Teemo Aatrox is unplayable. Anyone who plays Teemo should instantly know any spell-based champion f*cks him. Anyone with innate dashes tends to f*ck him. How ADD though that it would be a good matchup is beyond me. That sh*t is unplayable.
Teemo Aatrox is unplayable. Anyone who plays Teemo should instantly know any spell-based champion f*cks him. Anyone with innate dashes tends to f*ck him. How ADD though that it would be a good matchup is beyond me. That sh*t is unplayable.
"Don't need hands if you've got a mouth"- /u/PhreakRiot
This is a perfectly normal thing to say.
You heard nothing.
RNG would've been better off with like any other adc pick
I REALLY like Nilah, personally. You want her with an enchanter, though, especially one who actually wants levels (Yuumi, Soraka, and Sona all fit here).
And she has extremely high agency since she can follow-up engage and block a lot of very strong champions, like MF. The dodge works against 3/5 of MF, who also has no natural escapes for Apotheosis.
You also need to be willing to build her more bruisery when facing a lot of disruption in general. Merc Treads, BT second, and yeah it’s expensive, but GALA had like 380cs at 32 minutes. I don’t remember his exact build, but those should be commonplace.
If I remember, he didn't play them cause they were perma banned against him, right?
I don’t recall them receiving many bans.
It was my first year of watching Worlds, but from what I understand, their champion pool in general was very unorthodox, making them very weird to play against for the bigger teams.
Likkrit with his Taric and Kira's Anivia in particular, with PvPStejos going demon mode on Nidalee in multiple games.
Also, Likkrit did play Brand in one game, against G2.
Ah, thanks for the correction.
And something I always love to point out is that at one point in that group, ANX were 4-1, with their last remaining game against the 0-5 G2, while ROX were 3-2, their last game being against the 3-2 CLG who had beaten them previously.
ANX had to stay on stage, playing ROX and G2 back to back. With that game against ROX going 50 minutes, they were no doubt gassed. If they had beaten the 0-5 G2, they would have taken first with no tiebreaker.
A wildcard topping the group 5-1... now that would have been legendary.
And that was with their support player not playing his core champion pool. That year, his most-played picks were Zyra and Brand but didn’t play them at Worlds.
Then the quarterfinals onward was basically defined by Zyra support and her counter in Ashe-MF.
She’s fun af and I play her a bunch.
Also pair her with Soraka and she’s a washing machine. It’s great!
Read moreI don't think what the other thread is talking about is pocket picks. Pocket picks are definitely still around and show up often. So yes, you're right iconic picks are still around but I think you misunderstand what people mean when they talk about these signature champions of old.
I guess it's hard to relay this to someone who wasn't around in 2012.
Let me use an example. Blitzcrank and Madlife.
Blitzcrank was not a meta champion. Not even close. But against Madlife, Blitzcrank was banned every. single. game. The few times it wasn't banned he was completely smurfing to an insane level.
Blitzcrank was not a "pocket pick" for Madlife. It was way beyond that. Madlife was synonymous with Blitzcrank.
Something like Finn's Kled is a pocket pick. It shows up in the right situations, but no one is completely permabanning Kled every single time Finn is in a game.
With players Froggen, Madlife, Hotshot, the entire discussion b...
Madlife Blitz is overselling it a bit.
I remember when they got 3-0'd in finals and in the post-game interview, the winner said something like, "Yeah, I knew in game 3 they'd try to do something wilder, like Madlife picking Blitzcrank."
They had left it up all series. It clearly wasn't something they were afraid of. Madlife picked it in game 3 and still lost.
Still his pocket pick, though. The crowd cheered when he locked it in.
Um actually grammatically this should be "whom" do you keep.
Downvoted for Travis's poor grammar skills. Upvoted for MarkZ.
They did something like this before, Remember the Brolaf Skit?
Brolaf skit was great. I edited and scored it!
SO much better he can't win with Hans and Core on his team, lmao
I mean did you see them play this season? Of course not. Their season was 2v5 most games.
Yeah wtf is the criteria for Bjergsen over Doublelift??
He's better.
I think it's a function of AP assassins and AP bruisers not having the robust itemization that their AD counterparts do
I agree. I think Shadowflame should look a lot more like Youmuu's. Lich Bane's pretty good, though, at least.
FWIW Nashor's Sunfire is clearly not an assassin build. She's a bruiser and is building as such.
Diana has an AoE CC ultimate and a self-shield. She is clearly not an assassin by kit. She's practically Wukong and no one bats an eye at Divine Sunderer + Death's Dance there.
However, it's worth noting that her more assassin-skewed builds (Nashor-Rocketbelt and Rocketbelt-Shadowflame) perform better for most players than the most common bruiser one.
Getting caught out isnt a different play style.. it's just bad positioning. Good adcs know when they can play forward and dont get caught out first every team fight. It's not a play style difference, it's a skill difference.
While I agree with the oversimplification that getting caught is not a playstyle, neither is doing nothing.
Indeed a good ADC knows when to play forward and when to not get caught. But it's also a LOT easier for the peanut gallery (myself included) to notice someone playing too far up versus someone doing nothing to win the game.
We've all seen those zero kills and 20 minute games, mostly in pro. Is that really everyone playing perfectly or have 12 kills been passed up because players were too scared of "getting caught out"?
Can TL push CLG to a game 5 tho?
EDG is ok as 3rd or 4th seed,FPX didnt even qualified to 2020 Worlds after winning 2019 lmao
For a while that was always true: 2012 no Fnatic iirc. 2013 no TPA. 2014 no SKT. 2015 no SSW. 2016 was the first time a defending champion even showed up.
people wanna talk about how it was a fluke and IG trolling etc
Which is stupid, they never give any reason on why it was supposedly a fluke either
IG played like they always did (never cutting loses and fully commiting to any fight) and TL came prepared and punished them for it
FWIW Double/Core hard sh*t on bot lane. As soon as IG locked Varus/Kench I knew it was doomed because neither player really played those champions and they just decided that they'd take away champions and magically win (they didn't)