

07 Oct


There are a lot of things we take into account when deciding when a champion should be brought over. But at it's core...

We want to prioritize bringing over champions you all like.

We want a diverse set of champions for positions, classes, roles, etc.

We consider how a champion plays with Wild Rifts controls. Do they have unique/interesting abilities that Wild Rift's controls can take advantage of? Maybe it's something we can enhance with twin stick controls, like Nunu's E, ASol's E, or Ashe's R. Or a champion who we think can take advantage of our controls well, see Rammus or Singed.

There is also a lot that goes into when a champion should be released. We don't want to release a bunch of champions for the same class/position in a row. And we want to make sure players don't have to wait too long to get a champion they can be excited for. Basically, we want to make it so that everyone has a champion for them.

These goals also evolve over tim...

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06 Oct


Originally posted by shinigami656

Here's the thing tho. If your team truly needs a tank, not picking a tank is a sure loss. Your teaammatrs aren't the only ones going to miss something. If your carry is very weak early in the game, and there is no tank to peel him in the start, it's your loss. If the opponent has two fed assassins and there's no tank, it's your loss. Even if you're winning lane, if someone in another lane keeps getting turret dived and killed, the fed enemy is coming for you next. Whatever contribution you make, it's for yourself too cause you're playing with a team. It's not a sacrifice, it's just sensible.

This this this this this!

05 Oct


Originally posted by Dr_Zoster

It feels like tanks have way less resistance than their pc counterparts, how does that work if it's supposed that the other archetypes share (more or less) the same stats?

This likely has more to do with perception than reality, as I hear similar things about tanks in PC being squishy. In both games however your odds of winning drastically shoot up if you have a tank on your team.

Looking at Malphite here are his base tank stats in both games.

Level 1 WR / PC
AR 45 / 37
MR 38 / 28
Health 650 / 574
Level cap
AR 106 / 101
MR 61 / 49
Health 2260 / 2104

However, if we are comparing across games, the largest difference is going to come from the item systems where the games are drastically different at this point. Both with tank item builds, but also in damage options.

But why can't tanks function in a MOBA like they can in an MMO? By that, I mean why can't you ever become unkillable. Basically, this comes down to the goal that the game needs to end, and if players could reach an unkillable state then this would DRASTICALLY slow down the game, to the point where nothing could happen. ...

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03 Oct


As rule, a champion's stats should be similar. But there are a few notable things to call out here though, champions end to have slightly more base Health, Base Mana Regen, and Base Bonus Attack Speed, outside of that they should be in a similar ballpark to their PC counterparts.

With all that said stats do get adjusted separately when balancing both games, I wouldn't expect this to drastically change a champion's stats, but it will mean that matching all stats 1:1 is not going to happen.

02 Oct


Originally posted by alltodanceagain

That match WAS with a full group of my friends!

That game was just a punctuation to my point. Both literally and figuratively as it was the first game I had after making the thread! I also only bring it up because you are apparently a riot employee and this is a “systemic issue.”

kills are celebrated, objectives aren’t. This leads to the community going insane in many ways. It’s hard to win the game when people are confused as to what winning actually is.

You CAN push as any champion, you can take down objectives as any champion, but others do it better. Jinx is one of the best for it mid/late game, Kai’sa is better but has a rough early game. The problem is adc’s by definition are team-reliant.

For example as to what the point of the thread is: People always like “hard carry” champs for playing because you don’t need to rely on other players. Now what if you like to focus on objectives and aren’t a kill-based player? What are the “hard-carry...

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Kk, if you're looking for someone who can 1v9 carry by focusing on taking towers/objectives than I think Singed, Jax, Riven, Fiora (really take your pick of a split pusher) is going to be your best way to go about it in a way that involves as little team interaction as possible. Ziggs is great at taking towers, but generally can't handle well on his own vs these champions.

Neutral objectives are always going to have a larger focus on team coordination but if you want to make sure that you don't need to rely on anyone to secure the objective than you should be the jungler, and Nunu is going to be the best for securing these.


Originally posted by whackholez

Step 1) pick nunu Step 2) get to objective first Step 3) spam ping objective and attack when it spawns Step 4) profit

Step 5) Ride your Yeti off into the sunset without looking back at the explosion.


Originally posted by alltodanceagain

I agree on these, but I think the game has a severe systemic problem.

