That makes no sense.
He's been averaging 50% winrate across low to high elo despite the high playrate. Compare that to Azir, Syndra, Ryze and other pro play champions and tell me who's tuned down and who isn't.
Yasuo has fancy mechanics, but in the end he's another mobile champion with muscle memory combos that gets to autoattack you to death even when failing everything in 1v1; gets ridiculous virtual tankiness through itemization, sustain and passive reset with the additional power to make any projectile champion useless for seconds; gets ridiculous free engage because he can press R on any champion's fart. Many other champions require more micro and macro than him, includes those i mentioned above.
Stop with the Yasuo waking, you're not fooling many of us anymore. We know you guys can market him for millions of profit, but it's getting old.
If the average Azir player had as much experience as the average Yasuo player, Azir would have like a 53% solo queue win rate.