I agree with you actually (one of my mains is Singed), it's true that OTP Singed/ASol and maybe Teemo plays the game very differently and it's still effective af
Although I think you guys might have hammered Liandry far too badly, I'm not joking when I say that I literally don't see that item anymore. Unironically all 3 champions usually buys Liandry
I even swapped to buy Rylai/Morello instead of Rylai/Liandry simply because of how bad and a waste of gold it was
I think you guys are starting to hit the same problems that the League balancing team has been bumping into and still unable to solve:
How to balance OTP winrate vs general pop winrate, unpopular champions like Swain etc etc only have a "fair" winrates because of the One-tricks in the server, but in general that champ is almost kinda garbage (outside his niche APC role at the bot lane)
If it takes an honest to god One-trick to make a certain champion work, then maybe that champion nee...