

03 Jun


Originally posted by junkerz88

u/Braddock512 u/PartWelsh thank you for the notes! Any chance the trailer still drops today as well? Or is that still being held back, considering the events happening in the US

It won't release today and I'm not in a position to set any expectation around when, or even if, it may ever release.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Am I seeing this right? Twisted steel and Panzerstorm will now be US vs Germany?

Correct - except in Grand Operations where we sustain the current setup.


Originally posted by kidmenot

Looks good.

I have one question: are you guys going to enable the team balancer? Freeman explained that it was behind a killswitch, any idea when you are going to make it available?

We did an initial test on this (on the public client, but on a hidden server) - it didn't play out as expected.

We'll do similar tests when 7.0 launches, but the current belief is that there's an extra fix we need to deploy in a planned smaller update that may possibly release later this month.

Shortest answer - yes, still on the plans and I'll open up more on this as soon as is appropriate.


Originally posted by TheRealSpatizm

Any new cosmetics?

Yep. We haven't historically listed these in Update Notes. We would have featured some of them in the promotional material, but we'll show these off at a later time.


Hey folks,

Last week, we set in motion our plans to deploy the Summer Update for Battlefield V. 

We recognize that there are more important conversations taking place in the world today, so you haven’t seen us publish promotional material around the update this week, similar to how we have in the past on Battlefield V. 

We’re otherwise encouraging that we all take notice of what’s happening in the United States, as well as other places around the world, and ask how we can all do more, as we must do more.

Yesterday, we at EA committed ourselves to education and driving meaningful change through actions. This is a long-term commitment that you can read more about ...

Read more External link →

27 May


Originally posted by DJ_Rhoomba

u/PartWelsh As a random, not Battlefield related question, as a fellow space lover, are you watching the SpaceX launch today??

Yeah! Shame that it was cancelled! I'd have sent the Kerbals, but right call given how tight a launch window is.

25 May


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

I've noticed some bad examples have been corrected already, which is appreciated, this said I've just ran into another annoying one: "see me" is censured, as in "did you see me?".

Yep! I've had notes from the team over the weekend that they've been deploying live changes - one of the benefit of the new system) that some of the worse offenders are out.

Thanks for the new ones, I'll tag them in for feedback on it.

20 May


Originally posted by Billxgates

Is the system akin to Star Citizen where Chat is a service running in the server from its own server with its own tools?

I’m only using them as an example because one of their Devs was recently talking about some server side stuff and included that bit about it being separate.

Not familiar enough with the new tech stack to say. Seen it done in other games though and I see how that would provide more flexibility.

Do you play much Star Citizen? How is it? Big Elite fan, looking forward to a final release of SC


Originally posted by Billxgates

Homie, i just appreciate knowing a bit more about the process. That and knowing my criticism/frustration are being heard means a lot.

And while it's not a tool developed by Dice themselves it boggles the mind that they'd somehow not have the pull to influence changes or fixes over that time period, or at the very least raise these concerns and have them acted upon by the appropriate teams within EA. Especially knowing now that it doesn't even need to be tied to a major game update to fix.

These things are backend changes and not client side. We don't need to deploy patches to adjust things here (which is why I'm super keen for folks to show and share more examples so I can help to prove where something isn't behaving as intended).


Originally posted by tacticulbacon

Why is a chat filter so important for a mature rated game in the first place? Where is the option to disable it for those of us with a mental age higher than 12? I can handle a few naughty words, what I can't handle is seeing **** all over the chat every time someone wants to communicate.

Because while you may seek to use it for the purpose it's originally designed (communicate with your team), others don't.

More players like you pls

It's fair to be able to expect a harassment free environment when you're playing a Video Game, and chat functions can sometimes provide places where this can occur.

Your point is fair. Characters in our game Swear, and the content is openly violent. It carries appropriate age ratings in different countries all over the world and is compliant with different authorities and regulatory bodies.

I can understand that in certain circumstances, it may clash with what the game is, and who's expected to play it. As an adult, I don't have a problem with swearing and I swear pretty liberally myself, often in place of punctuation.

'Good f*cking game lads that was close!'

