

21 May


Originally posted by arxipaparas

For real Phreak, you have been absolutely killing it so far this MSI.

You're gonna make me watch LCS if you keep this up.

-A LEC fan

Haha thanks. You should! We have good teams! EG lost 9 regular season games to LCS teams this year, so the average LCS team is exactly as good as G2!


Originally posted by LeatherBodybuilder

They really aren't if we look at Worlds... NA has like 80% win rate against LMS/PCS teams since 2015 at Worlds. PCS/LMS has placed below NA every single year since 2015 whenever they are in the same group.

It's the same thing every year. PCS/LMS looks decent at MSI because they literally only sends their best team in a region with 1 good team and that team gets to practice against LPL/LCK teams all year. Then they get shit on at Worlds because their 2nd and 3rd seed are legit wildcard level teams and then their #1 team loses to LCS because LCS teams finally gets month+ practice against LCK/LPL/LEC teams.

All-time LCS vs LMS/PCS is 26-15, so 63% win rate

Without looking it up, IIRC LEC-LCS is closer than that. Legit the gap for 3rd-4th is closer than the gap for 4th-5th.


Originally posted by 1einspieler

Loved to hear Phreak flame Guma for using his flash before dying like he would have flamed any NA Adc



Originally posted by NamelessSearcher

"froggy croaks in the bottom lane" Phreak on fire today

I'm just happy I legit called that SGB were going to draft a double flex on their 4/5 pick and then called it at Vladimir bot.

I know me some Senna comps.

20 May


Originally posted by Roophus

Ur on my tv

Hi I’m on tv.


Originally posted by ItsMag1c

I'm really excited for the things we're working on. :)

Yoooooooooooo! Congrats dude!


Originally posted by DragonPeakEmperor

Didn't people constantly post that Vex's best matchups were into mobility heavy champions while her worst were versus immobile mages? I guess the narrative is never going to change since she doesn't have a "press button to stop dash" ability.

She actually does lol. Her shield fear is instant and interrupts dashes.

19 May


Originally posted by RaiseYourDongersOP

This mean we're bringing back Avalon too?

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh I hope not

18 May


Originally posted by OwenGamezNL

i got called hardstuck when i won 10 games in a row and surpassed my peak lol

Yeah now you're just hardstuck at that new LP duh

09 May


Originally posted by lolTeik


Uh the show is really, really good. The lead actor who plays Creamcheese is amazing.


I watched an early release of the show and it’s honestly incredible. Super stoked for any of y’all who get to watch it!

08 May


Originally posted by idontlikeredditbutok

The problem with this philosophy is that eventually if you only balance on what is "happening" and don't balance on the theoretical "actual" state of the game if the playerbase was playing better, eventually the theoretical catches up and becomes an ungodly abomination version of the previous theoretical because the team has been balancing the game around a technically inaccurate version of it for a while.

I don't play league nearly as much anymore, but this is an issue TFT has had for a while. Early in set 6.0, 5 Mutants was a pretty good comp that, while not played as much, was arguably very broken if you got a very early chogath, and high elo players were aware of it. However the REST of the playerbase was not, and as a result the comps data was mediocre. So riot decided to give chogath a pretty big base hp buff, and the next patch mutants ended up being statistically one of the most broken comps in TFT history.

The issue with not balancing the game around it's o...

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Fwiw Riot looks at things like high-MMR pick and ban rate and I know they do that in TFT as well. So in any of these cases, really, these are things that next to no one is doing (well).

07 May


Originally posted by lyledylandy

so it encourages her to play the same pattern she would normally play

I mean yeah but she also shines in extended fights which Eclipse is terrible at for ranged champions, even more so on one who doesn't need vamp/lifesteal and who has enough range to not get hit during the shield duration. I'm probably wrong since everyone builds it and she retains a good winrate, but it doesn't make sense to me

She shines in extended fights says who? Her cooldowns are long, her attack speed is low, and her per-target damage is front loaded off of Q+Auto with a hefty cooldown on her passive.

