

06 Apr


Originally posted by Epheremy

That makes no sense.

He's been averaging 50% winrate across low to high elo despite the high playrate. Compare that to Azir, Syndra, Ryze and other pro play champions and tell me who's tuned down and who isn't.

Yasuo has fancy mechanics, but in the end he's another mobile champion with muscle memory combos that gets to autoattack you to death even when failing everything in 1v1; gets ridiculous virtual tankiness through itemization, sustain and passive reset with the additional power to make any projectile champion useless for seconds; gets ridiculous free engage because he can press R on any champion's fart. Many other champions require more micro and macro than him, includes those i mentioned above.

Stop with the Yasuo waking, you're not fooling many of us anymore. We know you guys can market him for millions of profit, but it's getting old.

If the average Azir player had as much experience as the average Yasuo player, Azir would have like a 53% solo queue win rate.

01 Apr


Originally posted by buffsop

You didn't say anything about public conversation though.

I have mace


Sorry my DMs are closed.


Originally posted by jogadorjnc

I'd argue historic champion mastery matters less than how many games you've played recently.

I expect the latter to be more correlated with winrate.

A first-time Yasuo player who plays two games on a patch and a seven-year one-trick who plays two games on the patch are showed equally. You don’t see a problem with that?

31 Mar


Originally posted by jogadorjnc

We can kinda check this and it definitely doesn't seem to be the case.

Lolalytics has a breadth vs depth graph

Back in 2017 Yasuo was pretty high in depth, tho

Lolalytics depth is not historic champion mastery. To my knowledge hey don't have that data.

Those graphs look similar but they tracking different variables.

30 Mar


Originally posted by LaLambada

It's kinda unfair to nerfs a champ to the ground just bcs his community is good and dedicate at playing him

It just mean that learning the champ is pointless and not rewarding at all, since the game itself held you back

The alternative is him being perma-banned, tbh.

I understand the feelsbad nature of it, but this also allows you to actually get to pick your champion.

29 Mar


Originally posted by Boomslang_Yo

All I'm hearing is that I'm a Yasuo God who's being held down by the man. Please buff him tomorrow so I can justify instalocking him this weekend in Clash. Thank you Phreak.

I got you.


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Not surprised to hear this

Do have to wonder how much of that is a consequence of player frustration though

If people complain about him incessantly even when he's intentionally tuned down is it indicative of a more frustrating kit then average?

Eh, player frustration matters I’m sure. But also you just balance champions as they’re played. Imagine nerfing Senna prematurely just because you expect Locket to catch on one day.


Originally posted by NenBE4ST

Yasuo is balanced and fair

Yasuo is actually tuned far below almost every other champion in the game. It's just that the average Yasuo player has like 130 games on him and makes up for that tuning in actual champion mastery.


Originally posted by Baked_Butters

Want a TSM fan to troll at finals? I’ll be there!

I’ll be counting on you to start the TSM chants.

28 Mar


Originally posted by Profoundsoup

I met LS way back in the day. He’s just as you would expect.

I also met Trick2g, he’s also as you’d expect. Cool dude but he was more soft spoken and humble than he comes off on stream.

All the casters are all dope. Phreak is awesome. He’s been around forever.

Yo, thanks! You're also awesome and have been around forever.

25 Mar


Came to the comment section to see what people thought. Pleased to see it’s all just about Ablolive


Originally posted by Caenen_

Thank you, that means quite a lot coming from you, treasure to the community yourself and all (and thanks for all the puns!).

The real treasure is also all the friends and connections that allow for the level of cooperation to support my endeavours thus far. From in-depth explanations of game mechanics that had not been relevant since 2010, to 7 hour long custom games, it takes some assistence to get it right!

Hooray for irrelevant old game mechanics!


Originally posted by Caenen_

Turns out science is hard (and knowing how to get the right messages explained to people not familiar with it is even more difficult) and we only have a hand-full of volunteers, a pretty small amount actually given League's overall popularity.

Progress on these things is happening but it's thus slooow...

Anyways I just wanna say you're an absolute treasure to this community and thank you so much for all your hard work and effort over the years.

24 Mar


Originally posted by Caenen_

I agree that the wiki page isn't really disclaiming some pretty necessary things about working with approximations or a pretty basic model (because basing everything on the assumption a few basic items are 100% worth the gold of their stats is at least creating a in-of-itself non-subjective system), but I think you could phrase that criticism a lot more constructively yourself (or explain what you criticise so readers here can support or disagree with your argument or refutation, rather than a simple contraditing statement).

Yeah I have a bad habit of replying to poorly-worded sarcastic arguments with poorly-worded sarcastic arguments.

I know you're working with the best things you have without just making up values subjectively.

23 Mar


Originally posted by Penya

Phreak has been great in these.

Yo, thanks! You've been great in this comment section!


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

all completed items are over 100% gold efficient

You might want to tell the guys that run the wiki that then.#Item_Statistics) I'm sure they'd like to know that a ton of their calculations are wrong.

Please tell me you realize how unscientific and biased those calculations are. You actually can't be serious right now.


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Think of the cutdown value if it worked like that :o



Originally posted by ketzo

Uh, are you saying 70 + 90 + 110 + 130 + 150 = 550 free gold is worthless?

This rune is super, super good. High-risk, high-reward; you need to get the stacks early to make them worth it, and make sure you can really press the advantage it gives you.

But if you do, you get to play with two free kills of extra gold.

Every single Electrocute/Dark Harvest/Predator jungler or midlaner will take this in 9/10 games.

Also keep in mind that, unless you're really bad at the game, gold is worth more than its "gold in stats," since all completed items are over 100% gold efficient.


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

Additionally, Nidalee has a self-heal and a 3-second cooldown zero-cost leap that clears walls.

Lets not take in account the pros of Zoe and Kai'sa...

Yes. Champions have strengths and weaknesses.

In terms of being a poke champion, the ability to outrun everyone except Rammus in a footrace while self-healing any counter-poke is a pretty meaningful strength. What exactly is your counterplay meant to be there?

Damage on Zoe sticks. Unless you gave her a flash (which you can't while chasing), she doesn't have any escapes. Even her CC is delayed to give you more chances to knock her down.