'sh*t the bed what the f*ck was that?'

'I just got f*cking ruined by that tank, careful'

The challenge ...

Read more

Originally posted by Billxgates

I just can't understand why it's still an issue when it's been overly aggressive and known as such for almost two years of Working on it.

There's a trend here that we've pointed out repeatedly during the life-cycle of the title where a complaint is raised, someone on your end states its being addressed, nothing changes, and then the studio just stops talking about it.

It's frustrating, and in this example sure, it's a very minor frustration. But, it's still a pattern of inaction and lack of follow-through that has landed us where we are today. I mean, we still have no working team-balance, AC, or robust community tools and the game is about to be put into a maintenance mode.

I just don't get the why behind it all. I don't get why this game feels like it was given such a blasé level of commitment from everyone but the Community management team.

edit: A word

You're right to point it out, I won't ever dismiss fair criticism.

Relative to this topic on the Chat filter, this isn't something that's been developed exclusively for BFV, it's been worked up to support all titles and act as the standard going forward for any game coming from EA. This is why we've not been able to act on this sooner, because work was being performed elsewhere that we understood would work to help address the problem down the road.

We're the first to make use of it which is why I'm keen to show more examples back to the team where it's proving a hinderence.


Thanks for sharing - I've started chatting to the team on this today to understand where we're having issues with it. Feels too aggressive in places and I don't believe that's intended.

For insight, it's part of a backend change that allows us to better manage and configure the tools that govern it. It'll allow us to be more responsive in helping ensure that disruptive and inappropriate content is better managed in the chat.

It's design isn't to make communication challenging or difficult though so I'll be engaging with the team to help highlight where it's not behaving correctly.

There's a sequence of Public Holidays coming up which may mean that I don't get an answer back out to you all quickly on the topic but I'll work on this and respond when I can.

14 May


Originally posted by Lock3down221

We're going to test something shortly and then roll out a fix. I'll keep you updated.

Edit: To Update we're testing a fix through the night and expecting to roll something out tomorrow morning. Will have another update in around 12 hours

Edit 2: More Update. Fix looks good, hoping to roll something out later today now as we've correctly identified that we can solve the issue preventing the award from being granted, but also need to seperately solve the task of identifying all users who completed the task but were not rewarded and address that seperately.

(5/15 - 11:20 AM Sweden Time)

13 May


As far as I remember that's a separate Squad Conquest Mix that doesn't populate in Server Browser and wont feature players above Rank 10. Is that not your experience when playing it?

12 May


Originally posted by Maxttack

Sorry - missed this one. Will need more insight from the team to properly answer so will try to find out. Sometimes this type of stuff gets tagged into 'Performance and Stablity fixes' vs. called out independently.


Originally posted by Deckard1986

I'm on PC, updated the game via Origin before launching, then had the micro update in game. I've DMed my clanmate for details on his side, will edit the post with rest of the details.

Server details:


Breakthrough05/12/20 @ 10:04 AM


Duration15m 03s

tracker id: 1260129736405455168

EDIT: he's been binge playing for last few hours, missed the update.

Sorry about the hassle u/PartWelsh ! It's just that joining on friends is a key feature for me, and last few months of workarounds like close the game, ask for an invite, get in the queue and have the map loaded 4 times before joining, have been an infuriating

No worries! I appreciate that you took the time to update me on it! Glad to hear it's not an issue. Let me know if you and your friends have issues squadding up whilst you're all on the right version :)


Gonna need some more information from you to help with this one and understand if it's an actual problem or just a result of the patches still deploying.

What platform are you on? Have you updated your client? Has the friend you are attempting to join also updated their client?

We sustain servers for a short period between patches rather than kick everyone out so there's always the possibility that you're joining on someone who is on a different version.


I use War Tapes on PC, love it!


Originally posted by Lock3down221

While you're at it, can you lock her and the elites on their respective factions?

Not a change that's being considered.


Originally posted by RickyScarpetta

Thanks for the reply, kind of a weird thing to be changed by accident.

Super weird - she's still in the Chapter Rank Rewards so the files are still there but we need to dig around the licences and figure out why people who should be able to access her, can't