

02 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Definitely a glitch, PS4 Aus servers are usually about 20 full matches at this time of night. Maybe DICE are canning our servers, too?

There's been no change to service in Australia. I'll ask the team if we're seeing any issues with filtering that would stop them being presented but there hasn't been a change to service, nor is there a plan to make changes, in the area.

01 Apr


Originally posted by salt_and_pepper-xx

Can we South Africans please get answers on news we have received regarding our servers being retired??. There was a post made by the community manager Adam Freeman stating this but alot of us aren't sure if this is real or fake. In addition to this we as South Africans love battlefield, our facebook group for Ps4 has a new post every single day sometimes more which proves theres an active player base in SA. Your data states that more SA players play on EU servers through your automatic matchmaking system which is complete BS. We have atleast 3 SOUTH AFRICAN servers running most nights,even more now during this lockdown period (this is just PS4). Your EU servers have 0 lenient latancy which is unplayable compared to every other online game out there why would we even think to play on EU servers. If you go and read the post made on facebook you'll see it has almost 400 comments on how we have been dealt an unfair hand. Yes we're a small community, we paid the money and most of us ...

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Hey /u/salt_and_pepper-xx

The message shared with the SA community was indeed posted by myself and I've verified that over on Answers HQ.

We're collecting all feedback on the topic here, at the link below.

31 Mar


Originally posted by RitziLauda

u/PartWelsh does that include all platforms?

It does yes.

For full clarity - players who would usually connect to servers in Dubai or South Africa, on all platforms, will no longer find that these are hosted for Battlefield V.

When looking in the server browser, or using quickmatch players will instead be routed to servers in EU.

28 Mar


Originally posted by veekay45

u/PartWelsh you might have seen a lot of players requesting Elites to be restricted to their respective factions. As you know, there are boins-only cosmetics which can only be used with a certain faction (e.g. the Sturmwolf can only be used with the Germans and not with the Japanese), and people understand that when buying.

Shouldn't the same idea apply to Elites? Surely you'd expect to be able to use the Japanese girl on the Japanese side. Moreover, there's at least 4 maps for each charater to be used on without going international exchange programme. Can we have a discussion about this with the devs? Cheers.

Discussions been had, it won't change. Recognise it's not the answer folks want, but it's the answer.


Originally posted by DoerteMaulwurf

really? i haven't noticed. do they just get added?

So long as you complete the weeks activity, yup.


Originally posted by JBEEZi3

Also on discussion of planes, they are experiencing a auto pitch up bug and is really severe when using nitrous, especially on the spitfire. r/PilotsofBattlefield

Yeah its realted to deadzones. We're intending to resolve this in the next update. Will let you know through April how that's progressing.


Originally posted by boozerino

Damn that really sounds like a heartbreaker as a developer.

It can be. A lot of great work, including superb art went into producing it. It's a staple of the game so to not have it is a shame.

27 Mar


Originally posted by andersonrenato2

So, will the stuka and spitfire missiles continue to hitkill the heavy tanks until May?

Yes, with our apologies. We need to resolve this on the client so short of disabling all Pacific Maps, we have to bite down on this one until the update is out.


Originally posted by Alecsis29

What about new content? Last map was Solomon, and judging by your intel, no new map until June. Another 4 months period with no content? Of course, I dont expect much rn, with the virus, but can you at least confirm anything? A new theater, some new guns, ANYTHING

Not providing any bigger updates than that today.


Originally posted by ianucci

Can you explain why at all?

There's a nasty bug in the code that governs it. Prior to 5.0 (where we killed it) the system was active but only worked on the first grant of the Ribbon. We could not convince the system to repeatedly recognise that you were due to receive a ribbon in multiple instances.

Eventually we identified that the resulting error was unresolvable without rebuilding the system. We asked ourselves how long it would take to completely rebuild it and what else we could do with the time instead. Given that we'd been without it pretty much since everyones very first round of Battlefield, we accepted that the time was better spent elsewhere.

It's a shame. We designed Battlefield V to have the system and we'd rather it had it than not.


Originally posted by Mallee78

Probably. Dice management is useless.

DICE Management has helped enable an entire studio to work from home to protect their health and wellbeing of the teams, without sacrificing any loss of earnings for a single employee, offering open support to our colleagues in the industry across Stockholm, providing useful office and facility supplies to hospitals in the City, setting our playtest rooms to participate in the COVID Folding@Home Initiative, and done so without so much as blinking in the face of a global pandemic.

If you want to continue behave in this manner, you're welcome too, but I won't permit you to do so without holding u...

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Originally posted by PatriarcaArgent

Adam, can you talk to the team to add more tickets on Rush?

I can. No promises but its worth a review.


Originally posted by RitziLauda

The WiP picture you posted looks promising. Do I understand it correctly that the skins in question are the [common] colors for the German vanilla skins?

If I may add some ideas/requests:
The German [common] leg color actually goes well with the [uncommon] snow torso, maybe it can replace the current snow legs if the basic color is changed?
Please consider giving the [common] variant of the The Aristocrat set a black color.
Make sure that The Mirage is included in the sets you "consider default".
Would it be possible to have a color selection for the standard headgear (Stahlhelm/Cap/Brodie...) similar to the uniform color? Even just a Desert option would be nice.

It's good feedback, I'll pass it on.


Originally posted by Wargreymon559

Are there any updates in regard to Ribbons coming back?

Very unlikely they'll come back.


Originally posted by Skruddy

This whole virus thing has been rough on everyone, so no surprises here.

Glad to hear about the default uniform color changes. While the shade of green in that German uniform screenshot doesn't look 101% pixel accurate to my untrained eyes, it's still miles above the plastic looking bright colors we have now.

Hope yall stay safe there, Welsh.

Thanks, we hope the same for everyone else too <3


Originally posted by DoerteMaulwurf

How about ToW? I've unlocked the Elite 3 weeks ago and every ToW reward since then was a waste.

If you have Misaki, Tier Skips become converted to Boins. Still worth doing.


Originally posted by TurbulentTraining

thank you adam for this!! Just a quick question, will the British be receiving some colour changes to their uniforms?



Originally posted by madmav

Sad but understandable in these weird times!

Are there many things in the April/May update that we don't know about but that you maybe excited to tell us about when the time comes?

(also - hope you're keeping healthy - I hate WFH but don't mind the perks of games being a nice distraction for the rest of this isolation business! - Sold my rift pre-HL:A and now desperately trying to get a Quest or Rift S as a replacement!)

Plenty you don't know about. Nothing I can talk about today!

Edit: Everyones doing good! I've been using my HTC Vive for excercise. A Lot of Beatsaber! I also get my heartrate up ALOT playing Half Life Alyx this week ๐Ÿ˜‚


Originally posted by Robert-101

Well, what was the sense of unlocking this stuff, or buying it, being we liked it, for you to change it?

What if we don't like the change of what we wanted to buy or unlock originally?

Are you fellas quarantined? Be well, and please leave things alone, because you're gonna cause more issues.

As I say, this applies largely to default uniforms. Things you've bought may see little change. I'll share more info as we complete our work on it.