

16 Sep


Originally posted by aithosrds

Good, because unless there is something I'm really missing I don't see how this is a difficult feature to implement and for those of us who have been playing CS for over 15 years using left-handed models it *REALLY* throws us off.

If you really want to be awesome including the third option for left hand gun and right hand knife would make you ballers.

In terms of effort, it depends. Some things seem like they should be easy but are hard, and some things that you'd think would be hard are really easy. I'm not closely integrated with the team doing this work so can't speak to specifics; all I know is that it's being worked out.

09 Sep


Originally posted by ShacObama

Is left hand model still on that list? I heard something about it a while back, since then nothing.

Oh yes.

08 Sep


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

As far as I know, there is currently no option to turn this off.

Correct, but we can look at the option.

To OP: Do you want them off all the time, or would it be preferable for them to fade out as you get closer to looking directly at them?


Originally posted by dissonant_string

Whether this gets implemented or not, the level of involvement shown by the devs in the community will never cease to amaze me. Kudos to you guys for this.

We maintain a reaaaalllllyyy looooooong list of quality-of-life, accessibility, and other small improvements. I'm talking to a few people this week about accelerating the pace at which we get them into the game. Every team member wants to do more of these, but the challenge is prioritizing them against all of the other new, big, complicated stuff.

Hoping to have an update for you all soon.

01 Sep


We have a weird bug right now where the filters from the Collections section are affecting the Agents section. Make sure the filter is set to show all agents.

Next patch will likely hide the filter on the Agents view to temporarily address this issue, and we'll sort the bug out ASAP.

31 Aug


Originally posted by skif91

Wow quick and prompt response, thank you for staying active and listening to the community

A group of us are talking this week about process changes to enable doing more of these smallish quality of life changes. They're not big ticket features but their values adds up fast and we want to be better at delivering more of them regularly.

I maintain a list based on feedback and analysis and it's easily 75+ line items. We want to start checking them off!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Do you have anything planned for players to be able to choose max_ping... Queue up, wait 5m to play with 90 ping vs 10 ping players it's not fair, I don't mind waiting another 5 or 10m but atleast when I dash I don't get teleported back, and when I shoot I asked my teammate if I did shoot and he says no, its kinda unfair. Im still waiting for that 35 ping promise.

I know there is some exploration being done around options for latency and data centers . I don't know the exact nature of the work or where it'll end up, but it's an active topic of discussion and effort.


We have a task to freeze the map until you close it. Not sure when it'll happen but it's pretty small so hoping to squeeze it in sometime soon.

28 Aug


Originally posted by enkeyz

4 months later, still nothing. Well done!

It's all about prioritization. We haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for your patience.

27 Aug


Originally posted by Galse22

You mean: countdown and number of kills display? Yeah. That'd be pretty good.



Originally posted by ambivalent_teapot

Hey if I could make a suggestion, it would be really nice to be able to turn down just the gunfire sound but keep other audio cues. I have sound sensitivity meaning I can only tolerate quiet sounds, anything remotely loud causes quite a bit of pain. Intense piercing sounds like gunfire are especially bad. Right now I'm having to turn all sfx way down when playing which means I can't hear footsteps. Btw Guardian is by far the worst gunfire for me, the sound is very piercing and irritating.

Just a suggestion. There are quite a bit of people with sound sensitivity, it's part of multiple diseases.

Noted! I'll add it to the plans. Thanks for explaining it to me.


Originally posted by Slowpoke_Fieri

any plans for visualized audio options? i can understand why this could lead to issues but it would be great for the hearing impaired

Definitely, yes. We launched with a pretty basic set of accessibility features and we want to do a lot more in the space. Sound visualization is on the list and we have a specification written (that works for our kind of game). All that's left is to figure out timing/priority and do the work.

26 Aug


Originally posted by Hypern1ke

My instinct was to ask for the source.... but then I saw the flair

Happy to discuss non-verbal communication any time!


Originally posted by DistortionGG

Supposedly they're working on a better "ping" system. We'll see how it turns out!

Not a "better system", but an expansion of the current one into a few places, like ability intention.

24 Aug


Originally posted by IamHappyMike

how can you make size of crosshair line 1,5 pixel? It is not physicaly possible :)

Correct. Crosshairs are drawn pixel perfect, and you cannot draw half of a pixel on a display.

I agree with the spirit of OP's post, though. We still have a lot of things to add to the crosshair system. It's very v1.0.


Originally posted by ShadowDragon175

This is how you play omen. Confuse the f**k out of everybody.

Indeed. He's fascinating because, although he has vision blockers like other controllers, a lot of his "control" comes from psychological pressure (misdirection and paranoia).

10 Aug


Originally posted by DashSparkle

Valorant TTS is very poor. If anyone here ever played Paladins, you know what i'm talking about. It has a very intuitive and content rich TTS menu. I could play every match without even using any voice comms. Riot could learn a thing or two analising the Paladins TTS system.

Just some examples of how intuite it is:

to say "Need Healing" you needed only to tap "VHS" on the keyboard (V -Acess voice menu; H - Help; S - Self)

to say "I'll attack their left flank", "VSA1" (V - Acess voice menu; S - Self; A - Attack; 1 - left [2 is middle; 3 is right])

to say "Defend the left Flank", "VD1" (V - Acess voice menu; D - Defend; 1 - left [2 is middle; 3 is right])

And so on...

Appreciate the comment. Few things worth noting:

We're in the process of creating an initial round of new VO lines for major regions on the maps - A, B, C, Mid, etc. - so we can append those to ping and radio command audio. The regions already appear in chat, but having the characters say the regions out loud will make a big difference. We plan to add a lot more "tactical VO" over time.

We deliberately decided not to use the "first letter" approach (Tribes, Paladins, etc.) to keep the keypresses fast and accessible. For example, it's ergonomically difficult to keep your hand on WASD (especially if moving) and accurately press H without looking. People with smaller hands or limited movement will struggle even more with it.

As a default choice, the 1-6 number keys are easy to reach and many players already have muscle memory in place to find them. We also placed high priority commands on double tap or nearby presses (e.g. Need Help is V-1-1), so using even j...

Read more

06 Aug


Thanks for the thoughtful write-up! We'll digest the feedback and integrate into the roadmap accordingly.

31 Jul


Originally posted by sylvainmirouf

You're asking too much

Not at all - that was always the intention of the system. We just haven't gotten around to enhancements yet.