

27 Sep


It would be cool to see some fan art that you made of your favorite champion.

26 Sep


If you're duoing with him, then a bot lane pairing might be nice. I'd suggest Jinx as a great entry point champion that is a lot of fun.

25 Sep


I'm so excited!!!!

22 Sep


Originally posted by surlytempo

Thissssss. LoLpc has soooo many good rune options. /u/r0guefool Could you share some of the hopes and challenges your team is facing with different runes and what we can hope to see in coming patches?

The team agrees that we want more rune choices, nothing you'll be seeing right away though. It's a matter of priorities and we have been focusing on other areas that we feel we can better improve.

We currently have no plans to bring over LoLPC's rune system or the full set of runes. There are some really good and interesting runes, but also many that overlap and fill similar roles. But we like the simplicity that comes with the current Wild Rift rune system. This makes it much easier to learn when swapping roles/situations. There is still room to improve. The rune changes a few months back went a long way to providing variety and situational rune choices, to the Resolve and Inspiration trees, but we still have work to do with the Domination tree.

This doesn't mean we won't bring over certain keystones/runes and possibly change up/add minor runes. Just that we want to be surgical about what ones we bring over, do they bring something we are currently lacking? How do...

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21 Sep


Originally posted by I-Try-2606

I would love to have Kai'Sa's ult be resettable on takedowns :3

The horror.

20 Sep


Originally posted by gangwithani

Isn't deadman's plate the go to first item as you can gapclose faster with w and the e knockup and then q so you can guarantee locking down a target instead of having more ability haste to miss hooking targets more because you can't close the gap

Definitely a great item for him, and rushing at a target can work. But you might not need the armor and Blitz rushing in to knock up means you don't get the displacement power that comes with a hook. The E>can be great for locking someone down but if that is what your looking for Leona or Alistair do it better, Blitz brings in the ability to hook your target while keeping yourself safe. The risk is the high CD and mana cost of Blitzcrank's Q. Fimbul removes that risk, while also making you tanky.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Yup. Love the health especially since Zekes only give resistances. Cooldowns good too.

Ya Im unsure what his second item should be, likely a boot enchant or situational item. Zeke's makes sense, specially with it's duel stats.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

The problem I have with this is that the shield passive from Fimbel turns on when I hook somebody, when I don’t need a shield.

There feels like there’s no synergy and I have no real control to when I want the shield to come up.

Your right the shield is a little less valuable for Blitz here, it'll still come into play in team fights but ya the shield is really the least valuable part for him.

He makes good use of the health, and the Mana means he can use abilities more. But he is also converting mana into his shielding with his passive, and ability haste so he can be even more if a CC bot. The Fimbul shield is really icying on the cake for him.

19 Sep



I HIGHLY recommend getting this first with Blitz.


Originally posted by Brucerino10

Yeah, soo champs like teemo who gets banned because ppl doesn't want it on the team and you guys confuse it for " teemo is too broken, he's being banned a lot". Doesn't seems so complex since you guys are nerfing off meta champs leaving op monsters destroying the rift since months.

Where are you hearing Teemo was nerfed due to people not wanting him on their team? Teemo was nerfed due to his ban rate, he has been a powerful pick for a while, last I saw his banrate was nowhere near the top.

This is why, like I have said throughout these posts, that the balance team uses multiple metrics to guide balance changes. It's not just a champions winrate, nor is it just their banrate.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

Woah, there's something like winrate by game length? That's incredible. This is the first time I've heard about it.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply! It really makes me think the balance behind this game isn't as easy as it looks like and it's actually really something complex. I have one last question, once a patch comes out do you guys instantly start working on the next patch or do you guys give it a few days to see how the changes you made to champs and such affected the game's meta?

The team actually starts working on Patch B before Patch A comes. Basically by the time the team locks a patches content we start working on the next one (but don't lock anything in) based on expectations or things we couldn't get to.

Then when patch A comes comes out we look at day early data to get an idea of what we should be working on. This might mean we discard work we had been planning for that patch, or we add things things. When first planning work for the patch the team plans for some amount of wiggle room so that we add things or adjust as needed.


Originally posted by PublicRotation

Don't worry about the delay! Thanks for the response. I love reading about what goes on during the balance process. It's very interesting.

Arent champions like Akali or Irelia hard to judge based off win rate? They're both very popular, high skill champions so their win rate gets brought down by the people who don't know how to play them and carry using them (or that's what I suppose)

It can be, but that is why we look at more than just their winrate. When looking at their winrate we don't look at at their overall winrate, but winrate at different skill levels, positions, winrate by game length, and builds. Then tailor balance changes to those, aspects. Things like pickrate, banrate, player perception, and difficulty of the champion also come into play on top of just a champions winrate.

