

17 Jun


Originally posted by JabberwockJack

To be honest the WORST part about Valorant is the UI. Everything is in a confusing place and nothing is organized efficiently. Burrito games could you hire a new UX/UI team and redo all of it for the next patch?

Next patch (or one after) has a bunch of changes that should bring the experience up a bit. We're still resolving a lot of leftover weirdness, experiments and incomplete work from pre-beta and beta. The list of to-dos is very long. Thanks for your patience.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Igorzlasu

The 1st point is especially weird, since the same thing is already implemented in the player cards menu.

But imo, these are all good changes.

Put all of the things I have unlocked in one place (i.e grouped at the start)

Make it clearer when an option is locked

Make it clear whether buddies are available or already assigned

Make it easier to see the actual buddy (they're tiny and semi transparent)

Agree, and all are coming.

  • The sorting issue is a bug we're fixing. You've correctly noted that it works that way elsewhere.
  • Filter for only showing owned stuff is coming Very Soon.
  • We're working on revising the "x2" count to show how many you have vs. how many are allocated. The assignment dropdown needs tweaking too - it acts oddly at times.
  • We're going to work on the thumbnail treatment to improve layout, preview size, and contrast.

There's a lot more, of course. We can't promise we're going to fix all of the issues in the first few patches but we see your frustration and feel much of the same the pain our...

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10 Jun


Originally posted by Dyynamik

I just love how it feels like every update, the order or placement of the buttons change lol. Jokes aside, the layout is clean and hopefully one gets decided on soon! Keep up the good work on the game!

This will taper off soon. We're still finalizing a bunch of stuff from the beta, so there will be changes for another patch or two. After that we'll leave things alone, I promise.


Originally posted by donotbesorrybebetter

I know you’ve probably heard or seen this one hundred times but the toggle walk is broken. Please. I miss this game. My tiny brain can’t hold shift, walk, stop, shoot, run, walk again, and shoot all at the same time.

It is known, and regrettable. Team is working on a fix.


Originally posted by Dokunly

If there's one thing I really care about in my games, it's consistency.

PLEASE move the buttons every update, it's genuinely hilarious to listen to my friends rage when they leave the range to ready up for a game via the exit & logout button

Raising that skill ceiling.


Originally posted by nishyman22

I think the new button sizes and positions are great , if you HAVE to have the logout button there for now. 👍

I wanted a little checkbox that remembered your last preference, but it has to be a button for now. We'll get it sorted out.


You all can direct your frustration at me.

This is one of those things where I have feedback from both sides, where people were hitting logout accidentally when it was in top, and now on the bottom. Depending on where your mouse is coming from you are more likely to hit one or the other. It's fundamentally flawed.

I have a bigger redesign of this and related things coming, which will resolve this issue for good and for everyone.

PS: For now we have to include a logout button, unfortunately, as it's required by the platform.


Originally posted by lameegghead

Fair point, maybe an option to enable it just on sage? We already have the health bars on the scoreboard, I don’t think any other agent really needs it

I need to verify but I think they only show up for Sage. If that's not the case then we have a bug.

09 Jun


Originally posted by Warrack


Maybe Valorant can have shoe cosmetics, like how CSGO has gloves and TF2 has hats 🤔 🤔 🤔

Tactical clogs.


Originally posted by deltaconspiracy3

U cant even see your own feet in the game 💀

But what if you could see your own shoes...


Originally posted by crrntjys

My brain doesn’t even register it’s Cypher when his hat isn’t on so I agree with you on this

But what if he had customizable shoes...

08 Jun


Originally posted by aecro

Idea: Have a small upwards arrow next to the scrollbar that lets us expand the bar into a tiled inventory like OP mentioned while hiding/drastically reducing the size of the weapon preview.

Grid view mode is on the road map!


Originally posted by labakr

I agree. I also find it extremely confusing.

What parts have been extremely confusing? I'm all ears.


Thanks for the write-up! Few notes for your consideration/follow-up:

  • Owned content should be at the front of the list. The buddies view is bugged right now, but that's being fixed in next patch.
  • A filter for "Only Show Owned Stuff" is coming in a patch pretty soon. Should help alleviate some of the issues finding the things you want.
  • There's a whole roadmap of enhancements for that view, and we'll keep incrementally improving it. Much more to come.
  • To address the choice to use the horizontal list: we wanted to maximize space for the 3D model/hi res preview and make it easy to step through all the options. Laying it out horizontally also allows us to use the bigger monitor dimension to show more thumbnails.

Sorry it's not working as smoothly as you'd like. As the UX designer I'm happy to shed a little light on a few of these:

  • The labels explaining the contract and battlepass widgets in the nav did not make it for launch in light of other priorities. The first versions of those are coming in the next patch. Hopefully, once you know what those are, you'll find the ability to spot check your progress from anywhere worth the new approach. If not, let me know!
  • If you're only seeing three skins below a gun, there are only three skins; the thumbnail area should expand to show more when there are more. There's a counter just below that shows the total count if you want to verify that what you're seeing is right.
  • The practice mode button is there because you can enter practice mode solo while still in a party, and only the party leader can select the mode options up top and put the party into queue. Practice is similar to entering queue, but has a different set ...
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07 Jun


Originally posted by VectroxHD

Yes ofc.

I have my jump bound to space and mwheeldown.

Sometimes ingame my mousewheel stops working. It has happened a few times.

I tried to do some research and tried to remember if i did anything in particular to make this happen.

My theory is: In the game where the problem has occured, i saw a "communication wheel" which i opened by mistake. When the wheel is open, you have to use mousewheel to navigate it and when it closes again, my scrollwheel does not jump anymore.

I have fixed it once by going back to the wheel and doing some thinggs i cant remember (closing it properly?) and my scrollwheel jump came back.

I will try to do some more research ingame and inform you :)

I'll look at the wheel's logic again and see if we missed something, and try to get a repro based on your description. Thanks for the report!

06 Jun


Originally posted by VectroxHD

I am still having this problem after release day

Can you describe your specific issue?


Buddies are bugged. They should be displaying like the others, with owned items at the front of the line.

We're also going to add a filter to only show owned items. Soon.

05 Jun


Upcoming patch has a little tooltip that points it out after you complete the tutorial. Should help.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Igorzlasu

Could there also be a way to know how to obtain the skins? I.e, some text in the corner saying shop, battlepass, contract, etc?

Also working on it!