, with some amazing prizes!

What is a Mod Jam?
Modders will get four weeks to make… something. We don’t tell them what they’re making until the start of the working time and modders are not allowed to use any content they’ve previously published. At the end of the working time, we’ll put everything together in a... Read more

04 Dec

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FryDay:
Originally posted by PDX_ladydzra: Our Devs are currently sorting out a resolution for crashing on Linux/Steam Deck; in the meantime they offer this workaround:

If you are crashing on startup, players have reported that starting Steam, disabling the internet, then loading the game bypasses the issue. Internet can be reenabled afterwards.

Any updates on this? Sure, there are work-arounds, but we really shouldn't have to jump through hoops to play. C...
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01 Dec

    PDX_ladydzra on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you report this on the bug report forums so our Devs can take a look at it?

You can find the bug report forums here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-bug-reports.941/