18 Sep


Originally posted by ParanoidParrotMeIRL

Thanks… I just picked up Corki recently I feel like he’s a good counter to a lot of popular mid laners (good ADC too tbh). I will take note!

Ya he is a fun one. He is one of my go to champions when I'm mid lane.


Originally posted by ParanoidParrotMeIRL

Totally agree. I was playing corki last night and bought thornmail against a full AD team. It was my 4th item. It made a huge difference in surviving my package > burst > jet out

I wouldn't assume thornmail on Corki, but PD, GA, or BT seem like decent options.


I am surprised by the results I'm seeing, no winning out by a decent amount. This likely explains why so many people struggle vs assassins. Zonyas, RoA, Seraph's, Reflector are all really good for surviving a rough lane.

And anyone will tell you a dead dps deals no dps so you might trade a bit of up front burst but that extra time can go a long way. Maybe you only get another spell or two in a team fight, but maybe it means you don't need to back as frequently, get poked out before a fight, or give away a kill that lets the enemy snowball.


Originally posted by Eldrekin

Hey Rogue when will you guys nerf rengar Again and make him unplayable like asol, next patch maybe ?

Seems unlikely the balance team would do that, Asol has always been strong, he might just not be the champion for you, if your interested in playing him I suggest checking out some guides and roaming with him more.

As for Rengar, he has been on the stronger end for a bit and is always a frustrating champion when he gets ahead. If your struggling with him too then it maybe don't dive in 1v4?


Originally posted by John__Gotti

what about the placebo effect? perhaps you could make a cosmetic buff, which is unlikely to increase Asol's overall winrate in the long term, but the very presence of the buff will always give a boost to popularity. for example, if you reduce the recharge time of "E", does that make it stronger? Or add a little magic resistance to him, so that it would be a little easier to survive the line phase against his direct counters (Diana, Fizz, Katarina)

It's not much of a placebo if it actually help his winrate vs certain champions. But as the the idea itself, players are smart there isn't a buff that we could do that would make the average player FEEL he is strong that wouldn't also make him crazy OP. And something small wouldn't make average players better at him without boosting the power of an already powerful champion.

Even if there was a placebo buff we could do the issue isn't his power level. It's a combination of things that basically boils down to him having a high skill floor, with low satisfaction for most players, and an unclear way to judge success/express power.


Originally posted by final566

he was extremely popular in Wild Rift until the nerfs which basically killed him off for the average players because they lack (Macro)

He was more popular, still not very popular, when he was even more crazy OP. That was when the game was brand spanking new and he was sitting at around a 60% winrate across the board (higher than any champion has ever had in the game). That winrate would likely grow as players became more familiar with him, and for hardcore Asol players his winrate must have been through the roof.

Players weren't playing him because of the fantasy, it was basically a free win to pick him they were being bribed with his power. Like I have said plenty of times he is still one of the strongest champions, and likely the strongest in the right hands. Yet he is unpopular.

You are right that the average player prefers micro over macro plays. Macros plays are harder to appreciate, and feel, and that is what Asol is all about. A buff to his power level doesn't change that.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Ah understood thanks for elaborating this to me although I might be a tad biased and would like to see some love given to our cosmic dragon but eventually he'll get worked on I guess and we just have to wait, although I main Akali and Irelia and sometimes play Yasuo, Asol peaked my interest ever since I started playing and is still to this day my favourite mage, he might be a tad under powered compared to other mages at the moment but at least he's never banned and very rarely picked so that's a win, thanks for your time R0gue I appreciate you being interactive and helpful with posts like these!

No problem I love these kinds of topics and he is a very interesting champion. He has a lot of things going on that make him a tough champion design problem. Like you said cosmic dragon is appealing and we do wish that he was appealing on the mechanical/gameplay side to match it.

Though he is far from under-powered, he unquestionably strong, and I suspect even strong than we think.


Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

So pretty much his only hope would be some kind of rework to his kit Im guessing?

Honestly that usually tends to go very well like Mundo and Warwick or just end up dissapointing most of the champion's mains like Rengar for example (Rengar mains on PC have been pretty displeased with his recent rework since it lowered his skill ceiling apparently).

Its pretty tricky honestly so pretty much unless the guys working on league PC don't plan anything for him he won't be seeing any changes in that regard?

I wouldn't say that, the two games are different and we have champions with tweaked abilities. But he has this same problem in PC so if either team could find something appealing that worked to broaden his appeal, while still appealing to Asol players I suspect both games would want to move in that direction.

We aren't actively working on him right now, but he is a topic that comes up a lot. It's really a matter of finding what we can chance without changing him too much. Basically it's a narrow target that everyone has ideas about, but nothing that gets everyone saying "hell ya, that'll do it!".