

30 Aug


Originally posted by mlsucksXd

r/R0gueFool will you buff miss fortune? She is unplayable in high elo my friends show me site that she had 39% wr in master + tier is this true? Because after I reached emerald I start to lose so much with her.

Ya far from 39%. We don't have a single champion with that low of a winrate in their primary or secondary role at any elo. For context we have some rules set up that say if a champion's winrate is below 45% or greater than 55% in their intended roles we MUST respond. And really that rule doesn't come into play very often. The VAST majority of champions fall into the 48%-52% range.

MF is a champion who either needs to get a strong lead early or have a team focused around team fights. If we were to change that we would have to drastically change MF's gameplay. Its more likely that as you climbed the ladder you are playing against better players, and part of the reason you were winning so much is because you were much better than your opponents, thus the ability to climb. If you see yourself on a team that can hold people in place MF will always be a great pick.


Originally posted by roguetrop

I never liked Crit Rengar even on PC, i don't like having a not too reliable stat I'd rather prefer a 100% sure less damage than 50% chance more damage than Arpen or 50% less damage than Arpen.

His main build always have a IE but i don't like at all

Ya, personally not my favorite either, and I'll tilt every time he jumps on me. Wav3brake even sent me a clip of Rengar bursting someone when we released Rengar.

But crit builds do go along way to differentiating Rengar's builds from other assassins, and that can be a good thing. Especially when he can choose different styles based on the needs of the game.


Originally posted by Certain_Persimmon_52

But Annie with Magic Pen on Boots would be a dream. She could vary her Build more or be stronger vs Tanks with her Ult. Could make her viable in High Elo too 🤤 with some Pen by boots she even could build maybe some tankier Items to be a bit more of the back-row breaker without neccesarily dying right away because full build pen might give her room for like a Abyssal Mask. Coming from someone that loves to Flash + Protobelt for the carrys far behind. It's a ultra risky play but that's why I love Annie so much haha Mundo might be viable with the Gargoyle Enchant.

About AD/MR, that wouldn't change much, most Protobelt user would still be one-shotted. And like making more AP items that give Armor/MR may break the game. Imagine a Kata or Akali or Orianna with more than Crystalline Reflector. It would be a nice solution to give everyone the opportunity for a flexible build since they can gain up to 20 AP/AD Pen/to counter a tank in Late Game a bit better (no one likes a Late Game...

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MPen boots would be strong for Annie for sure. But we already have 2 MPen items and adding more would give a LOT of power to MPen focused champions, and blow up squishies. Though it wouldn't be terribly strong vs tanks, flat pen tends to be strong vs squishy targets, this is why you see AP and AD assassins building flat pen, while %pen is better vs tanks.

Though the core issue I was bringing up is that Mpen/ARpen is a great stat for champions like Annie, but not so much for many other protobelt users like Alistar. I actually think this would further restrict boot enchants. Right now champions tends to have a few different boot enchant options, but as soon as we put stat binding on them than many players will feel that they need to buy a particular enchant because of the stats, and less for the active that they provide. Maybe that is ok, it really depends on what the design goals, but trade offs need to be into account with any design change.

Annie is also rather s...

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Originally posted by roguetrop

Well, i though the nerfs were based on ER and chargeblade but didn't make any sense to me at the time of the nerf since we Rengar mains don't build these items on him, not at least on ranked matches.

Armor penetration items combined with trinity force is always better, it's interesting to see that Rengar is performing well in a game where the map is so small

I'd save give those a try, crit Rengar does work. As some who would MUCH rather see Arpen for AD assassin, crit is still very strong and shouldn't be disregarded.

Triforce is still a great item on him, and I'm not saying ARpen is weak by any means just that, to my personal sadness, crit is still a powerful stat for him.

The small map helps him a lot.


Originally posted by roguetrop

About essence reaver, the damage it gives is pretty bad for burst champs like Rengar so why did he got a nerf based on this item?

And there's any chance on bringing LOL PC essence reaver? I mean AD assassin itemization is lacking on Wildrift.

His nerfs were not based off ER, Rengar was strong over all, and thus needed nerfs (he got new items, and bugfix buffs, and was in a good place before all that happened).

ER brings all the stats that he is looking for, and the effect is still strong when looking to burst.

Even on the current patch he is still slightly strong, and we could have arguably gone a tad harder on his nerfs last patch.


Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Anyway, is there any update on the balancing algorithm?

Sorry, not sure what you mean by balance algorithm.


Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Haha, well, OP said support so I don't put jungler. But if he wants jungle sure there's rammus, amumu is good initiator too

Fair point, both Amumu and Rammus are great, underrated initiators. But ya, not the best supports. I think the rest of your list has some great recommendations.


Originally posted by gangwithani

So does er rush have a higher winrate than any other 1st item?

