

16 Nov


Originally posted by FirstRanger18

Did he say tha?

Elsewhere I have stated that.

To confirm, its not a feature.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't have any images to post, but you'll again see more of these in The Company tomorrow, and with subsequent Armory updates over the coming weeks.


Originally posted by [deleted]


There are more Cosmetics being released in the Armory, and The Company as part of this update.


Originally posted by faddn


What about the cheaters you promised to do something about? I've reported many range cheaters with video evidence, stats evidence... But nothing happens. They play for 6 months and someone even longer. I reported one back in March, but he is still playing... I've even talked to some of these cheaters and they admit to cheating, the reason is apparently that everyone does it (not really, they claim good players including myself is cheating, so that is why they do it). All work you do against cheaters today, will benefit the next game as well, why not start someplace? Give some in the community some trust? Give some trusted people higher priority?

I can only continue to share the same answer to yourself, and for others to see. Please report the users profile via Origin. Our in game flow will allow you to navigate to the profile through the steps listed in the article below, assuming that you have the Origin In Game Overlay enabled.


Originally posted by JimmysGolfCart

Will War in the Pacific be featured permanently, or will it rotate out at a later date?

Expectation is that it's staying. It's not solely in for a Weekly Mission.


Originally posted by Benno14c

I still have a question about the community games update, it'd be great to get an answer from u/PartWelsh or u/braddock512 if possible.

A couple months ago, there have been questions regarding changing the ingame-weather in the update. Since there could still be small things or changes not mentioned in the update notes, I'd like to ask whether or not having a game run different weather options all game is a possibility with the new update?

We did look into it, but we have that flag set as an option operating at a much higher level than just Community Games. We couldn't separate it out down to the individual Server level without reworking that entire code base.

It won't feature in a future update, I have good confidence in noting that today - just wanted you to know that we didn't take it off the table without good cause.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You'll see them in game tomorrow.


Originally posted by Exyyp

Can we also play Grind?

No. Grind Maps won't feature in the rotations for Community Games. Grind Maps are built differently to other Modes and so we couldn't separate them from Conquest Mode without rebuilding them entirely.


Originally posted by MartianGeneral

That's an insanely good list of Community Games features! While this might just be nothing more than a goodbye gift for BFV, please let this be a day 1 feature for BF2021 instead of again going over a year of commotion and petitions to bring this feature back. Community servers are the heart of Battlefield and the boost in longevity and server variety is definitely worth the effort.

I'm looking forward to WITP Breakthrough matches with air vehicles disabled!

EDIT - In this update, will we have the option to downscale the modes so that stuff like CQ/Rush/BT/FL, etc are playable together on 32p servers?

On your question -

No. It would require redesigning all of our maps on a Map level vs. a System Level. That's a really big undertaking when you factor in the number of maps and potential mode combinations, and we've got our eyes on the future right now.

Pleased to hear that the rest of the features sound great to you otherwise - looking forward to hearing more from you when you've gotten hands on with it!


Originally posted by kidmenot

There are a few things that are unclear, I would love it if either u/PartWelsh or /u/braddock512 could clarify:

  • will the Community Games stay up for some time even when the server empties? Or will they keep being shut down as soon as the last player leaves? From the patch notes it sounds like the latter is true, but I would like to have a confirmation. In my opinion they should be shut down only after at least 24 or 48 hours without any round being played, otherwise we will always be dependent on the server owner to be there and start the server.

  • is there the possibility to give admin powers to a user other than the one who created the server? This would be useful.

  • it seems like we can't manually move players, is that the case? If it is, too bad, because that would help with A) the lack of a balancer and B) to put a stop to pub stomping.

  • apparently some sort of ...

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  1. When the servers empty - the server shuts down. You can save your config and stand it back up next time you play. We won't feature empty servers in Battlefield V, we'll only feature populated ones.

  2. Not a feature for Community Games - agreed it would be useful, but we asked ourselves what best suits the design we have for the feature. As is the case with the above, we largely anticipate the servers to be active whilst the admin is present.

  3. Correct, Manual Move isn't a feature.

  4. We're still exploring it. We won't feature it in the Update notes if it's not going to be a change when the update goes live. When the status of this changes, I'll let folks know for sure. Still an area we're keen to develop improvements for.

Thanks for the questions.

21 Jul


Originally posted by Cabouse1337

Hi PartWelsh thanks for the reply I think the main issue is that the Armory is always seeming to have nearly two week gaps in rotation more frequently. I understand from a marketing side though that Red Beret is one that many people including myself wanted me its more of a national meaning some others may want it because it looks cool is authentic and doesn't have a gas mask. My main issue is that the red beret should have been with the cavalry commando set and that set should have been called the red devils its been in the files for most of this games life cycle.

In the files vs. we're happy to release something are separate things. There's no desire to deliberately frustrate anybody by not releasing something, sometimes we just need to get other things in order before we do.


Originally posted by [deleted]

“Until Tuesday” doesn’t include Tuesday in any world. Either way they need to cut the shit and stop using vague language.

Apologies. There was never an intent to be vague.

I generally don't tweet about 'BUY NOW' esque offers because I don't use my personal Social Media to do direct product advertisement (where money is directly involved). In future, I'll use this as an example for being a lot more direct in my language, and being more appreciative of folks who may have different applications of 'Until Tuesday'. I've used the term to denote the end of the end, vs. the start of the end - I can appreciate the confusion, it wasn't intended.

For those asking on other threads - there are other bundles to release, we haven't released them as part of this recent Sneak Peek because the team aren't satisfied with how they're viewed in the armory. When we are, we may go on to release them.

30 Jun


Originally posted by spidd124

Uhhh Adam Freeman is Dice's community manager? He isnt some random member of Dice's staff.