She is specifically far worse than other marksmen and other supports in long engagements.


Originally posted by trustisaluxury

gangplank is the embodiment of league players trying not to lose to shopkeeper challenge (impossible)

him and ezreal would be 55%+ champs if people knew how to build

Don't forget Senna!

I'll say in general I'm a fan of Riot balancing the game "as is." Certainly they could have picked better wording, e.g. "Players are struggling on Gangplank" as opposed to "Gangplank is struggling," if that's even the verbiage used.

But anyway my point is that the results from last patch's games are what actually happened. People probably made misplays in every single game but at the end of the day, theoretical balance isn't nearly as important as balancing the game people are playing. This means Yasuo and Riven have lower levels of "theoretical balance" due to champion mastery and Gangplank is theoretically too strong and should be nerfed once players figure out builds.

And yeah that can feel weird. But I think a) lets players feel smart and get an edge for figuring out builds first, and b) most players don't do a ton of innovation and that's fine but they should be able to be reasonably successful by just following along.

02 May

  • 90% Evil Geniuses win MSI
  • 50% G2 finally takes a game off of EG in six tries
  • 10% Wild upset in the semi-finals

27 Apr


Originally posted by dttez

How dumb is that Poppy W buff justification though ? "Players were being punished for misusing the ability so we made it that it didn't matter if the player played badly"

Rengar doesn't heal on his W any more. Rengar players should be punished for misplaying.

Also his damage has been cut in half. Bad Rengars should be punished for playing poorly.

You can make anything sound stupid by just claiming it's stupid.

Also you act like a 20 second cooldown in instant. It's still down for the entire gank if you misuse it in a gank.


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

A mistake by Phreak for the Swain R max HP:

For the swain passive to be even/higher during the R, just for the 125-275 bonus HP from the R, you need 18/29/40 souls. +7 more per soul than before (old 5, now 12).

But the old R also doubled the HP from the passive during the duration. So during the R you gained 10 HP per soul before and now you get 12. that means +2 only.

So the actual numbers for even/more max HP during the R is 63/100/138 souls. And I dont think anyone will normally have that many souls at lvl 6/11/16, especially because you cant get them from allied CCs anymore (less souls later on).

The P does give more total HP outside of the R. But it is also less than expected later on in the game as you do get less stacks.

Edit: Also another mistake: Double stopwatch is still possible, it just has 1 more restriction compared to before. You have to upgrade to GA/Zhonyas after buying the 2nd stopwatch and before using ...

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Ah thanks, I didn't know they removed the double HP as well. Then yeah, it's going to be much harder to get more HP during ult. However, the increased healing likely makes up for it and we'll see what happens overall as a result.

24 Apr


Originally posted by Javonetor

the biggest feat Danny has made today is win a game with crit xayah

Crit Xayah is roughly as strong as caster Xayah. It’s slightly weaker on average but game-to-game it can be the optimal build. Just like with Corki, champions can have multiple viable play styles.

23 Apr


Originally posted by bobbybobsen

LS, if I understand correctly, suggests that this variability means all early game choices are bad.

He literally said in the video that early game runes don’t have to be bad, just that they are overused?

If I recall correctly, he suggested that if you don’t know you need it, just don’t take it. I think that’s a flawed premise.


I think this is a cool video and thanks to LS for making it.

However I have a different stance. I’ll agree to one premise, which is that eventually people will get better at laning than now and matchups can feel more solved.

However I diverge from LS in that these lanes are indeed not solved. There is an array of possible ways the lane can go. Even long-term with matchups “solved” there is inbuilt variability via ganks and roams.

So because there is variability, that means optimal play dictates making choices with all of those eventualities in mind. LS, if I understand correctly, suggests that this variability means all early game choices are bad. I take a more moderate stance that any matchups sufficiently likely to have meaningful early game interaction should probably have early game runes.

It doesn’t matter if the matchup is clearly LeBlanc favored in four years. What matters is that LeBlanc vs. Ahri is scrappy right now and so player...

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