I just played a game where I singlehandedly split pushed ALL three lanes to nexus as jinx. We had all tier 2 towers still up and they had nothing. We still lost. I repeat: the enemy team had no towers for well over 10-15 minutes before the game ended, and we still lost because 4 of my teammates were playing aram.

the 27 kill akali (yes, TWENTY-SEVEN KILLS) was constantly flaming me for not fighting mid. the two others on my team were telling me to uninstall or to commit suicide. our jungler didn’t even have smite but it didn’t matter because he was ganking all game anyways.

My team spent ALL game in mid farming kills since minute five. We lost multiple lanes because of it. I then decided to just go all focusing objectives.

when my team aced the enemy team multiple times, they just sat there waiting in mid for the enemy to come back. they totally ignored dragon and baron. t...

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I'm sorry you had a bad game, I truly am but this sounds like you're talking about a separate issue than who can take objectives, in fact from what you're saying it sounds like you could have taken them with anyone.

If the enemy team had no towers left for 10-15 minutes you might want to group with them for team fights, not a lot else you can go for at that point anyway, and you should be at full build. Plus fighting in the mid lane when the enemy has nothing likely means you win from the side lanes pushing anyway, especially after scoring an ace, the minions alone should do the brunt of the work.

The game does tactically discourage teams from ARAMing mid, this is what the other two lanes and objectives do. I'm not sure what you mean by winning the "straightforward way" team fights have, and always will be, a valid and common tactic.

Regarding the "shiny graphics and loud noises" this is typically called "juice" and really makes something feel good. But it a...

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Originally posted by SmallIndieCompany

How come you guys never reply in the posts complaining about trolls, afkers, and bad players? Are you guys purposely ignoring the problem?

We have plenty of smarter people than me working on these kinds of problems. But I haven't worked on teams that deal with those kinds of issues so I can't speak to much. So it makes much more sense for me to stick to areas where I can at least pretend I know what I'm talking about.


Originally posted by RedKingDre

Does Ziggs fall into the same type? I mean, his A2 is literally a turret executor.

Oh ya I would put Ziggs in here for sure. His tower damage is a huge part of why he is so popular in Elite and pro play.


Originally posted by okarab

I want more of this event.

IMHO the events team knocked it out of the park with this one. Kudos to them on a really well-done event.


Generally, this would be split pushers like Singed or Jax, but Nunu is the BEST at controlling neutral objectives (Drake, Elder Drake, Herald, and Baron).


Originally posted by Rhesonance

That implies Nunu should get kill gold and assist gold when he kills someone??

He donates the extra gold to charity.


Id say that ideally the kill goes to your jungler or carry, but if your options are taking the kill vs a high risk of your opponent getting away/getting a kill, the support should risk taking the kill.

01 Oct


Originally posted by Klemkray

I'm happy to keep having this discussion but I need you to acknowledge that we do look at a lot of things when deciding balance changes, and everything can be broken down into "rates" rates are an aggregate and move past an individual's experience. And I don't think you want us balancing the game that way, or we would have never nerfed Akali, who I personally felt was rather weak from the number of times I laned against her. Luckily we try not to allow our subjective experiences to be the primary guide and instead use all these things that I mentioned above.

Different elo groupswinratespick ratesban ratewinrate by game lengthplayer perceptionsome amount of pro playitem/rune choicescompeting championsmastery curves

All of these influence who gets balance changes, and what those changes are. This is the foundation for this discussion and if we can't accept that this is what the team uses than everything else falls apart.

Yes I acknow...

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if we look at her potential and what good players do with her or get good with her

Your right she is a champion with a high skill floor/ceiling. And my experience isn't what we want to balance off of, that's the reason that we put more weight on aggregate data. Glancing at that data I would say she is currently one of the weakest champions in the game right now but is very tricky to find a way to get her into a healthy spot without being a frustrating nightmare.

I mean you had casuals on Reddit complain 24/7 about her kat,fizz,zed(btw those champs are still good but I don’t think their OP .. lol starting to see a trend here.

A few things here, I think it's hard to call anyone posting on this subreddit casual. Players might be different skill levels for sure, but the fact that they are taking the extra time, outside of the game, to talk about the game is a very not casual behavior. You typically only se...

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Originally posted by Mr_Opel

yeah, I just personally have been feeling that winrate has been over-emphasized as of late. Correct me if I'm wrong - winrate is the primary reason champions like Rammus, Sona, Amumu, Mundo, and other simple champions are being nerfed? Because none of those champions have great play-rates and are almost never banned, and are rarely perceived as OP champions.

Idk, I think the easy-to-play champions are being excessively hit because of how their ease of play innately boosts their winrate, and champions like Lee-Sin, who is genuinely broken:


keeps avoiding nerfs because his difficulty (and to an extent, popularity) skews how strong he truly is.