Also what does that even mean? What companies bring in voice actors specifically for an update overview? Every update overview I can think of has a member of the community team or a dev going over the details. There are plenty of reason to be critical (perferably constructively) of DICE/ EA's actions with BFV but this is just dumb.

Also, Brian Blessed was busy that day.


Originally posted by MuricanRay

Works gone on hold for the Summer while the teams take their vacations.

You guys are something else.

"We cant get shit done because of covid and home office."

"We wont do this and that because BLM."


We've continued to develop and release content and updates since transitioning to a WFH status because of the COVID outbreak. The only impact we experienced was combining 4.4. and 4.6 (minor updates) but otherwise haven't stopped working or extensively delayed anything because of it.

We otherwise stopped marketing the Summer Update because we acknowledge that there are more important things happening in our world and are completely unashamed of that.

Our development teams are otherwise made up of Human Beings, who take vacations. You're welcome to read up about how it is that Sweden as a nation approaches Vacation, and seperate to that, how Production Cycles are benefited from teams taking Vacation together, than independently at different times all throughout the year.


Originally posted by SpicyCheese91

Thanks for the detailed answer. Do you have any idea on what's going to happen to all of the unreleased full outfits and also the common rarity helmets that are in the files? We'd all love them to be added eventually and it could give us a lot of options to customize stuff with. Thanks again. Some examples are the plain German helmet with the gas mask, or the covered German helmet, or even the WW1 German and British helmets.

There are two types of content currently known to folks, unfinished and unreleased.

I can't publish a full list of where things sit, but unfinished content was never moved into the unreleased category because we ultimately deprioritised it - there may well be small items still in the files which are known to cause issues or we simply felt didnt add anything substantial to the experience and so will never release.

Unreleased content is just that, unreleased (yet). There's still plenty more rotation to come through the Armory. If the day comes where I'm giving the ability to publish a complete rotation calendar, I will.


Originally posted by Dragon_Hill_Farm

Hi /u/PartWelsh & /u/braddock512

I know you guys said "it's done when it's done" before but at this point the silence is hurting the community.

We have a rampant cheater problem in asia, the anti cheat mechanism seems to fail. We are happy with community servers though.

  1. When are the features for community games released?
  2. Will anti cheat get improvements?
  3. Is the team balancer active by now?
  4. Spawning in squad members is completly broken, and the animation is way too long. I gave up completly trying to spawn on squad members because of it.
  5. What is happening to AA? Braddock mentioned upcoming changes.

Thanks for answering these questions.

  1. Later in the year is the current expectation, date not set but we are still committed to expanding community games.
  2. These systems are continuously updated and improved and have been throughout the lifecycle of the game
  3. It's not live yet, but check through my comment history as someone else has asked recently on this topic. TLDR, we have a design and something in testing but I can't set a date for when or if we may activate it
  4. There was a change made a few patches back that alters the behaviour of this to protect against Spawn>Death. It has some minor known issues similar to the previous behaviour but it's overall change to limit how much you could potentially spawn and be shot in the back was by design. I appreciate the feedback from you on the current behaviour, I've not been told to expect any further changes
  5. There are no changes currently committed to adjust existing AA/Aircraft balance

29 Jun


Originally posted by r1v0p

Any update on team balance?

Works gone on hold for the Summer while the teams take their vacations.

We had the option of deploying it but there was an issue where all Squad leaders would be ejected from the game when the systems activated. That's counter productive, so we rejected the update.

What we had otherwise developed so far is working as we want it too, but not wanting to release something that would completely ruin the experience for the summer we've put it on hold until we can pick up the work once the teams are back from their annual vacations.

Belief is that we can still develop a change as we know where the faults are, it's just subject to more testing and more engineering work to get us to a place where we're comfortable releasing it.

We'll evaluate and share more when we can.


Originally posted by SpicyCheese91

Thanks for the update on the trailer but is there any chance you could clarify what kind of "new cosmetics" you guys added in the new update? (7.1) are they completely new or were they already in the files last update?

It was a few final facepaints and I think a haircut that will get used as potential login rewards. They were likely already in the files for a number of months but carried bugs that prevented them from ever being used.


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

Upvote because I always like explaination (and i'm curious)

But guys... I hope for everyone that the next BF and everything around will be much in order than how it happens now...

For sure, and I'll volunteer that in a normal world, this was set to be a very straight forward affair in the world of communications, and we were originally working towards a cool moment where things happened in a manner where we'd reflect differently on the topic today.

Here's more dull and dry explanations/rambling if you're interested

The trailer originally would have gone out on the Wednesday before the update (the following Tuesday), patch notes would have followed on the Thursday, and the update out the following week. EA Play would originally have then been on the following week where we would have talked about the whole Battlefield franchise coming to Steam.

That's a plan that for a campaign team (not talking development or production here) gets produced as early as 4-6 months before at a high level, associated work gets mapped out, folks get to task, and then pulled together over the course of that project's timeline. The work itself all ...

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Originally posted by DANNYonPC

In Classic BF5 fashion..

The trailer has been delayed

A true classic, one final swing (and miss).

To add in what else I shared (and why we simply didn't straight away change it and release it), we produce our trailers in different formats, languages, and in different crops for different platforms and storefronts. That's some 20GB worth of renders and a further stack of Projects and their source files that need reopening and the like.

So it stacks up as a big task to solve a small (and it's 12pt font small) problem.

We were very much considering a world where we never released this trailer, we revisited that late last week to ask what we did want to do and its simply a tiny detail thats easy to miss. We caught it and asked ourselves if we were happy with it and decided no, so we're changing it

Will still be this week - and I'll keep folks updated.