Originally posted by DashSparkle
Valorant TTS is very poor. If anyone here ever played Paladins, you know what i'm talking about. It has a very intuitive and content rich TTS menu. I could play every match without even using any voice comms. Riot could learn a thing or two analising the Paladins TTS system.
Just some examples of how intuite it is:
to say "Need Healing" you needed only to tap "VHS" on the keyboard (V -Acess voice menu; H - Help; S - Self)
to say "I'll attack their left flank", "VSA1" (V - Acess voice menu; S - Self; A - Attack; 1 - left [2 is middle; 3 is right])
to say "Defend the left Flank", "VD1" (V - Acess voice menu; D - Defend; 1 - left [2 is middle; 3 is right])
And so on...
Appreciate the comment. Few things worth noting:
We're in the process of creating an initial round of new VO lines for major regions on the maps - A, B, C, Mid, etc. - so we can append those to ping and radio command audio. The regions already appear in chat, but having the characters say the regions out loud will make a big difference. We plan to add a lot more "tactical VO" over time.
We deliberately decided not to use the "first letter" approach (Tribes, Paladins, etc.) to keep the keypresses fast and accessible. For example, it's ergonomically difficult to keep your hand on WASD (especially if moving) and accurately press H without looking. People with smaller hands or limited movement will struggle even more with it.
As a default choice, the 1-6 number keys are easy to reach and many players already have muscle memory in place to find them. We also placed high priority commands on double tap or nearby presses (e.g. Need Help is V-1-1), so using even j...
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