I also think recently buffed champions should have more time in the limelight, especially if they're not being complain...

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Yes those champions were all winrate related, being some of the highest winrate champions at High-Elite levels of play. And there is a fair argument to be made that a champion's pickrate should be a larger factor. Its all a balancing act, and but (to be clear this numbers are extreme and made up) if a champion had a 70% winrate with a low, but still meaningfully representative, pick rate do you think its worth nerfing the champion? I guess what I'm interested in hearing your opinion of is what you think these bounds should be?

Easy to play hasn't been the focus with any of those nerfs though, or really any nerfs, we can factor that out by looking at a champions mastery curve (looking at data from players with over X games played on the champion), and the fact that we focus on high-elite levels of play for balance changes.

Looking at the data you linked I can see what Lee Sin is such a focus. But what I see is that the 4 of the top 5 picks are junglers. 6-7 (depend...

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Originally posted by GoDSmokeWeedToo

I think Yi needs a Nerf don't you think so too!!!?



Personally, nope. Yi is one of the best at getting Penta kills though.

30 Sep


Originally posted by Klemkray

I appreciate the reply goat since I’m very passionate about this since I play the game 24/7 and understand how the game and its characters operate by themselves and in a team environment. 1. Regarding jhin- you say his rates are good which first of all is understandable since you can win with any champ in this game in most Elos below diamond. Rates don’t tell the whole story. I’m guessing his play rate is low in high elo since I don’t see him. Isn’t that a helpful indication that he starts to fall off the higher you go. I can tell you this jhin, miss fortune, and Ashe are the weakest adcs in the game compared to kasia,ez, corki, Lucian who dominate. Theres no if and or butts around it. No matter if the rates are the same for those champs doesn’t something need to be done to bring them up a little? I believe we can’t just always look at rates and say ok jhin has the same rates as corki it’s balanced ! Because we all know jhin can’t hang he needs something to help him more. Good pl...

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I'm happy to keep having this discussion but I need you to acknowledge that we do look at a lot of things when deciding balance changes, and everything can be broken down into "rates" rates are an aggregate and move past an individual's experience. And I don't think you want us balancing the game that way, or we would have never nerfed Akali, who I personally felt was rather weak from the number of times I laned against her. Luckily we try not to allow our subjective experiences to be the primary guide and instead use all these things that I mentioned above.

Different elo groupswinratespick ratesban ratewinrate by game lengthplayer perceptionsome amount of pro playitem/rune choicescompeting championsmastery curves

All of these influence who gets balance changes, and what those changes are. This is the foundation for this discussion and if we can't accept that this is what the team uses than everything else falls apart.


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Originally posted by Sea-Tap-8562

Basically it will match plat and below together and above that together.

You'll only get gold tiers and below if the population is really low or not enough of your tier are playing pvp.

Where is this idea coming from? This is not the case, normal PVP uses an MMR system and will match you with people around your MMR. This system is also separate from your ranked MMR.


Originally posted by Rygar-the-great

Normals and ranked MMR are separate.



Originally posted by Klemkray

What’s up with jhin not being buffed ? He’s not even used in pro play, high elo and when he is is used in low elo he is dogmeat compared to the top 3 adcs. Curious do you guys look at tier Lists and take those into account? I can name 20 champs that I haven’t even seen in months in ranked because they are so weak. And why can’t we nerf and buff more champs every patch compared to the usual 5 imo. The game is better when meta is always evolving. It’s been stale since the new items. And don’t just look at rates all the time. I’ve played over 4K games balancing isn’t bad but you need to look into these champs because they are super good if you watch pro play renekton, riven, ziggs, nami, lee sin, twisted just to name a few because those champs r nowhere near balanced but since ppl suck with them in low elo nothing is gonna be done?

We do pay attention to tier lists, as I said in the above post we pay attention to community perception and do take it into account both targets for, and the severity of, balance changes. We also take into account balance changes for different elo ranges and target changes in such a way to better hit the targeted elo bracket. So a champion dominating in lower elos will get nerfs targeting that bracket just like a weak one at elite levels of play will receive changes targeting elite elo buffs.

I am interested to hear why it's always "because X champion is bad in low elo" in Jhin's case he has been slightly strong outside of elite play...where he is doing just fine and it doesn't make sense to buff a champion when that is the case.

There are some that are very popular in pro play, and we do keep an eye on it, but it hasn't been our primary focus where many of these champions don't perform at a pick/ban level, let alone strong, outside of that level of play.