

23 Jul


Tis the plan. Just need a few things to happen first.

16 Jul


Originally posted by TheLazarbeam

Gentle Giant fan?

Never heard of them but I'll check them out. Thanks for the reco!

15 Jul


Originally posted by Crobe

He just meant that there is no team leader for ranked currently due to person leaving the company so he cant answer most of the ranked questions because he cant confirm anything with that team leader until they have a person that fills that position and allocates the team tasks and figures out whats next for ranked team. wtf are these other comments even saying, its mind boggling.



Originally posted by 19Dan81

Yes. They can't do anything with the current one.

Edit: there's hope in the form of the below comment.

This is not correct, and some of the comments below are more accurate. The lead designer behind the current ranked system has left, but there are plenty of people still on the team who understand it both technically and from a design standpoint.

The feature has a temporary design owner, and we're actively sorting out 1) who will take over the design long term and 2) what changes need to happen next.

This has been made out to be more dire than it is.

09 Jul


Originally posted by sweenygg

It was discussed and replied by riot. They said that they had lots of conversation about this thing and decided to go with current system because some people would want to play their own skin.

But yeah I think it should be the way you said. Or maybe there should be a box on buy menu that you mark if you want to keep your own loadout when you request weapon.

We'll make it an option eventually, yea, so requests can go either way. Unfortunately, there are higher priorities so it may be a bit before we get to it.

06 Jul


Few folks on the team were talking about this recently, too. We're going to look into freezing the map until you close it. Not sure when it'll land though.

30 Jun


Do you want a keybind or would you prefer we auto-mute dead teammates after 7-10 seconds?

29 Jun


Noting this as a bug. Thanks!

Can you all clarify which maps this is happening on? And it's only at side switch, right?

26 Jun


Appreciate the feedback! You're right on about the color. It was my intention to tone down the sign out button but I ran out of time before the patch locked. I'm planning on having it ready for the next one.

That said, I disagree that "the right button is the main button" is a universal standard. As you know, button layout depends a lot on context and platform. Many confirmation dialogs place the primary/likely action on the left because of reading direction and a few other factors.

Taking a quick glance, these all feature [PRIMARY] [SECONDARY] button layouts for their dialogs:

  • Windows
  • Steam
  • Fortnite
  • Chrome
  • CSGO
  • Apex Legends
  • League of Legends

Now, most of these have a cancel action on the right, which is a lot less destructive than the sign out we have in Valorant. Nonetheless, my expectation is that most players will want to exit without signing out, which is why it's in that left "p...

Read more

25 Jun


Originally posted by j_2_the_esse

Thanks. So if there were two enemies visible when the player died, would it show one single indicator pointing to the middle of the two enemies? Or one for each enemy?

One for each.


Once we get some enhancements to the display of weapon stats finished, it's my personal goal to integrate them into the weapon details views as a subsection for each gun. I also want to make a master comparison table that includes all weapons so you can compare across them.


Originally posted by Rooslin

Are the numbers not representative of the number of pixels? 1 being a 1 pixel thickness outline, 2 being a 2 pixel thickness outline, etc

Correct; they are pixel perfect measurements, and you cannot draw half of a pixel.


Originally posted by j_2_the_esse

Can you link me to the tutorial please?

I’m a bit confused - so it points to multiple enemies? A lot of people seem to think it’s teammate’s death location.


We haven't yet added them to the initial tutorial, unfortunately.

The elements point to the last known locations of any enemies your teammate could see when they died.

24 Jun


It's still a single click to display the Exit button, though we added a confirmation dialog. Can you elaborate on where you're feeling friction?

17 Jun


Originally posted by Sayachan

Brother please don't make Sova players cry by shifting UI elements around too much

No HUD changes this time around; your lineups are safe!


Originally posted by worldends23

I just want to quit the game but the next thing I knew I already logged out.

Now it's one button. Which is a bummer because I get paid every time someone logs out.


Originally posted by ikjb

Genuine question, why did you guys release the game with still so many bugs and issues still in it? I know people are describing it now as an open beta, but why did it never actually go into open beta?

I can't speak for anyone but myself because I haven't discussed this with the leadership group, but - especially being a free game - my personal opinion is that it was good enough in the places that mattered most to be opened to the public.

People will inevitably have differing opinions on where that threshold of "doneness" should be, but there's really no such thing as completely "done" for a live service game these days. There's always more to do!

It's also worth noting that some things are hard to see until you've released to a large audience, like certain types of bugs, exploits, etc. Releasing is a pretty essential step toward improving the game as a whole, in my opinion.


Originally posted by --Nimbus--

Don't forget to actually add the thing you mentioned in the patchnotes, but didn't actually add: the setting to always show the inventory (aka loadout) in bottom right.

It's in the next one. We found an issue with translation of the setting name, so it had to stay hidden. Fixed now.