It does, but it's not as common as BotRK. When the crit items were released (along with some Elite skewed Ashe buffs at the same time) we saw her Elite winrate jump up 2-3%. I personally wouldn't call her OP, but IMO she is the most underrated Marksmen in the game. If you practice curving her arrow you can do some real damage.

29 Aug


Originally posted by wildriftislife

Ashe is sleeper op people don't know her full potential. She always viable and good pick no matter the meta even in pc too.

As soon as more players pick up ER as a first item we'll see her shoot up. Until then keep curving those arrows.


Both seem to be preforming fine these days. Renek got some buffs after release, the Kitty cat did get some nerfs recently but is far from gutted.

Give them a try and win some nemesis duels.


Originally posted by al_lan_fear

I would rather be banning a counter pick or akali .. like.. c'mon no one imagined they'd have to spend an entire patch banning yi of all champions

He isn't so strong that you should feel you MUST ban him, he is on the stronger side for sure. But Yi is still beatable if you account for him. He'll beat a team of carries for sure, but banning tends to be a better indicator of player frustration than champion power (though there is obviously some relation between the two).


Originally posted by John__Gotti

he doesn't feel all that almighty. It can be easily cooled. But at the same time, he is the most frequent comeback maker. If we take as an example Akali or Katarina, who are also often banned, then you need to understand that not every player can cope with this champion, but if he does, then this is a very high chance of winning. And master yi is a champion who does not require a lot of ingenuity, just looking for luck, and spending a ban against "I'm lucky / not lucky" is somehow not professional)))

Luck is an interesting thing to throw in here, there is some element of luck with any champion, and the game being 5v5. He is a hyper-carry and making a comeback is part of that. Akali/Kat are a bit more snowbally than they are champions with huge comeback potential, though assassins tend to have a bit built in.

A big issue here is that Yi does a great job at "countering" team comps filled with carries/high damage. Carries tend to be very popular, so he is good at countering this behavior. However Yi's strength dramatically fall off if you have 1-2 tanks/forms of lockdown. Many players tend to drastically undervalue tanks, especially outside of the support position, but if you see a Yi, make sure you have a tank and it shouldn't be too big of a problem.


Originally posted by Rourke4

Not after you gutted him.

What gutting is that? He is STILL one of the strongest junglers at any elo, the last set of changes were intended to make him feel a bit better in the jungle, but he is still very strong. I have a friend who just climbed into masters almost exclusively with jungle Rammus.


Originally posted by SaltyRiven

gives adaptive ap/ad/armor/mr

or have another boot upgrade above active items that costs 500-1000g that gives you the mythic passive

Would each enchant have this same mythic passive with adaptive AP/AD/Armor/MR, protobelt is a great example of something used cross-class, but most enchants are used cross-class. Would Quicksilver also have adapt stats?

What would the trigger condition be AP/AD/Armor/MR? Would it just give you more of whatever you have purchased more of or do something a bit more complex given that you are looking at 4 different stats?

An enchant, enchant could be a solution for sure.


Originally posted by John__Gotti

hey what have you do with master yi? this is hell. And it's a pity to spend a ban on him and it's unrealistic to play against him😁

We over did it a bit with his buffs. He is a bit oppressive at all elos and we have some nerfs planned. I'm interested to hear more about what you mean by "it's a pity to spend a ban on him" could you elaborate for me?


Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Roamer, initiator and support. Seems like you like an engage support. Some recommendations I would give is braum, Leona, rakan, thresh, alistar, galio and maybe malphite. You can try them in practice mode and see which you like

:( no Rammus? The guy wreaks in the jungle.


This is an interesting idea. The biggest challenge I see is that it binds, or at least feels like it binds, champions to a particular active. And thus I am no longer buying the active for the active itself but instead for these stats, or I could be losing out on stats when I choose a different active. A good example here is Alistair and Annie who both love protobelt, but care about very different stats.

Do you see this as a ok, or a potential problem to solve if you were in charge of designing this?


How are you defining strongest here?

24 Aug


Originally posted by baconcleaner

Yeah, I can do that, no problem about it... but I was just wondering if I missed something in the games menu.

Ya if you're looking to dive into the juice lore than this is the site for you (https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/). It's got stories on every champion, lore ...

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Originally posted by SuperSocrates

I’m a relative noob and this is pretty tangential, but what is the difference between a mage build and an enchanter build? Is the enchanter build essentially the support build?

Generally ya, enchanters are typically played in the support position, with the dragon laner.

Mage builds typically focus on higher damage. Items like Luden's Echo, Void Staff, and Oblivion Orb are typically mage items. Champions like Ziggs, Aurelion Sol, or Annie are some good examples of mages.

Enchanters tend to focus on enhancing their allies. Ability Power is still a useful stat for them, but they "enchant" their allies rather than focusing on damage. Items like Harmonic Echos, Staff of Flowing Waters, and Ardent Censer all do this well. Champions like Janna, Sona, and Soraka, and Nami are some strong go to enchanters.

Seraphine is a champion designed to do both, depending on items and skill order.